Universal Registration Document 2022


Luminus had already entered into an agreement with Terranova as part of the European Commission’s “Green Octopus” programme. The aim is to make the port of Ghent one of the suppliers of green hydrogen in Belgium, in order to achieve decarbonisation of industrial uses, heavy-duty mobility, and the supply chain. The project involves connecting Luminus wind turbines and Terranova’s solar power plants to an electrolyser to produce green hydrogen starting in 2023.

Hydrogen projects in Italy

Edison is developing several electrolytic hydrogen production projects in Italy (see section “Italy”).

Hydrogen projects outside Europe

With major engagement on the part of EDF Renewables and the International Relations Department, the Group is also making progress with ambitious projects outside Europe combining renewable energy and hydrogen production internationally, in particular in North America, South America, and the Middle East. These geographies offer major development potential, with especially favourable conditions for renewable energy. Optimisation and trading: EDF Trading

EDF Trading (EDFT) is the EDF group’s interface to the wholesale energy markets providing market, optimisation and risk management services to EDF group as well as third parties. The company operates across Europe, North America and Asia in the wholesale markets for electricity, natural gas and LPG. EDFT also provides counterparties and customers with access to financial oil and environmental products. EDFT carries out LNG, coal and related freight activities, through JERA Global Markets in partnership with JERA of Japan.

EDF Trading’s registered office is located in London. The company has around 800 employees globally and its regulated activities are authorized by the UK’s financial market regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority.

Among other things, EDFT provides a full range of wholesale market services to EDF DOAAT (see section 1.4.3 “Optimisation activities in France”) and EDF Customers Division in France and serves as a route to market for other entities of EDF group.

European Electricity market

EDF Trading is a leading participant in the European electricity wholesale market trading over 2,000TWh annually. The company provides a full range of risk management services to EDF group’s asset operators and to third parties. It has a wide geographic footprint and scale of activity which makes it able to adapt quickly to changes in the market and to develop new business and to take advantage of market opportunities where appropriate.

Japanese Power market

EDF Trading commenced physical trading of Japanese Power in 2022 after setting up an office in Tokyo and plans to continue developing its physical and financial Japanese power business as the Japanese power market evolves.

European Gas

EDF Trading is a leading participant in the European gas wholesale market trading 593bcm annually. It optimises EDF entities’ gas assets including transmission rights, long-term supply contracts and re-gasification and storage capacities. This enables EDFT to support the EDF group and third parties with complete gas wholesale market solutions.

North American wholesale markets

EDF Trading North America is a leader in the wholesale energy markets in North America, where it benefits from broad geographical coverage, offering solutions to customers across the entire North American energy value chain. It provides energy management solutions, natural gas supply, and real-time services for electricity producers in the USA. As one of the leading suppliers of generation services for power plants in the USA, EDF Trading North America manages over 31GW for 124 electric power plants owned by third parties (1). For retail energy aggregators, it provides supply services on the wholesale market, as well as services to interface with Independent System Operators (ISOs) in various states in North America.

Retail sales operations in North America

In 2022, EDF Trading sold its North American retail operations to BP.

Environmental products

EDF Trading is committed to the environmental products marketplace and, in line with the EDF raison d’être, it offers a broad range of multi-commodity hedging solutions that support the EDF group and third parties decarbonization targets around the world. EDF Trading is active in the compliance and voluntary carbon markets, guarantees of origin certificates in Europe, Renewable Energy Certificates in the US, and International Renewable Energy Certificates in the rest of the world. In addition, it is a recognised provider of risk management products in the European weather market. In 2022, EDF Trading began trading physical green fuels in the form of bioethanol.

International markets

Following the sale of its coal and freight business to JERA in April 2017 and the merging of their LNG optimisation and trading activities into JERA Global Markets in 2019, EDFT holds a 33% financial stake in JERA Global Markets, a leading seaborne energy trader. Equity interests
EDF Trading Logistics

EDF Trading Logistics acts as EDF’s vehicle for fuel oil and liquid biomass purchases. It organises fuel oil, solid or liquid biomass and coal supply logistics operations for all of the EDF group’s thermal plants in mainland France, Corsica and France’s overseas departments, in close collaboration with DOAAT, EDF PEI and IES. It controls the coal terminals in the ports of Le Havre and Montoir de Bretagne. In 2022, it supplied almost 1.1 million tonnes of fuel oil, 1.2 million tonnes of coal, and 4.4 ktonnes of solid biomass.

In addition, EDF Trading Logistics provides the Group with its expertise in regard to managing risks related to the transportation of fuel oil (hazardous materials), an activity which received ISO 14001 certification that was renewed on 4 November 2022. It is also active in the management of the environmental crises associated with this line of business.

(1) 2021 data.