Universal Registration Document 2022



Customer proximity

  • 33.9 million customers in electricity
  • 6.4 million customers in gas(1)
  • Leading brands: EDF, Edison, Luminus, Dalkia
  • 157.5 million visits on digital consumption monitoring platforms(2)

A human ambition

  • 171,490 employees(3)
  • 79% of employees took part in a skills development initiative during the year(3)

An ambitious innovative ecosystem

  • 2,208 R&D employees(4)
  • R&D 2022 consolidated budget of €649 million
  • 740 patented innovations at end-2022 by R&D (EDF & Enedis)

Major industrial assets

  • 116.9GW of electricity generation capacity(5)
  • An integrated nuclear industry
  • EPR technology
  • A portfolio of wind and solar projects of circa 85GW gross(6)
  • 1.4 million km of distribution network(7)
  • 40.6 million smart meters installed(3)
  • Over 330 heating and cooling networks operated by Dalkia

A strong CSR commitment

  • A rating CDP Climate Change 
  • No. 4 Sustainalytics
  • €22.3 bn of green & sustainable funding

(1) Consolidated scope. Counted per site.

(2) EDF SA scope excluding French overseas departments and Corsica.

(3) Group scope.

(4) FTEs (full-time equivalent) at Group level.

(5) Consolidated data at Group scope.

(6) Group scope. Pipeline excluding capacity under construction. All theprojects in prospection phase included in the pipeline, starting 2020.

(7) Enedis distribution network under concession.


The Raison d’ être of EDF

To build a net zero energy future with electricity

and innovative solutions and services, to help save the planet and drive wellbeing and economic development.

CAP 2030

Three strategic axes to decarbonise our societies in France, in Europe and in the world:

A creator of services and solutions to support customers and territories in the shift towards carbon neutrality

>30MtCO2 avoided emissions(1)

>€10 bn revenue in services(2)

>1.5 contracts/customer(3)

A global leader in the generation of CO2 -neutral electricity

50% CO2 eq direct emissions vs 2017

60GW net of ENR (incl. hydro)

Grand carénage completion

5 EPRs in operation(4)

Initiating new EPRs & 1 SMR

An international key player in the energy transition

Zero coal

Tripling activity vs. 2015(5)

1.5-2GW net hydro installed capacity(5)

1 million off grid kits

Supported by an impulse of transformation, innovation, human ambition; Corporate Social Responsibility commitments and the implementation of 5 plans:

  • The Solar Plan
  • The Storage Plan
  • The Electric Mobility Plan
  • The excell Plan
  • The Hydrogen Plan

(1) Calculation of emissions avoided by products/services for renewable development in heating networks;energy efficiency; photovoltaic generation (excluding EDF facilities feeding their generation into the grid);electric mobility; residential heating pumps sold by EDF SA, Dalkia, Luminus, EDF in the UK, and Edison.See section 3.6 « Methodology ».

(2) Group.

(3) Perimeter of 4 priority countries in Europe « G4 » (France, Italy, UK, Belgium) (residential)

(4) Flamanville 3, Hinkley Point C and Taishan.

(5) Excluding G4 (France, Italy, UK, Belgium)

The breakdown of CSR issues into 16 commitments

  • Ambitious carbon trajectory
  • Carbon offsetting solutions
  • Adapting to climate change
  • Developing electricity use and energy services
  • Biodiversity
  • Responsible land management
  • Integrated and sustainable water management
  • Radioactive and conventional wastes, and circular economy
  • Safety, health and security for all
  • Ethics, compliance and human rights
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Energy poverty and social innovation
  • Dialogue and consultation with stakeholders
  • Responsible regional development
  • Development of industrial sectors
  • Data responsible company


For the climate and environment

  • An ambition to contribute to carbon neutrality by 2050
  • Electricity output of 431.7TWh, 90% decarbonised(1) with emissions of 50g of CO2/kWh(2)
  • EDF, a water sharing player: water intensity of 0.83l/kWh(3)
  • A commitment to biodiversity: an achievement rate of Act4nature international of 89%

For customers

  • High customer satisfaction level
  • Almost 477,000 energy advice actions for customers(4)

For partners and territories

  • SMEs account for 23% of EDF and Enedis procurements
  • 1 direct job at EDF SA generates 4.2 on the national territory
  • 100% of projects are subject to consultation(5)

For employees

  • An employee engagement index of 71%(6)
  • Women represent 30.8% in Management Committees(7)
  • An average salary equity ratio(8) of 6.3

Sales €143.5 bn, EBITDA -€5 bn, Net income excl. Non-reccuring items -€12.7 bn, Sharing added value with our stakeholders



€9.4 bn

EDF Group Global CSR agreement

States and Territories


€3.2 bn



€15.2 bn


(1) Direct output-related CO2 emissions, excluding life-cycle analysis(LCA) of fuel and production means.

(2) CO2 emissions due to heat and electricity generation. Group scope.

(3) Water consumed / electrical production of fleet. Group scope.

(4) EDF SA scope

(5) Projects over €50m in accordance with the Equator Principles -Group Scope.

(6) MyEDF Group internal survey.

(7) Group Scope.

(8) EDF SA scope - ratio established in accordancewith the guidelines published by AFEP.

(9) Consolidated other external expenses.

(10) Consolidated taxes, excluding income taxes.

(11) Consolidated personnel expenses.