Universal Registration Document 2022

1.1 Key figures and business model

1 The Group, Its Strategy And Activities

1.1 Key figures and business model

1.1 Key figures and business model

EDF Carbon trajectory

Carbon intensity trajectory

(In gCO2/kWh)

About 5 times lower than the European average.

2020 : 51

 2021 : 48

 2022 : 50

 2030 : 35

 2050 : 0

(1) 2021 carbon intensity average of power producers in Europe according to the European Environment Agency (EEA).

EDF, the renewable energy leader in Europe

Net installed renewable capacity by sector at end-2022



Other⁽²⁾ 0.2GW

Solar 3.6GW 

Wind 9.6GW 

Hydropower⁽¹⁾ 22.6GW

(1) Including sea energy: 0.24GW.

(2) Biomass, geothermy.

Key figure 2022

Installed capacity(1)


This diagram shows the installed capacity⁽¹⁾.


Hydropower 18% 

Other EnR 9% 

Gas 10% 

Coal 2% 

Fuel Oil 3% 

Nuclear 58% 

(1) Consolidated data.

Electricity generation(1)

This diagram shows the electricity generation⁽¹⁾.


Hydropower⁽²⁾ 8.2% 

Other EnR :  5.7% 

Gas :  8.5% 

Coal :  0.4% 

Fuel oil:  1.2% 

Nuclear 76.0% 

Decarbonised⁽³⁾ :  90% 

(1) Consolidated data.

(2) Hydro output including pumped storage consumption and sea energy.

(3) Direct output-related CO2 emissions, excluding life-cycle analysis (LCA) of fuel and production means.

Net investments excluding disposal plan


This diagram shows the electricity generation⁽¹⁾.


Renewables :  2,2 

Services :  0,6 

Other⁽¹⁾ :  1,0 

New nuclear :  2,9 

Framatome :  0,3 

Flamanville 3:  0,3 

Nuclear maintenance (France, Belgium and UK) including Grand Carénage: 4,7

Enedis, IES and ÉS :  4,4 

(1) Mainly thermal maintenance, gas, property, central functions.

NB : Values are rounded.