Universal Registration Document 2022

7.5 Related-party transactions

7 General Information About The Company And Its Capital

7.5 Related-party transactions

7.5 Related-party transactions

7.5.1 Related-party transactions

The information regarding the details of the transactions concluded by the Company with related parties, as defined by the IFRS, in respect of the 2022 fiscal year, are contained in note 22 to the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2022.

They describe:

  • relations with the French state;
  • relations with Engie;
  • relations with Orano and public sector companies;
  • the main transactions with the companies in the scope of consolidation.

The information on the regulated agreements referred to in Article L. 225-38 of the French Commercial Code is stated in the Statutory Auditors’ special report, which is reproduced below in section 7.5.2 (“Statutory Auditor’s special report on regulated agreements”) of this Universal Registration Document.