Universal Registration Document 2022



In May 2022, EDF International acquired Citelum Denmark, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Citelum SA. It is in the business of operating and maintaining the street lighting networks of Danish municipalities and, to a lesser extent, road signs. Following this acquisition, Citelum Denmark became EDF Danmark. Its main business activity remains centred on services in the field of public lighting and technical infrastructure. In addition, it has expanded its offer with a focus on the decarbonisation and digitalisation of urban infrastructures, drawing on the expertise and solutions developed within the EDF group. In particular, EDF Denmark has positioned itself in electric mobility to install and operate charging stations. Central and Eastern Europe

The EDF group suspended all its development activities in the Russian Federation from 24 February 2022, the date of the start of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Dalkia sold its energy services subsidiary Dalkia Rus. On 8 July 2022, the EDF group adopted the decision to close its representative office in Moscow.

Central Asia

The Group’s engineering Divisions (thermal, hydraulic, networks and systems) are active in this region to provide services.

In Uzbekistan, at the end of 2021, a consortium formed by EDF, Nebras (Qatar) and Sojitz (Japan) was selected by the Uzbek authorities to finance, build and operate for 25 years a 1,600MW combined-cycle gas turbine power plant at the Syrdarya site. Kyuden (Japan) also joined the consortium in late 2021. The project benefits from a shaping contract with the state-owned NEGU (National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan), which supplies the gas and receives the electricity in return. This contract is guaranteed by the Uzbek government. Commissioning is estimated to take place during 2026.

In late 2022, EDF created its subsidiary EDF – ICA (EDF In Central Asia) in Uzbekistan and is also developing other projects to support the country’s energy transition, particularly in the field of hydropower and decentralised solar production. Southern Europe

EDF International SAS held 31.48% of the share capital of Elcogas company owing a 320MW ICCG (Integrated Combined-Cycle Gasification) power plant. Elcogas is currently in the process of being wound up. Due to a regulatory change affecting the profitability of the plant, it has been shut down and subsequently dismantled. Therefore, the Shareholders’ Meeting on May 2019 resolved to dissolve the company and place it in liquidation.

The Group is also present through Fenice’s local subsidiary, EDF Fenice Ibérica, and Citelum, which, since May 2022, have done business under the Edison Next Spain brand.

EDF Trading operates in this market from its trading platform in London.

Framatome Spain is active in Spain through various engineering and maintenance contracts with firms that own nuclear reactors.

EDF also operates through its Madrid-based representation office EDF Peninsula Iberica, and is in charge of the promotion and development of the Group’s business and new activities in energy transition in Spain and Portugal. North America

The EDF group operates throughout the North American continent, with a strong presence in the United States.

It has more than 10.1GW of gross installed capacity in North America. It also manages, on behalf of third parties, around 61GW of installed capacity under operation and maintenance or optimisation services contracts.

EDF’s activities in North America mainly include:

  • Renewable energies, with a gross installed capacity of 5.2GW, mainly located in the United States through EDF Renewables North America, a wholly-owned American subsidiary of EDF Renewables. Equally, EDF Renewables Services (a wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF Renewables North America) manages close to 8GW in North America through operation and maintenance contracts on its own account or on behalf of third parties.
  • Trading throughout the entire value chain in North American gas and electricity markets through EDF Trading North America. Also see section “Optimization and trading: EDF Trading”.
  • Energy services, local management of energy and energy efficiency, and public lighting under the management of Dalkia and its subsidiaries Dalkia Energy Solutions and Aegis Energy Services. Also see section “Dalkia”.
  • R&D and Innovation, as part of EDF Innovation Lab. Also see section “EDF's R&D scientific partnerships internationally”.
  • Operating in nuclear energy in the United States since the 1950s, Framatome holds a large share of the market, involved in providing power to some 36  million American households. Its mission consists in ensuring the maintenance and modernisation of the American nuclear plants in operation and providing it with the fuel required and supporting the potential construction of new plants. Also see section “Activities related to nuclear generation: Framatome”. South America

In South America, the EDF group is present in the Brazilian and Chilean markets, and is extending its ambitions in certain countries in the region, in which it is prospecting for development opportunities.


Since April 2014, the Group has held 100% of EDF Norte Fluminense SA (EDF NF). EDF NF built and has operated, since the end of 2004, the Combined-Cycle Gas plant of Norte Fluminense, with installed capacity of 827MW, located in the region of Macaé, State of Rio de Janeiro. A 20-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for 725MW is in place with Light, the distribution company for the city of Rio de Janeiro. EDF NF supplies the equivalent of almost 25% of the electricity energy consumed in the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area (2,5 million of clients).

In addition, on December 2014, through EDF Norte Fluminense, EDF acquired a 51% stake in Sinop Energia, responsible for building, maintaining and operating the Sinop hydropower plant. Located in Mato Grosso and 70km away from the city of Sinop, it has an extension of 342km2, built on the Teles Pires River. The plant began operations in 2019 with an installed capacity of 401.9MW supplying the equivalent of 50% of the State of Mato Grosso (1.6 million clients). EDF NF has signed a contract for the operation and maintenance of the plant, which since October 2021 has been operated remotely by EDF NF teams located at CCG Norte Fluminense, 2500km away.

In 2021 EDF NF signed a contract for the construction assistance, operation, and maintenance of the Marlim Azul CCG plant for a 10-year term.

On 16 December 2022, EDF Norte Fluminense won the auction for its first project in the energy transmission segment, expanding its operations in the sector and reinforcing its contribution to the country’s energy security. The project includes the construction of 1.6km of transmission lines and a 345/138 kV substation.

In the renewable energy field, the EDF Renewables subsidiary has a portfolio of:

  • 400MWp of solar energy from Pirapora power plant (one of the largest solar power plant of South America located at Minas Gerais State);
  • 708,5MW of wind energy in operation and 740,8MW under construction in the states of Paraiba and Bahia.

In June 2022, Edison sold 50% of its subsidiary Ibiritermo, referring to a 226MW CCGT in the state of Minas Gerais.