Universal Registration Document 2022


Note 22 Changes in equity

(in millions of euros) Capital Reserves and premiums Retained earnings and interim dividends Profit or loss for the financial year Investment subsidies Tax-regulated provisions Total equity
At 31 December 2020 At 31 December 2020Capital1,550 At 31 December 2020Reserves and premiums20,316 At 31 December 2020Retained earnings and interim dividends9,121 At 31 December 2020Profit or loss for the financial year222 At 31 December 2020Investment subsidies160 At 31 December 2020Tax-regulated provisions5,786 At 31 December 2020Total equity37,155
Allocation of 2020 net income Allocation of 2020 net incomeCapital


Allocation of 2020 net incomeReserves and premiums


Allocation of 2020 net incomeRetained earnings and interim dividends


Allocation of 2020 net incomeProfit or loss for the financial year


Allocation of 2020 net incomeInvestment subsidies


Allocation of 2020 net incomeTax-regulated provisions


Allocation of 2020 net incomeTotal equity


2021 profit

2021 profit



2021 profit

Reserves and premiums


2021 profit

Retained earnings and interim dividends


2021 profit

Profit or loss for the financial year


2021 profit

Investment subsidies


2021 profit

Tax-regulated provisions


2021 profit

Total equity


Capital increase of 7 June 2021

Capital increase of 7 June 2021



Capital increase of 7 June 2021

Reserves and premiums


Capital increase of 7 June 2021

Retained earnings and interim dividends


Capital increase of 7 June 2021

Profit or loss for the financial year


Capital increase of 7 June 2021

Investment subsidies


Capital increase of 7 June 2021

Tax-regulated provisions


Capital increase of 7 June 2021

Total equity


Dividend distribution

Dividend distribution



Dividend distribution

Reserves and premiums


Dividend distribution

Retained earnings and interim dividends


Dividend distribution

Profit or loss for the financial year


Dividend distribution

Investment subsidies


Dividend distribution

Tax-regulated provisions


Dividend distribution

Total equity


Capital increase of 2 December 2021

Capital increase of 2 December 2021



Capital increase of 2 December 2021

Reserves and premiums


Capital increase of 2 December 2021

Retained earnings and interim dividends


Capital increase of 2 December 2021

Profit or loss for the financial year


Capital increase of 2 December 2021

Investment subsidies


Capital increase of 2 December 2021

Tax-regulated provisions


Capital increase of 2 December 2021

Total equity


Interim dividend for 2021

Interim dividend for 2021



Interim dividend for 2021

Reserves and premiums


Interim dividend for 2021

Retained earnings and interim dividends


Interim dividend for 2021

Profit or loss for the financial year


Interim dividend for 2021

Investment subsidies


Interim dividend for 2021

Tax-regulated provisions


Interim dividend for 2021

Total equity


Other changes (1)

Other changes 



Other changes 

Reserves and premiums


Other changes 

Retained earnings and interim dividends


Other changes 

Profit or loss for the financial year


Other changes 

Investment subsidies


Other changes 

Tax-regulated provisions


Other changes 

Total equity


At 31 December 2021 At 31 December 2021Capital1,619 At 31 December 2021Reserves and premiums21,772 At 31 December 2021Retained earnings and interim dividends7,787 At 31 December 2021Profit or loss for the financial year1,457 At 31 December 2021Investment subsidies167 At 31 December 2021Tax-regulated provisions5,777 At 31 December 2021Total equity38,579
Allocation of 2021 net income

