Universal Registration Document 2022

7.3.10 Shareholder dialogue

7.3 Information regarding capital and share ownership

7.3.10 Shareholder dialogue

7.4 Market for the Company’s shares

The Company’s shares have been listed for trading by Euronext Paris (Compartment A) since 21 November 2005, under ISIN code FR 0010242511, Reuters code (EDF. PA) and Bloomberg code (EDF: FP).

The following graph shows the changes in the Company’s share price between 21 November 2005 and 31 December 2022 (base index 100 as at 21 November 2005):

(1) www.edf.fr


November 2005: approximately 99

December 2008: approximately 95

December 2011: approximately 50

December 2014: approximately 70

December 2017: approximately 45

December 2020: approximately 40

December 2022: approximately 49


November 2005: approximately 99

December 2008: approximately 55

December 2011: approximately 70

December 2014: approximately 110

December 2017: approximately 125

December 2020: approximately 120

December 2022: approximately 148

CAC 40

November 2005: approximately 99

December 2008: approximately 55

December 2011: approximately 70

December 2014: approximately 98

December 2017: approximately 120

December 2020: approximately 110

December 2022: approximately 148


The following table shows the share price and volume of EDF shares traded between 1 January 2022 and 31 January 2023 on the Euronext Paris stock market:

  Transactions Closing price (in euros)
  (in number of shares) (in euros*) Highest Lowest
January 2023 58,274,240 699,768,588 12.07 12.00
December 2022 179,202,223 2,128,602,747 12.04 12.00
November 2022 125,776,146 1,507,974,572 12.01 11.90
October 2022 45,121,272 538,222,340 11.97 11.89
September 2022 65,490,002 777,393,038 12.03 11.79
August 2022 69,975,080 831,529,595 11.96 11.86
July 2022 183,030,607 1,909,888,549 11.90 7.27
June 2022 96,836,957 799,321,284 8.78 7.59
May 2022 73,322,714 614,141,720 8.74 8.02
April 2022 71,584,563 615,299,674 9.10 8.06
March 2022 190,154,638 1,649,981,938 9.15 6.65
February 2022 98,804,741 806,062,287 8.34 6.88
January 2022 151,561,439 1,338,517,656 10.26 7.42

* Transactions in euros correspond to the monthly sum of the product of the daily number of shares traded and the volume-weighted average price of the same day (Source:Euronext).


In 2022, EDF’s share price increased by 16.17%, while the Euro Stoxx Utility sector index (SX6P) decreased by -11.11% and the CAC 40 index decreased by -9.49%.

On 31 December 2022, the closing price of the EDF share was €12.00 (€10.33 at 31 December 2021). Its highest closing price in 2022 was €12.04 on 23 December 2022, and its lowest closing price was €6.64 on 7 March 2022.

On 31  December 2022, EDF’s market capitalisation totalled €46.65  billion (compared to €33.46 billion at 31 December 2021).


From the beginning of 2023 to 31 January 2023 inclusive, EDF’s share price rose by 0.65%, while the CAC 40 index increased by 8.63% and the Euro Stoxx Utility sector index (SX6P) increased by 1.41%.

On 31 January 2023, the closing price of the EDF share was €12.06. Its lowest closing price in 2023, up to 31 January 2023 inclusive, was €12.00, and its highest closing price was €12.07 on 31 January 2023.

On 31 January 2023, EDF’s market capitalisation totalled €46.89 billion.