Universal Registration Document 2022


Dalkia Energy Solutions (United States)

Based in Massachusetts, Dalkia Energy Solutions provides companies and industrial customers with a comprehensive approach to consultancy, project management and the performance of energy efficiency work, with nationwide coverage in the United States.

Dalkia Energy bought out the entire stock of US company Chiller Services LLC on 21 June 2022 (1).

Aegis Energy Services (United States)

Aegis Energy Services LLC, which is based in Massachusetts, specialises in small gas cogeneration plants and facilities, which it designs, builds, commissions and maintains.

Dalkia Middle East Energy Company Limited (Middle East)

Dalkia Middle East Energy Company Limited was incorporated in 2021 and is active in the field of power plants and cooling networks, energy performance contracts and multi-technical maintenance.

Dalkia Middle East has bought out the entire stock of the following companies:

  • Al Shirawi US Chiller LLC on 21 June 2022;
  • CGC US Chillers WLL (Qatar) on 29 September 2022.

These companies specialise in operation, maintenance, works and repairs on chillers and other HVAC equipment (2). Citelum

The process of geographical and operational reorganisation of the business of Citelum, a subsidiary devoted to street lighting and related services, continued in 2022.

The business in Italy and Spain has been transferred to Edison Next (formerly Fenice); business in Denmark has been transferred to EDF International, finalising the consolidation of electrical engineering businesses within the Group. Business in Brazil and Chile has been disposed of to local buyers.

These final transactions conclude the reorganisation of Citelum. From 2023 onwards, there will be support for Citelum’s remaining non-significant business lines until the end of their last contractual obligations. EDF Pulse Holding
The Innovation and Pulse Programmes Department

The Innovation and Pulse Programmes Department called DIPP (“Direction de l’Innovation et des Programmes Pulse”) is structured around three core functions:

  • strategic framework for innovation: elaborate an annual strategic framework for innovation, applicable to the scope of the EDF group (3), that identifies priority areas for innovation and key projects, as well as their associated action plans. This framework is prepared in close collaboration with R&D and the EDF group’s business lines;
  • performance and development: consolidating expertise around innovation tools and methods to support Group business lines via Pulse programmes and defining innovation value creation indicators. (see section “Developing a culture of innovation: the EDF Pulse ecosystem”).
  • new business: identify and develop new growth levers for the EDF group through the following three programmes:
    • the EDF Pulse Incubation programme, for the development of intrapreneurship projects;
    • the EDF Pulse Ventures programme, for investment in start-ups and in funds that are dedicated to innovation,
    • the Major Innovative Industrial Projects team whose goal is to position the Group on industrial projects that are not mature enough for the Group’s business lines but that are potentially strategic for the Group.

Stakes in start-ups and investment funds are managed by EDF Pulse Holding, a dedicated wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF. The development of the EDF Pulse Holding portfolio is directly linked to the activities of the EDF Pulse Incubation and EDF Pulse Ventures programmes which are detailed below.

EDF Pulse Incubation

The EDF Pulse Incubation programme draws on the ideas and know-how of the Group’s employees to design and develop new business and services. The incubator programme offers bespoke support for employees and enlists in-house and third- party experts to test, create, and develop business models, as well as foster the professional development of intrapreneur employees. This support helps intrapreneur employees, as well as the EDF group as a whole, since it contributes to the Group’s evolution and the upskilling of its employees. Due to the close proximity of EDF Pulse Incubation’s teams to those of EDF Pulse Ventures, incubated projects benefit from an “investment”-driven vision, while continually monitoring market trends and needs.

Intrapreneurial projects may lead to the incorporation of a new EDF group subsidiary. This was the case, for example, of:

  • Hynamics, which produces and markets low-carbon hydrogen from water electrolysis using low-carbon electricity for the heavy-duty mobility and industrial markets;
  • Metroscope, which has developed digital twin software for improving the performance of industrial facilities;
  • Exaion, which provides environmentally-friendly, competitive and sovereign cloud-based blockchain and high-performance computing solutions;
  • Urbanomy provides public and private-sector companies with energy and carbon consultancy services.

In 2022, the EDF Pulse Incubation programme supported the creation of the Yxir subsidiary (see below).

EDF Pulse Ventures

The mission of the EDF Pulse Ventures programme is to identify new business and innovative solutions outside the EDF group. It is a vector for developing EDF Pulse Holding’s investment portfolio in start-ups and venture capital funds through investment, usually involving minority stakes and in exceptional cases majority stakes. One such example is Perfesco, which funds energy efficiency projects for industry by means of energy savings achieved in the sector.

The goal of the programme is to explore new business for the Group, de-risk it and create synergies between EDF Pulse Holding start-ups and the Group’s business lines.

Since 2017, around €400 million has been invested through the EDF Pulse Incubation and EDF Pulse Ventures programmes, in 29 in-house and external start-ups and in 21 investment funds, primarily in France, but also in Europe and North America.

New additions to the EDF Pulse Holding portfolio in 2022
BeZero Carbon

BeZero Carbon is a ratings agency for voluntary carbon offsetting. Combining its expertise in climate science, finance, and policy, it provides carbon ratings as well as risk and data analysis solutions, improving access to information and providing decision support. Its aim is to create markets with a positive environmental impact. EDF Pulse Holding acquired a stake in this UK-based start-up during a Series B investment round of $50 million.

(1) See Dalkia’s press release of 21 June 2022 “Dalkia reaches a major milestone in its development in the Middle-East with the acquisition of U.S. Chiller Services company”.

(2) HVAC: heating, ventilation, and air conditioning control

(3) Excluding Enedis and RTE.