Universal Registration Document 2022

8.4.2 Concordance table with the management report

8.4 Concordance tables

8.4.2 Concordance table with the management report
Appendices 1 and 2 of the delegated regulation (EC) no. 2019/980 of 14 March 2019. URD Sections
18.5.2 Amount of dividend per share

18.5.2 Amount of dividend per share

URD Sections

Section 6.5.2

18.6. Administrative, judicial and arbitration proceedings

18.6. Administrative, judicial and arbitration proceedings

URD Sections

Sections 2.2.1, 7.1.5 and 6.1 – Appendix to the consolidated financial statements – Notes 5 and 17.3

18.7. Significant change in the financial position

18.7. Significant change in the financial position

URD Sections

Section 6.6.2

19. Additional information 19. Additional informationURD Sections


19.1. Share capital

19.1. Share capital

URD Sections


19.1.1. Amount of subscribed capital, number of shares issued and fully paid up and par value per share, number of shares authorised

19.1.1. Amount of subscribed capital, number of shares issued and fully paid up and par value per share, number of shares authorised

URD Sections

Section 7.3.1, 7.3.3 and Section 6.1 – Appendix to the consolidated financial statements – Note 14

19.1.2. Information on shares not representing the share capital

19.1.2. Information on shares not representing the share capital

URD Sections

Section 7.3.5

19.1.3. Number, book value and par value of the shares held by the issuer

19.1.3. Number, book value and par value of the shares held by the issuer

URD Sections

Sections 7.3.1 and 7.3.2

19.1.4. Information on convertible or exchangeable securities or securities with subscription warrants

19.1.4. Information on convertible or exchangeable securities or securities with subscription warrants

URD Sections


19.1.5. Information on conditions governing any right of acquisition and/or obligation attached to authorised but unissued share capital or any endeavour to increase the share capital

19.1.5. Information on conditions governing any right of acquisition and/or obligation attached to authorised but unissued share capital or any endeavour to increase the share capital

URD Sections

Sections 7.2.4, 7.2.5 and 7.3.3

19.1.6. Information about the share capital owned by any member of the Group which is under option or subject to a conditional or unconditional agreement to be put under option and characteristics of such options

19.1.6. Information about the share capital owned by any member of the Group which is under option or subject to a conditional or unconditional agreement to be put under option and characteristics of such options

URD Sections

Section 7.3.6

19.1.7. History of the Company’s share capital

19.1.7. History of the Company’s share capital

URD Sections

Section 7.3.1

19.2. Incorporation documents and articles of association

19.2. Incorporation documents and articles of association

URD Sections


19.2.1. Register and company purpose

19.2.1. Register and company purpose

URD Sections

Sections 7.1.2 and 7.2.1

19.2.2. Rights, privileges and restrictions attached to each class of shares

19.2.2. Rights, privileges and restrictions attached to each class of shares

URD Sections

Section 7.2.4

19.2.3. Provision delaying, deferring or preventing a change of control

19.2.3. Provision delaying, deferring or preventing a change of control

URD Sections

Section 7.2.9

20. Material contracts 20. Material contractsURD SectionsSection 7.6
21. Available documents 21. Available documentsURD SectionsSection 8.3

8.4.2 Concordance table with the management report

This Universal Registration Document includes the elements of the Board of Directors’ management report relating to the 2022 fiscal year as provided for in Articles L. 225-100-1 et seq. and Article L. 22-10-35 of the French Commercial Code. The management report is composed of the sections of the Universal Registration Document referred to in the following table:

Topics Reference texts URD Sections
1. Situation and activity of the Group 1. Situation and activity of the GroupReference texts


1. Situation and activity of the GroupURD Sections


1.1. Situation of the Company during the past fiscal year and an objective and exhaustive analysis of the development of the business, results and financial situation of the Company and the Group, in particular its debt situation, in relation to the volume and complexity of the business.

1.1. Situation of the Company during the past fiscal year and an objective and exhaustive analysis of the development of the business, results and financial situation of the Company and the Group, in particular its debt situation, in relation to the volume and complexity of the business.

