Universal Registration Document 2022

1.4.5 International activities

1.4 Description of the Group’s activities

1.4.5 International activities
Energy services

ÉS Services Énergétiques, a subsidiary that specialises in energy services, is owned by ÉS and Dalkia on a 50-50 basis. In the field of energy transition, ÉS Services Énergétiques has positioned itself as a provider of sustainable solutions and a creator of energy performance, with the aim of helping private- and public-sector stakeholders in Alsace reduce their carbon intensity. It provides attractive solutions on world performance markets and for energy performance contracts, which make it possible to:

  • improve the energy efficiency of buildings, through retrofits;
  • optimise the management of energy facilities;
  • implement renewable energy solutions;
  • raise users’ awareness of energy savings.

Moreover, ÉS Services Énergétiques proposes solutions for managing and securing networks (heat, electricity or public lighting networks). It also carries out engineering work for mass catering providers.

Renewable energy generation
Deep geothermal energy

In France, the ÉS group is one of the leading players in the deep geothermal energy sector. Since 2016, it has operated the first deep geothermal power plant for

industrial use in Rittershoffen. The plant’s renewable superheated water output is approximately 180GWh/year. This water comes from a geothermal source located at a depth of 2,500 metres.

ÉS also operates the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal power plant, which generates around 6GWh/year.


The Strasbourg biomass cogeneration plant uses residue from the wood industry in the Vosges and Black Forest mountains. This 37MW thermal power plant produces 70GWh of electricity from renewable sources per year and 112GWh of heat from renewable sources per year.


The Framont hydropower plant, which has a capacity of 400kW, allows depending on water availability, the generation of approximately 1.5GWh/year, which is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 350 homes.

Moreover, ÉS holds a 35% stake in SERHY, a company that specialises in the construction and operation of hydropower plants, primarily in the Alpine and Pyrenean mountain ranges. SERHY produces around 160GWh/year from renewable energy sources.

1.4.5 International activities

The EDF group supplies electricity and gas to 40.3 million customers worldwide: residential customers, businesses, and local government. It is a major energy provider on key European markets: France, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Belgium. The Group is seeking to move into new geographical areas, developing low-carbon solutions in growing countries and strengthening its positions in Europe. United Kingdom

EDF group activity in the United Kingdom (UK) is led by EDF Energy and EDF Trading (1) and also consists of other Group companies (Imtech, EDF Renewables UK, Pod Point).

The purpose of EDF in the UK, the country’s largest low-carbon electricity producer, is to help Britain achieve Net Zero. It does this by leading the transition to a decarbonised energy system in its seven business areas:

  • the generation of electricity in the UK and delivering decommissioning services;
  • the supply of electricity and gas and energy solutions to residential and business customers;
  • building a new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point, in partnership with China General Nuclear Corporation (CGN);
  • developing further new nuclear power stations;
  • renewables, through EDF Renewables UK, which is a subsidiary of EDF Energy and a joint venture (JV) between EDF Energy and EDF Renewables;
  • technical services, energy and low-carbon solutions at customer sites through Imtech, in JV with Dalkia;
  • electric mobility industry.

In addition, EDF Trading is providing optimisation and risk management services to the EDF group as well as third parties.

EDF Energy is one of the UK’s largest energy companies and the largest producer of low-carbon electricity. It produces around 14.3% of the nation’s electricity based on power generation data for 2021 (2). EDF Energy supplies gas and electricity to around 6 million business and residential customer accounts as at December 2022. The company employs 10,795  people at sites throughout the UK as at December 2022.

EDF Renewables UK operates and develops new renewable generation and storage projects in the UK and Ireland, with 1GW of gross capacity in operation and over 8GW in planning, development and construction. This covers all technologies: onshore and offshore wind, solar and battery storage.

Imtech is one of the leading technical and engineering service providers in the UK and active from engineering services and contracting (Imtech Engineering Services) to technical facilities management (Imtech Inviron), systems integration and digital solutions (Capula) and energy services and energy performance contracting, especially in the public sector (Breathe). In 2022, Imtech acquired 100% of SPIE UK, a company which specializes in providing technical engineering solutions for the built environment in the UK.

In electric mobility, EDF Energy has a majority stake in Pod Point, a leading electric vehicle (EV) charging company in the UK. EDF Energy aims to maintain and build its leading position on UK charging point operations; develop smart charging; and offer low-carbon tariffs as well as wider services to support UK drivers in going electric. EDF in the UK strategy and sustainability

EDF Energy simultaneously supports the UK in achieving its Net Zero ambitions and contributes to key pillars of EDF group’s CAP 2030 strategy – generation of zero carbon electricity and helping its customers to achieve Net Zero.

EDF Energy contributes to EDF group’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and carbon intensity trajectory. The Sustainable Business Update (3) explains the progress and plans of the business to help Britain achieve Net Zero and meet wider sustainability objectives. In line with UK regulation (4), in summer 2022 EDF Energy published a carbon reduction plan covering certain emissions categories to 2026 (5).

(1) See “Optimisation and Trading: EDF Trading”.

(2) Data published by UK Government Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy Historical electricity data – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk). If EDF Renewables’ capacity is added, EDF Energy’s total contribution to the country’s low carbon electricity is 16.2%. EDF Energy also produced 1.2% of the electricity from coal and gas-fired plants. 2022 data will be released in mid-2023.

(3) https://www.edfenergy.com/sites/default/files/edf-sustainable-business-update-160922.pdf

(4) Régulation PPN06/21.

(5) edf_carbon_reduction_plan.pdf (edfenergy.com).