Universal Registration Document 2022


Appendices 1 and 2 of the delegated regulation (EC) no. 2019/980 of 14 March 2019. URD Sections
8.5. Expected sources of financing

8.5. Expected sources of financing

URD Sections


9. Regulatory environment 9. Regulatory environmentURD Sections


9.1. Description of the regulatory environment and any measures or factors of an administrative, economic, budgetary, monetary, or political nature

9.1. Description of the regulatory environment and any measures or factors of an administrative, economic, budgetary, monetary, or political nature

URD Sections

Sections 1.3 and 1.4

10. Trend information 10. Trend informationURD Sections


10.1. Description of major trends and any significant changes in the Group’s financial performance since the end of the last fiscal year

10.1. Description of major trends and any significant changes in the Group’s financial performance since the end of the last fiscal year

URD Sections

Sections 5.2, 5.4 and 6.6.2

10.2. Events that are reasonably likely to have a material effect on prospects

10.2. Events that are reasonably likely to have a material effect on prospects

URD Sections

Section 5.4

11. Profit forecasts or estimates 11. Profit forecasts or estimatesURD Sections


11.1. Published profit forecasts or estimates

11.1. Published profit forecasts or estimates

URD Sections


11.2. Declaration outlining key forecasting assumptions

11.2. Declaration outlining key forecasting assumptions

URD Sections

Sections 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

11.3. Declaration regarding comparability with historical financial information and compliance of accounting methods

11.3. Declaration regarding comparability with historical financial information and compliance of accounting methods

URD Sections

Section 6.1 – Appendix to the consolidated financial statements – Note 1.4

12. Administrative, management, and supervisory bodies and Executive Management 12. Administrative, management, and supervisory bodies and Executive ManagementURD Sections


12.1. Information regarding members

12.1. Information regarding members

URD Sections


Name, professional address and functions

Name, professional address and functions

URD Sections

Sections 4.2.1 and 4.3.1

Nature of any family relationship

Nature of any family relationship

URD Sections

Section 4.4

Expertise and experience

Expertise and experience

URD Sections

Sections 4.2.1 and 4.3.1

Absence of conviction

Absence of conviction

URD Sections

Section 4.4.2

12.2. Conflict of interest

12.2. Conflict of interest

URD Sections

Section 4.4.1

13. Remuneration and benefits 13. Remuneration and benefitsURD Sections


13.1. Remuneration paid and benefits in kind

13.1. Remuneration paid and benefits in kind

URD Sections

Sections 4.6.1 and 4.6.2

13.2. Amounts set aside or accrued to provide pension, retirement

13.2. Amounts set aside or accrued to provide pension, retirement

URD Sections


14. Functioning of administrative and management bodies 14. Functioning of administrative and management bodiesURD Sections


14.1. Date of expiration of the current terms of office

14.1. Date of expiration of the current terms of office

URD Sections


14.2. Service contracts entered into between members of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies and the issuer

14.2. Service contracts entered into between members of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies and the issuer

URD Sections

Section 4.4.3

14.3. Information about Audit and Remuneration Committees

14.3. Information about Audit and Remuneration Committees

URD Sections

Section 4.2.3

14.4. Statement of compliance with the corporate governance regime in force

14.4. Statement of compliance with the corporate governance regime in force

URD Sections

Section 4.1

14.5. Potential significant impacts on corporate governance

14.5. Potential significant impacts on corporate governance

URD Sections

Section 4.2.2

15. Employees 15. EmployeesURD Sections


15.1. Number of employees

15.1. Number of employees

URD Sections


15.2. Shareholdings and stock options

15.2. Shareholdings and stock options

URD Sections


15.3. Agreement providing for employee shareholding

15.3. Agreement providing for employee shareholding

URD Sections


16. Major shareholders 16. Major shareholdersURD Sections


16.1. Shareholders holding more than 5% of the capital on the date of the registration document

16.1. Shareholders holding more than 5% of the capital on the date of the registration document

URD Sections

Section 7.3.8

16.2. Breakdown of voting rights

16.2. Breakdown of voting rights

URD Sections

Section 7.2.4

16.3. Direct or indirect control

16.3. Direct or indirect control

URD Sections

Section 7.3

16.4. Agreement whose implementation could lead to a change of control

16.4. Agreement whose implementation could lead to a change of control

URD Sections

Section 7.3.9

17. Transactions with related parties 17. Transactions with related partiesURD Sections

Section 7.5

18. Financial information concerning the issuer’s assets and liabilities, financial position and results 18. Financial information concerning the issuer’s assets and liabilities, financial position and resultsURD Sections


18.1. Historical financial information

18.1. Historical financial information

URD Sections


18.1.1. Audited historical financial information for the last three fiscal years and the audit report

18.1.1. Audited historical financial information for the last three fiscal years and the audit report

URD Sections

Section 6.1

18.1.2. Change of accounting reference date

18.1.2. Change of accounting reference date

URD Sections


18.1.3. Accounting standards

18.1.3. Accounting standards

URD Sections

Section 6.1

18.1.4. Change in accounting principles

18.1.4. Change in accounting principles

URD Sections


18.1.5. Financial information under French accounting standards

18.1.5. Financial information under French accounting standards

URD Sections

Section 6.1

18.1.6. Consolidated financial statements

18.1.6. Consolidated financial statements

URD Sections

Section 6.1

18.1.7. Date of the latest financial information

18.1.7. Date of the latest financial information

URD Sections


18.2. Interim and other financial information

18.2. Interim and other financial information

URD Sections


18.2.1. Quarterly or half-yearly financial information

18.2.1. Quarterly or half-yearly financial information

URD Sections


18.3. Audit of historical annual financial information

18.3. Audit of historical annual financial information

URD Sections


18.3.1. Independent audit of historical annual financial information

18.3.1. Independent audit of historical annual financial information

URD Sections

Section 6.2

18.3.2. Other audited information

18.3.2. Other audited information

URD Sections


18.3.3. Sources and reasons for unaudited information

18.3.3. Sources and reasons for unaudited information

URD Sections


18.4. Pro forma financial information

18.4. Pro forma financial information

URD Sections


18.5. Dividend policy

18.5. Dividend policy

URD Sections


18.5.1. Description of the dividend policy and any applicable restrictions

18.5.1. Description of the dividend policy and any applicable restrictions

URD Sections

Section 6.5