Reference texts

L. 225-100-1, par. I., 1°, Article L. 232-1, II.,  L. 233-6 and L. 233-26 of the French Commercial Code

1.1. Situation of the Company during the past fiscal year and an objective and exhaustive analysis of the development of the business, results and financial situation of the Company and the Group, in particular its debt situation, in relation to the volume and complexity of the business.

URD Sections

Chapter 5

1.2. Key indicators of financial performance

1.2. Key indicators of financial performance

Reference texts

L. 225-100-1, par I., 2° of the French Commercial Code

1.2. Key indicators of financial performance

URD Sections

Key figures and Chapter 5

1.3. Key indicators of financial and non-financial performance relevant to the particular business of the Company and the Group, including information relating to environmental and employee-related matters

1.3. Key indicators of financial and non-financial performance relevant to the particular business of the Company and the Group, including information relating to environmental and employee-related matters

Reference texts

L. 225-100-1, I., 2° of the French Commercial Code

1.3. Key indicators of financial and non-financial performance relevant to the particular business of the Company and the Group, including information relating to environmental and employee-related matters

URD Sections

Chapter 3 and concordance table Section 8.4.4

1.4. Key events arising between the end of the fiscal year and the date the management report was written

1.4. Key events arising between the end of the fiscal year and the date the management report was written

Reference texts

L. 232-1-II and Article L. 233-26 of the French Commercial Code

1.4. Key events arising between the end of the fiscal year and the date the management report was written

URD Sections

Sections 5.1.2, 5.2 and 5.3

1.5. Identity of the main shareholders and holders of voting rights at General Meetings and changes during the fiscal year

1.5. Identity of the main shareholders and holders of voting rights at General Meetings and changes during the fiscal year

Reference texts

L. 233-13 of the French Commercial Code

1.5. Identity of the main shareholders and holders of voting rights at General Meetings and changes during the fiscal year

URD Sections

Sections 7.3 and 7.2.4

1.6. Existing branches

1.6. Existing branches

Reference texts

L. 232-1-II of the French Commercial Code

1.6. Existing branches

URD Sections

Section 6.6.4

1.7. Acquisition of significant equity holdings in companies having their registered office on the French territory

1.7. Acquisition of significant equity holdings in companies having their registered office on the French territory

Reference texts

L. 233-6 al. 1 of the French Commercial Code

1.7. Acquisition of significant equity holdings in companies having their registered office on the French territory

URD Sections

Section 5.1.3 and of the Appendix to the consolidated financial statements

1.8. Disposal of cross-shareholdings

1.8. Disposal of cross-shareholdings

Reference texts

L. 233-29, L. 233-30 and R. 233-19 of the French Commercial Code

1.8. Disposal of cross-shareholdings

URD Sections


1.9. Foreseble development and future prospects of the situation of the Company and the Group

1.9. Foreseble development and future prospects of the situation of the Company and the Group

Reference texts

L. 232-1-II and Article L. 233-26 of the French Commercial Code

1.9. Foreseble development and future prospects of the situation of the Company and the Group

URD Sections

Section 5.4

1.10. Research and development activities

1.10. Research and development activities

Reference texts

L. 232-1-II and Article L. 233-26 of the French Commercial Code

1.10. Research and development activities

URD Sections

Section 1.5

1.11. Table showing the Company’s results over each of the last five fiscal years

1.11. Table showing the Company’s results over each of the last five fiscal years

Reference texts

R. 225-102 of the French Commercial Code

1.11. Table showing the Company’s results over each of the last five fiscal years

URD Sections

Section 6.6.1

1.12. Information concerning supplier and customer payment periods

1.12. Information concerning supplier and customer payment periods

Reference texts

D. 441-6 of the French Commercial Code

1.12. Information concerning supplier and customer payment periods

URD Sections

Section 6.6.3

1.13. Amount of intercompany loans granted and statement from the Statutory Auditor

1.13. Amount of intercompany loans granted and statement from the Statutory Auditor

Reference texts

L.511-6, 3bis and R. 511-2-1-3 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

1.13. Amount of intercompany loans granted and statement from the Statutory Auditor

URD Sections
