Universal Registration Document 2022


Note 36 Management compensation

The Company’s key management and governance personnel are the Chairman and CEO and the directors. In application of the law, directors representing the employees receive no remuneration for their services.

The total gross compensation (salaries and all types of benefits, excluding employer contributions) paid by the Company to its key management and governance personnel in 2022 and 2021 was as follows:

(in Euros) 2022 2021
Jean-Bernard LEVY, Chairman and CEO (1)

Jean-Bernard LEVY, Chairman and CEO 



Jean-Bernard LEVY, Chairman and CEO 



Luc REMONT, Chairman and CEO (2)

Luc REMONT, Chairman and CEO 



Luc REMONT, Chairman and CEO 



Directors (3)









(1) At its meeting of 17 February 2022 the Board of Directors decided to keep the gross fixed annual compensation of its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jean-Bernard Lévy at €450,000 for 2022, the same as in 2021. He also received benefits in kind in the form of a company car.

(2) At its meeting of 18 November 2022 the Board of Directors decided, subject to the appointment of Luc Rémont as EDF’s Chairman and CEO by decree of the French President, which occurred on 23 November 2022, to set his gross fixed annual compensation at €450,000 for 2022, prorated from the time of his appointment as EDF’s Chairman and CEO by decree. Luc Rémont also receives benefits in kind in the form of a company car.

(3) The General Shareholders’ Meeting of 12 May 2022 approved the Board of Directors’ proposal to set the annual budget for directors’ fees at €440,000 for 2022, the same as the 2021 directors’ fee budget approved at the General Shareholders’ Meeting of 6 May 2021.

(4) This amount includes directors’ fees paid in 2022 to directors whose terms of office ended during 2021 or 2022, amounting to a total €109,140.

(5) This amount includes directors’ fees paid in 2021 to directors whose terms of office ended during 2021, amounting to a total €35,505.

Note 37 Subsequent events

Apart from the bond issue reported below and the events mentioned in notes 2.2.9, 3.1, 22.1, 22.3, 29.2 and 35.1.1, no event has arisen subsequent to the year-end.

37.1 Multi-tranche senior bond issue for a nominal amount of €2 billion and £950 million

On 19 January 2023, EDF launched a senior bond issue in 4 tranches for a nominal amount of €2 billion and £950 million, comprising:

  • a €1 billion bond with 9-year maturity and a 4.25% fixed coupon;
  • a €1 billion bond with 20-year maturity and a 4.625% fixed coupon;
  • a £450 million bond with 12-year maturity and a 5.5% fixed coupon;
  • a £500 million bond with 30-year maturity and a 5.625% fixed coupon.

Settlement and delivery took place on 25 January 2023, and the bonds were admitted to trading on the regulated market of Euronext Paris at that date.