Universal Registration Document 2022


In 2022, EDF refreshed its range of assistance services, in partnership with AXA. Named “Assistance Dépannage” (Repairs Assistance), it is available with five different service levels and offers customers fast repair solutions. In collaboration with AXA, EDF also offers bill payment insurance. This service was repositioned and enriched in 2021 with the “Assurénergie+” policy. In the event of a personal injury, the customer receives an indemnity that is equal to the estimated monthly amount of their energy bills when the policy is purchased, for a maximum of one year and subject to contractual limits on pay-outs. In addition, the customer benefits from personal assistance services that are appropriate to their situation, in order to facilitate day-to-day living.

The local services platform “IZI by EDF”, which EDF launched in 2019, has emerged as a player in the energy retrofitting and electric mobility sector. See section “Other service activities of the EDF group” “IZI by EDF”.

As part of the “Coup de Pouce Chauffage” (Heating Aid) scheme (1), EDF launched the “Mon chauffage durable” offer in January 2019. It finances the replacement of ageing, CO2-intensive heating systems with more efficient alternatives, such as heat pumps. Since March 2022, EDF has also offered, through its partners, a new boost for comprehensive retrofits. This solution provides support for households that retrofit all the energy systems in their homes, by giving priority to a coordinated set of work, rather than a series of individual operations.

Since 2020, EDF has offered its customers removal assistance through an app named “Check”. Check is a web-based app that provides users with a personalised checklist to ensure nothing is forgotten, facilitating hassle-free removals, and offering advice for a successful house move. Customers who take out an energy contract with EDF also have access to special offers negotiated with leading partners in removals, household appliances, decoration, and building works.

EDF is investing in open innovation with “EDF Pulse & You”, a digital collaborative platform for co-construction with internet users and start-ups. In particular, the platform allows smart objects to be co-built, application interfaces to be improved, and the social acceptability of soft mobility to be accelerated.

In order to widen access to crowdfunding (2), in 2021 EDF set up an internet portal that is dedicated to crowdfunding for energy transition, which is supported by the Group in France, in partnership with accredited crowdfunding organisations. It can be accessed on the “EDF Pulse & You” platform.

Earning of energy savings certificates (CEE)

Regulatory notice

The Energy Savings Certificates system (CEE), which was introduced in 2006, was updated on 1 January 2022 with the implementation of the fifth period of the system, after a fourth period (2018-2021), which targeted a total obligation of 2,133TWhp.

The fifth period of the CEE (which will run from 2022 to 2025) increases the efficiency of the system (through a sharp decrease in subsidies, checks on operations before filing an application, emphasis on the comprehensive renovation of housing, and enhancement of the national CEE programmes), and improves the system for the benefit of households with severe energy poverty (through an increase in the poverty requirement, restricting the scope to households with severe energy poverty and increasing the poverty penalty to 20/MWhp), while imposing additional obligations on the suppliers of carbon-intensive energies. The national obligation is set at 2,500TWhp for the period, of which 730TWhp is a “poverty” obligation; the latter has increased significantly compared to the figure for the fourth period.

EDF is of necessity an actor in energy savings certificate legislation, and encourages residential customers to make energy savings. In particular, it promotes home energy retrofits through its “Energy Savings Partners” and distributor networks. All residential customers who have made energy efficiency alterations to their home qualify for a direct cash bonus from EDF by visiting www.prime-energie.edf.fr  (3).

Solidarity policy

Solidarity is a core value of EDF, which has been pursuing a policy dedicated to economically disadvantaged customers for close on 30 years. Accordingly, at the end of 2021, EDF undertook to assist its residential customers with unpaid bills by deciding not to cut off their electricity at any time during the year. With this measure, EDF goes further than its regulatory obligations outside the winter grace period (4), by replacing the cut-off with a power limit of 1kVA. This measure will not apply if it is physically or technically impossible to limit the electricity supply to the home. See section 3.3.4 “Energy poverty and social innovation”.

Energy sobriety

Starting in the summer of 2022, the energy situation in France caused the government to ask various energy experts to implement initiatives in order to roll out an energy sobriety policy. This policy is completely consistent with EDF’s raison d’être. Accordingly, EDF implemented a large-scale sobriety plan, which was presented during a press conference on 10 October 2022. It is built around three lines of action for the residential market:

  • As from the start of the school year, launch relationship marketing and advertising campaigns based on a policy of raising awareness of three useful actions: “turn down, turn off, defer” (5);
  • Relaunch load shedding offers and increase the number of customers with the TEMPO regulated tariff option;
  • Support and assist customers in achieving reduced, more intelligent consumption.

EDF sent more than 50 million emails and letters at the end of 2022, which led to a sharp increase in the number of requests from customers. Around 1,500 customer service staff have been specifically trained on these subjects, especially TEMPO, in order to advise on and respond to customers’ requests.

EDF wishes sobriety to become firmly anchored in its customers’ daily habits, and hence has developed new systems and solutions, such as the power saving challenge for those of its customers who have chosen market-price solutions (6). This challenge, which was launched in December 2022, encourages customers to take the initiative to manage their consumption. Those customers who reduce their electricity consumption by 10% over the winter of 2022-2023 compared to the previous winter will be rewarded with an eco-responsible gift card or can transfer their reward to the Abbé Pierre Foundation, in which case EDF will make a 100% matching donation. Business customers

EDF is firmly rooted in local territories and supports its Business and Local Authority customers to achieve their goals in terms of sustainable performance, competitiveness and lower carbon intensity, in conjunction with the national objective of carbon neutrality. EDF proposes a wide range of electricity and gas supply offers, as well as offers of services.

(1) The initiative was launched by the government on 14 January 2019.

(2) Crowdfunding.

(3) Subject to meeting the strict requirements of the CEE regulations in force and having provided the required supporting documents.

(4) During the winter grace period, from 1 November to 31 March, electricity suppliers may not cut-off the supply of electricity to a main residence for non-payment of bills (Article L. 115-3 of the Code of Social Action and Families and Decree No. 2014-274 of 27 February 2014 modifying Decree No. 2008-780 of 13 August 2008).

(5) https://particulier.edf.fr/fr/accueil/economies-energie/gestes-utiles.html

(6) See the press release of 13 December 2022 “EDF launches an energy sobriety challenge for its private customers in market offer”.