Universal Registration Document 2022


Year(s) Amount financed (in millions of euros) Category of the Green Bond framework Project type Number of projects considered (1) Indicator Indicator value
2017 – 2019 (financed by the Look Back) 2017 – 2019 (financed by the Look Back)Amount financed (in millions of euros)


2017 – 2019 (financed by the Look Back)Category of the Green Bond framework

a. Projects and/or facilities that integrate the principles of the “avoid-reduce- compensate” approach (mitigation hierarchy) related to the mitigation of the impact of the Group’s activities on biodiversity.

2017 – 2019 (financed by the Look Back)Project type

Bringing reserved flows into compliance 

2017 – 2019 (financed by the Look Back)Number of projects considered (1)


2017 – 2019 (financed by the Look Back)IndicatorNumber of protected

wildlife species benefiting from the project

2017 – 2019 (financed by the Look Back)Indicator value



Ecological continuity (sediments, fish, semi-aquatic mammals)

Amount financed (in millions of euros)


Category of the Green Bond framework


Year(s)b. Restoration and/or

“ re-naturalising” of sites

Amount financed (in millions of euros)

Renaturation/ restoration including Ecosystem Services

Category of the Green Bond framework


Project type

Area concerned (ha)

Number of projects considered (1)




Amount financed (in millions of euros)

Decommissioning of facilities

Category of the Green Bond framework


Project type

Number of protected wildlife species benefiting from the project

Number of projects considered (1)


(1) 19 projects are included in both the look back and 2020 impact reporting.

(2) A project at the Esterre dam has elements of compliance with reserved flows and ecological continuity; it is therefore counted for the calculation of the indicators forthese two types of projects.

The impacts presented above are established on the basis of the following methodological principles:

  • The “number of protected wildlife species benefiting from the project” indicator is established on the basis of the lists of target species of the works attached to their execution files or the watercourse classification decrees, and the analysis of EDF naturalist experts. As these operations mainly concern aquatic environments, only aquatic and semi-aquatic species are counted, although these projects generally benefit a wider range of animal and plant species. If a species benefits several projects, it is counted only once.
  • The “number of species targeted by partnerships” indicator refers to species named in partnership agreements or activity reports (families of species are therefore not counted). Biodiversity partnerships cover a wide range of activities, from raising awareness to land management or carrying out naturalist inventories or ecological status diagnoses.
  • The “area concerned” indicator is measured in hectares (ha). It corresponds to the surface area of projects involving the re-naturalisation or restoration of environments.
Electricity distribution projects
    Project sub-category Impact indicator Total


Green Bond no. 7 – October 2022



Project sub-category

Infrastructure for the electrification of transport (including charging stations)

Impact indicator

Number of electric vehicle charging infrastructure connections




Connections of renewable energy producers


Installed capacity connected to the grid in MW

Project sub-category





Number of connected installations

Project sub-category



Investments in the distribution grid connected to the European system


New lines installed in kilometres

Project sub-category





of which lines buried as part of the climate hazard plan in kilometres
Project sub-category



Smart Metering


Number of smart meters installed

Project sub-category


(1) They each have one or more charging stations downstream.