Universal Registration Document 2022


On 27 September 2019, due to the cap on nuclear power output set by the “energy transition for green growth” law of 17 August 2015, the French State and EDF signed a protocol agreement whereby the State will compensate EDF for the early closure of Fessenheim.

The compensation paid under the terms of this protocol comprises:

  • Initial instalments to compensate for expenses incurred after the closure of the plant (end-of-operations expenditure, taxes on basic nuclear facilities, dismantling costs and staff redeployment costs), which will be paid over a 4-year period following the closure. An amount of €370 million was received on 14 December 2020.
  • This compensation is recognised as income in profit and loss as and when the associated costs are incurred.
  • Subsequent payments corresponding to the lost income that would have been generated by future power generation up until 2041, based on Fessenheim’s previous output figures and calculated “ex post” on the basis of nuclear power sale prices, particularly observed market prices. There is no reason to recognise such income in the financial statements at this stage.

Since its decoupling from the network, the Fessenheim plant has entered a post-operating phase that will last approximately five years. During that period, units 1 and 2 will continue to be operated and maintained as “defueled core” and “evacuated fuel” reactors. This will require a series of technical and administrative operations. A significant milestone was reached on 18 October 2021 when the last two packages of spent fuel were dispatched from Fessenheim unit 1 to the Orano site at La Hague. The dismantling decree for Fessenheim is expected to be issued in 2026.

The post-operating expenses and income for these two reactors at 31 December 2022 mainly comprise:

  • expenses of €98 million (salaries and social security charges for labour at the site amounting to €48 million, purchases of goods and services amounting to €47 million, taxes other than income taxes, mainly payroll taxes, energy taxes and local taxes, amounting to €4 million);
  • the compensation defined in the protocol for expenses that will be incurred after the closure, amounting to €46 million, recognised as an operating subsidy in the income statement under the methods explained above.

Note 5 Provisions and impairment

(in millions of euros) Notes 2022 2021
Reversals of provisions for risks Reversals of provisions for risksNotes25 Reversals of provisions for risks20221,262 Reversals of provisions for risks2021628
Increases to provisions for risks Increases to provisions for risksNotes25 Increases to provisions for risks2022(81) Increases to provisions for risks2021(159)
Net provisions for risks (1) Net provisions for risks (1)Notes


Net provisions for risks (1)20221,181 Net provisions for risks (1)2021469
Pensions and similar obligations Pensions and similar obligationsNotes28 Pensions and similar obligations2022809 Pensions and similar obligations2021748
Spent fuel management

Spent fuel management


Spent fuel management



Spent fuel management



Long-term radioactive waste management

Long-term radioactive waste management


Long-term radioactive waste management



Long-term radioactive waste management



Decommissioning of nuclear power plants and last cores

Decommissioning of nuclear power plants and last cores


Decommissioning of nuclear power plants and last cores



Decommissioning of nuclear power plants and last cores



Decommissioning of thermal and hydropower plants

Decommissioning of thermal and hydropower plants


Decommissioning of thermal and hydropower plants



Decommissioning of thermal and hydropower plants



Other provisions for expenses (2)

Other provisions for expenses


Other provisions for expenses



Other provisions for expenses



Reversals of provisions for expenses Reversals of provisions for expensesNotes


Reversals of provisions for expenses20224,919 Reversals of provisions for expenses20212,691
Pensions and similar obligations

Pensions and similar obligations


Pensions and similar obligations



Pensions and similar obligations



Spent fuel management

Spent fuel management


Spent fuel management



Spent fuel management



Long-term radioactive waste management

Long-term radioactive waste management


Long-term radioactive waste management



Long-term radioactive waste management



Decommissioning of nuclear power plants and last cores

Decommissioning of nuclear power plants and last cores


Decommissioning of nuclear power plants and last cores



Decommissioning of nuclear power plants and last cores



Decommissioning of thermal and hydropower plants

Decommissioning of thermal and hydropower plants


Decommissioning of thermal and hydropower plants



Decommissioning of thermal and hydropower plants



Other provisions for expenses (2)

Other provisions for expenses 


Other provisions for expenses 



Other provisions for expenses 



Increases to provisions for expenses Increases to provisions for expensesNotes


Increases to provisions for expenses2022(5,440) Increases to provisions for expenses2021(2,754)
Net provisions for expenses Net provisions for expensesNotes


Net provisions for expenses2022(521) Net provisions for expenses2021(63)
Reversals of impairment Reversals of impairmentNotes


Reversals of impairment2022310 Reversals of impairment2021330
Increases to impairment Increases to impairmentNotes


Increases to impairment2022(296) Increases to impairment2021(231)
Net impairment Net impairmentNotes


Net impairment202214 Net impairment202199
Provisions and impairment Provisions and impairmentNotes


Provisions and impairment2022674 Provisions and impairment2021505
total reversals total reversalsNotes


total reversals20226,491 total reversals20213,649
total increases total increasesNotes


total increases2022(5,817) total increases2021(3,144)

(1) Increases and reversals of provisions for risks at 31 december 2022 mainly concern energy supply contracts.

(2) At 30 June 2022, other provisions for expenses included an operating provision of €2,749 million for the cost in the second half-year of 2022 of the additional 19.5TWh ARENH allocation introduced by the decree of 11 March 2022 and its implementing orders (see note 3.1). These placed EDF under concurrent purchase and sale obligations for fixed volumes and prices over the period April to December 2022: it was required to sell 19.5TWh of ARENH electricity to eligible suppliers at the price of €46.20/MWh and to purchase 19.5TWh from the same suppliers at the price of €256.98/MWh, in coordination with the Caisse des dépôts et consignation and RTE, under the supervision of the CRE. This provision was used entirely during the second half-year as and when the sales and purchases took place.