Universal Registration Document 2022


Balance sheet


    31/12/2022 31/12/2021
(in millions of euros) Notes Gross values Amortisation, depreciation and impairment Net values Net values
Intangible assets 14 3,492 2,167 1,325 1,232
Intangible assets in progress 14 1,604 - 1,604 1,370
Property, plant and equipment owned by EDF 15 96,851 67,499 29,352 30,961
Property, plant and equipment operated under concessions 15 16,394 9,577 6,817 6,686
Tangible assets in progress 15 22,112 32 22,080 20,783
Investments and related receivables   61,525 3,521 58,004 60,265
Investment securities   25,309 1,918 23,391 25,145
Loans and other financial assets   34,207 166 34,041 23,683
Financial assets 16 121,041 5,605 115,436 109,093
I TOTAL FIXED ASSETS   261,494 84,880 176,614 170,125
Inventories and work-in-progress 17 13,151 318 12,833 10,953
Advances on orders 18 727 2 725 716
Trade and other receivables 18 26,953 397 26,556 23,816
Marketable securities 19 18,447 730 17,717 10,585
Cash instruments 18 3,603 - 3,603 2,529
Cash and cash equivalents 18-20 6,810 - 6,810 8,397
Prepaid expenses 18 1,089 - 1,089 1,015
II TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS   70,780 1,447 69,333 58,011
Deferred charges (III)   217 - 217 226
Bond redemption premiums (IV)   740 348 392 363
Unrealised foreign exchange losses (V) 21 1,906 - 1,906 1,324
TOTAL ASSETS (I + II + III + IV + V)   335,137 86,675 248,462 230,049