Universal Registration Document 2022



Effective use of proceeds

All the proceeds raised in November 2013 under the first Green Bond issued by EDF for €1.4 billion were allocated by June 2015. All the proceeds raised in October 2015 under the second Green Bond issued for US$1.25 billion were allocated by the end of 2017. All the proceeds raised in October 2016 under of the third Green Bond issued for €1.75 billion were allocated by the end of 2019. All the proceeds raised in January 2017 under the fourth Green Bond issued for ¥26 billion were allocated by mid-2020. All the proceeds raised under the fifth Green Bond issued in September 2020 for €2.4 billion were allocated by the end of 2021.

All the proceeds raised in November 2021 in the amount of €1.75 billion under the sixth Green Bond issued by EDF, increased by €100 million in the context of a tap-up in December 2021, which generated net proceeds of €1.8 billion, were allocated to Eligible Projects or invested in a dedicated cash portfolio.

All the proceeds raised in October 2022 in the amount of €1.25 billion under the seventh Green Bond issued by EDF were allocated to electricity distribution projects.

Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022: Nominal value at issuance Funds allocated as at 31/12/2022 Funds allocated to Eligible Projects Number of Green Bond funded projects Share of investment financed via Green Bonds proceeds
Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022:Green Bond no. 1 –

November 2013

Nominal value at issuance

€1.4 billion

Funds allocated as at 31/12/2022

€1.4 billion

Funds allocated to Eligible ProjectsOf which renewable capacities

€1.4 billion

Number of Green Bond funded projects13 (1) Share of investment financed via Green Bonds proceeds


Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022:

Green Bond no. 2 – October 2015

Nominal value at issuance

$1.25 billion

Funds allocated as at 31/12/2022

$1.25 billion

Funds allocated to Eligible Projects

Of which renewable capacities $1.25 billion

Number of Green Bond funded projects(1)(2) Share of investment financed via Green Bonds proceeds


Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022:

Green Bond no. 3 – October 2016

Nominal value at issuance

€1.75 billion

Funds allocated as at 31/12/2022

€1.75 billion

Funds allocated to Eligible Projects

Of which renewable capacities: €1,248 million

Number of Green Bond funded projects10 (2)(3) Share of investment financed via Green Bonds proceeds


Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022:

Of which hydroelectric projects: €502 million

Nominal value at issuance

600 transactions

Funds allocated as at 31/12/2022


Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022:

Green Bond no. 4 – January 2017

Nominal value at issuance

¥26,000 million

Funds allocated as at 31/12/2022

¥26,000 million

Funds allocated to Eligible Projects

Of which renewable capacities: ¥14,021 million

Number of Green Bond funded projects(3) Share of investment financed via Green Bonds proceeds


Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022:

Of which hydroelectric projects: ¥11,979 million

Nominal value at issuance

207 transactions

Funds allocated as at 31/12/202287% (4)
Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022:

Green Bond no. 5 – September 2020

Nominal value at issuance

€2.4 billion

Funds allocated as at 31/12/2022

€2.6 billion 

Funds allocated to Eligible Projects

Of which renewable capacities: €2,421 million (including €1,461 million in look back)

Number of Green Bond funded projects32 projects (3) Share of investment financed via Green Bonds proceeds


Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022:


Nominal value at issuance

+3 portfolio redemptions

Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022:

Of which hydroelectric projects: €110 million

Nominal value at issuance153 transactions (5) Funds allocated as at 31/12/2022


Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022:

Including biodiversity projects developed by EDF Hydro:

Nominal value at issuance

39 projects

Funds allocated as at 31/12/2022


Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022:

€28 million (including €16 million in look back)

Nominal value at issuance


Funds allocated as at 31/12/2022


Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022:

Green Bond no. 6 – November 2021

Nominal value at issuance

€1.85 billion

Funds allocated as at 31/12/2022

€1.139 billion

Funds allocated to Eligible Projects

Of which renewable capacities: €1 billion

Number of Green Bond funded projects


Share of investment financed via Green Bonds proceeds


Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022:

Of which hydroelectric projects: €189 million

Nominal value at issuance


Funds allocated as at 31/12/2022


Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022:

Including biodiversity projects: €23 million

Nominal value at issuance


Funds allocated as at 31/12/2022


Allocation of proceeds as at 31 December 2022:

Green Bond no. 7 – October 2022

Nominal value at issuance

€1.25 billion

Funds allocated as at 31/12/2022

€1.25 billion

Funds allocated to Eligible Projects

Of which electricity distribution projects €1.25 billion (in look back)

Number of Green Bond funded projects

Projects as detailed in the table below

Share of investment financed via Green Bonds proceeds


(1) Including the Roosevelt Project, financed by Green Bonds 1 and 2.

(2) Including the Red Pine Project, financed by Green Bonds 2 and 3.

(3) Including the Milligan and Las Majadas Projects, financed by Green Bonds 3, 4 and 5 and the Big Beau Solar Project financed in part by the sustainable securities loan transaction. A REPO green evergreen contract was signed on 1 October 2021 with BNP for €50,000,000. This green contract was set up to finance the portion of EDF EN FUNDING’s “Big Beau” Project that is surplus to the proceeds of Issue 5. It will be refinanced by Green Bond 6.

(4) Share of total investments financed by EDF, including half of the investment in the Romanche-Gavet Project.

(5) Including 31 transactions already partly financed by a previous Green Bond.

(6) The issue premium of Green Bond no. 5 enabled EDF to receive a total amount of €2,559 million.