Universal Registration Document 2022


Details of commodity derivatives used for trading are as follows:

    31/12/2022 31/12/2021
(in millions of euros) Units of measure Net notional Fair value Net notional Fair value
Electricity TWh (13) (1,090) (111) (1,719)
Gas Millions of therms (2,497) 2,990 47,423 630
Oil products Thousands of barrels 4,065 46 6,812 17
CO2 Thousands of tonnes (1,417) (28) (7,880) (628)
Coal and freight Millions of tonnes (1) 15 - (48)
Other commodities   - (6) - (146)

These instruments mainly include contracts included in EDF Trading’s portfolio.

18.7.5 Impact of hedging derivatives on comprehensive income

Changes in the fair value of hedging derivatives included in equity (EDF share) and profit and loss are detailed below:

  2022 2021
(in millions of euros) Gross changes in fair value recorded in equity (1) Gross changes in fair value transferred to income - Recycling (2) Gross changes in fair value transferred to income - Ineffectiveness Gross changes in fair value recorded in equity (1) Gross changes in fair value transferred to income - Recycling (2) Gross changes in fair value transferred to income - Ineffectiveness
Interest rate hedging (4) 392 - (1) (98) - -
Exchange rate hedging 2,653 598 92 2,684 720 (38)
Net foreign investment hedging 308 - - (1,078) (405) -
Commodity hedging (9,002) (3,131) (2) (7,356) (2,198) (2)
HEDGING DERIVATIVES (3) (5,649) (2,533) 89 (5,848) (1,883) (40)

(1) +/(): increase/(decrease) in equity (EDF share).

(2) +/(): increase/(decrease) in net income (EDF share).

(3) Excluding associates and joint ventures.

(4) Gross changes in fair value recorded in equity in 2022 include +€155 million of changes in the fair value of hedging costs resulting from the foreign currency basis spread on and cross-currency swaps. These changes are transferred to profit and loss via interest expenses on financing operations, which are included in the cost of gross indebtedness in the income statement (see note 8.1).

The gross change in the fair value of hedging instruments recognised in equity (EDF share), including recycling, is €(3,116) million in 2022 (€(3,965) million in 2021).

In 2022 this change is explained by the gross fair value changes in net foreign investment hedges, amounting to +€308 million (€(673) million in 2021), interest rate, exchange rate and commodity hedges, amounting to €(3,579)  million (€(3,292) million in 2021) and hedging costs resulting from the foreign currency basis spread on and cross-currency swaps, amounting to +€155 million in 2022 – see the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.

The amount transferred to operating profit before depreciation and amortisation in 2022 is €(3,131) million in respect of commodity hedges comprises:

  • €(1,794) million for gas hedging contracts, concerning the France – Generation and supply and United Kingdom segments,
  • €(1,218)  million for electricity hedging contracts, concerning the France – Generation and supply and United Kingdom segments,
  • €(119) million for other hedging contracts.
18.7.6 Offsetting of financial assets and liabilities

Accounting principles and methods

A financial asset and financial liability must be netted if the entity currently has a legally enforceable right to do so and intends either to settle the net amount or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.