Universal Registration Document 2022


33.1 Off-balance sheet commitments related to currency, interest rate and commodity derivatives

EDF uses financial instruments to limit the impact of foreign exchange rate risks and interest rate risks.

  31/12/2022 31/12/2021
(in millions of euros) To be received (notional) To be given (notional) To be received (notional) To be given (notional)
1 - Interest rate transactions        
Short-term interest rate swaps        
EUR - - - -
Long-term interest rate swaps        
EUR 16,196 16,196 9,323 9,323
USD 4,335 4,335 3,576 3,576
GBP 3,794 3,794 4,481 4,481
Sub-total 24,325 24,325 17,380 17,380
2 - Exchange rate transactions        
Forward transactions and forex options        
EUR 47,257 42,586 41,265 33,057
CAD 168 391 136 374
USD 28,772 27,583 23,312 25,286
GBP 11,990 16,577 9,354 14,199
CHF 255 557 142 404
ILS 757 757 440 554
PLN 206 250 213 253
JPY 388 851 123 741
CNY 1,095 1,095 1,075 797
MXN 128 128 105 105
Other currencies 534 644 249 347
Long-term currency swaps        
EUR 3,785 36,262 3,821 35,196
JPY 1,244 57 1,051 61
USD 18,143 1,891 17,118 1,812
GBP 17,298 2,208 17,505 2,334
CHF 559 - 532 -
ILS 77 77 90 90
PLN 10 24 12 21
NOK 95 - 100 -
HKD 291 - 274 -
Sub-total 133,052 131,938 116,917 115,631
3-Securitisation swaps - - - -
4-Operations on marketable securities - - - -
Purchases and sales of stock options        
5-Commodity swaps        
Oil products (in thousands of barrels) 5,392 5,392 7,168 7,168
Coal (in millions of tonnes) - 0 - -
Electricity products (in TWh) 15 11 - -

The amounts shown in the above table are the nominal values of contracts originally in euros or translated into euros using 2022 year-end exchange rates (regardless of whether they are classified as hedges). For commodities, the amounts shown are the nominal hedged volume in the relevant unit of measurement.