Universal Registration Document 2022

6.6.2 Significant change in the financial or trading position

6.6 Other items

6.6.2 Significant change in the financial or trading position

6.6.2 Significant change in the financial or trading position

Significant events occurring between the last day of the 2022 fiscal year and the date of the filing of this Universal Registration Document are mentioned in note 23 of the appendix to the consolidated financial statements of the year ended 31 December 2022 for events which occurred before 16 February 2023, when the Board of Directors approved the financial statements and, for events which occurred after 16 February 2023, in section 5.2 “Subsequent events” of this Universal Registration Document.

6.6.3 Informations on invoice settlement times (account payable and receivable required by Article L. 441-6-1 of the French Commercial Code)

Within the framework of the LME Act as amended by Act no. 2015-990 promoting growth, activity and equal economic opportunities, EDF publishes the amounts, including VAT, of debts and receivables due at the end of the fiscal year. These amounts are broken down by tranche of overdue payments and posted respectively to the amount including VAT of purchases and sales for the fiscal year.

  Article D. 441 I.-1° : overdue invoices wich have been received but not paid at the closing date of the fiscal year Article D. 441 I.-2° : overdue invoices which have been issued but non paid at the closing date of the fiscal year
(in millions of euros) 0 day 1 - 30 days 31 - 60 days 61 - 90 days 91 days and more Total (1 day and more) 0 day 1 - 30 days 31 - 60 days 61 - 90 days 91 days and more Total (1 day and more)
(A) Period overdue
Number of invoices 125,102         4,360 3,892,244         8,660,891
Total amount of invoices (including VAT) 5,742 34 7 2 8 51 1,463 387 92 55 692 1,226
% of the total amount of purchases of the year 4.5 0 0 0 0 0            
% of total amount of sales of the year (including VAT)             1.5 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.7 1.3
(B) Invoices excluded from (A) relating to payables and receivables in dispute or unrecognised
Number of invoices excluded           0           0
Total amount of invoices excluded           0           0
(C) Reference payment terms applied (contractual or statutory – Article L. 441-6 or Article L. 443-1 of the French Commercial Code)
Payment terms used for calculating periods overdue   Legal and contractual deadlines Legal deadlines

6.6.4 Information on existing branches – as required by Article L. 231-1 of the French Commercial Code

At 31 December 2022, the Group had 220 secondary establishments registered with the French Trade and Companies Registers stated in the Company’s “K-bis” document, and operated on French territory through several thousand different offices which do not fulfil the independent management criterion to qualify as a branch.

EDF’s branches (1) outside mainland France are listed below:

  • Saint-Barthélemy;
  • Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon;
  • Saint Martin;
  • Saint-Denis de la Réunion;
  • Cayenne;
  • Pointe à Pitre;
  • United Arab Emirates: Abu Dhabi and Dubai;
  • Bahrain;
  • Benin;
  • Cambodia;
  • China; Taïshan;
  • South Africa;
  • Cape Verde;
  • Qatar;
  • New Caledonia;
  • Togo.

(1) In fiscal terms, this is a list of permanent establishments located outside France.