Allocation of 2021 net income



Allocation of 2021 net income

Reserves and premiums


Allocation of 2021 net income

Retained earnings and interim dividends


Allocation of 2021 net income

Profit or loss for the financial year


Allocation of 2021 net income

Investment subsidies


Allocation of 2021 net income

Tax-regulated provisions


Allocation of 2021 net income

Total equity


2022 profit

2022 profit



2022 profit

Reserves and premiums


2022 profit

Retained earnings and interim dividends


2022 profit

Profit or loss for the financial year


2022 profit

Investment subsidies


2022 profit

Tax-regulated provisions


2022 profit

Total equity


Capital increase of 13 June 2022

Capital increase of 13 June 2022



Capital increase of 13 June 2022

Reserves and premiums


Capital increase of 13 June 2022

Retained earnings and interim dividends


Capital increase of 13 June 2022

Profit or loss for the financial year


Capital increase of 13 June 2022

Investment subsidies


Capital increase of 13 June 2022

Tax-regulated provisions


Capital increase of 13 June 2022

Total equity


Dividend distribution

Dividend distribution



Dividend distribution

Reserves and premiums


Dividend distribution

Retained earnings and interim dividends


Dividend distribution

Profit or loss for the financial year


Dividend distribution

Investment subsidies


Dividend distribution

Tax-regulated provisions


Dividend distribution

Total equity


Capital increase of 07 April 2022

Capital increase of 07 April 2022



Capital increase of 07 April 2022

Reserves and premiums


Capital increase of 07 April 2022

Retained earnings and interim dividends


Capital increase of 07 April 2022

Profit or loss for the financial year


Capital increase of 07 April 2022

Investment subsidies


Capital increase of 07 April 2022

Tax-regulated provisions


Capital increase of 07 April 2022

Total equity


Capital increase of 25 July 2022

Capital increase of 25 July 2022



Capital increase of 25 July 2022

Reserves and premiums


Capital increase of 25 July 2022

Retained earnings and interim dividends


Capital increase of 25 July 2022

Profit or loss for the financial year


Capital increase of 25 July 2022

Investment subsidies


Capital increase of 25 July 2022

Tax-regulated provisions


Capital increase of 25 July 2022

Total equity


Capital increase of 7 December 2022

Capital increase of 7 December 2022



Capital increase of 7 December 2022

Reserves and premiums


Capital increase of 7 December 2022

Retained earnings and interim dividends


Capital increase of 7 December 2022

Profit or loss for the financial year


Capital increase of 7 December 2022

Investment subsidies


Capital increase of 7 December 2022

Tax-regulated provisions


Capital increase of 7 December 2022

Total equity


Dividend distribution

Dividend distribution



Dividend distribution

Reserves and premiums


Dividend distribution

Retained earnings and interim dividends


Dividend distribution

Profit or loss for the financial year


Dividend distribution

Investment subsidies


Dividend distribution

Tax-regulated provisions


Dividend distribution

Total equity


Other changes (2)

Other changes 



Other changes 

Reserves and premiums


Other changes 

Retained earnings and interim dividends


Other changes 

Profit or loss for the financial year


Other changes 

Investment subsidies


Other changes 

Tax-regulated provisions


Other changes 

Total equity


AT 31 DECEMBER 2022 AT 31 DECEMBER 2022Capital1,944 AT 31 DECEMBER 2022Reserves and premiums25,698 AT 31 DECEMBER 2022Retained earnings and interim dividends8,187 AT 31 DECEMBER 2022Profit or loss for the financial year(30,648) AT 31 DECEMBER 2022Investment subsidies218 AT 31 DECEMBER 2022Tax-regulated provisions5,742 AT 31 DECEMBER 2022Total equity11,141

(1) “Other changes” include a €42 million adjustment to provisions for post-employment benefits relating to prior years, resulting from a change in the benefit attribution method for retirement gratuity commitments (see note 1.1 to the 2021 financial statements).

(2) Investment subsidies include a €50 million French government subsidy for the SMR (Small Modular Reactors) project, of which €45 million was received during the year.

22.1 Share capital

At 31 December 2022, EDF’s share capital amounts to €1,943,859,210 comprising 3,887,718,420 fully subscribed and paid-up shares with nominal value of €0.50, owned 89.01% by the French State, 9.38% by the public (institutional and private investors) and 1.59% by current and retired Group employees, with 0.02% held by EDF as treasury shares. On 8 February 2023, the AMF published the result of the French government’s simplified tender offer for the equity securities of EDF, after the offer closed on 3 February 2023. Following completion of the Offer, the French State will own 95.82% of the share capital with at least 96.53% of voting rights, and 99.96% of the outstanding OCEANE bonds (see note 2.2.9). This fulfils the conditions for proceeding to a compulsory squeeze-out for EDF shares and OCEANEs. As indicated in an AMF notice of 25 January 2023, while awaiting the Paris Court of Appeal’s ruling on the action brought by the employee shareholding fund Actions EDF and the shareholders’ associations Énergie en actions and Association pour la défense des actionnaires minoritaires seeking annulment of the AMF’s approval of the Offer, the French government has made an undertaking that it will not proceed with the compulsory squeeze-out until the Court of Appeal has issued its decision on the merits of the case.

On 7 April 2022, the capital increase maintaining shareholders’ preferential subscription rights led to a €249 million increase in the share capital and an issue premium of €2,899 million net of expenses, following issuance of 498,257,960 new shares.

In June 2022, the payment of part of the remaining dividend for 2021 in the form of a scrip dividend led to a €66 million increase in the share capital and an issue premium of €913 million following issuance of 131,545,635 new shares.

On 25 July 2022, the “ERO 2022” capital increase reserved for employees, with elimination of preferential subscription rights, led to a €9 million increase in the share capital and an issue premium of €94 million, following issuance of 18,100,741 new shares (see note 2.2.8).

In December 2022, conversion of OCEANE bonds resulted in a €0.57 million increase in the share capital, following issuance of 1,137,336 new EDF shares (see note 22.3).

Under Article L. 111-67 of the French Energy Code, the French State must hold more than 70% of the capital of EDF at all times.

22.2 Dividends

At the General Shareholders’ Meeting of 12 May 2022 it was decided to distribute an ordinary dividend of €0.58 per share in respect of 2021, offering shareholders the choice of payment in cash or shares (scrip option).

In application of Article 24 of the Company’s articles of association, shareholders who have held their shares continuously for at least 2 years at the year-end and still hold them at the dividend distribution date benefit from a 10% bonus on their dividends. The number of shares carrying an entitlement to the bonus dividend cannot exceed 0.5% of the Company’s capital per shareholder. The bonus dividend amounted to €0.638 per share.

The French government opted for the scrip dividend for 2021.

The amount of the cash dividend paid to shareholders who did not opt for the scrip dividend for 2021 amounted to €72 million.

No interim dividend was paid for 2022.