Universal Registration Document 2022

Introduction Segments and highlights

For details of renewables activities in Italy and Belgium, see sections “Italy” and “Northern Europe” respectively.

Wind power
Onshore wind power

In 2022, EDF  Renewables continued its growth in onshore wind power. EDF Renewables had a gross total of 10,119MW onshore wind power capacity in operation as of the end of 2022. Onshore wind farms with a gross capacity of 925MW were commissioned in 2022. Onshore wind farms under construction represented a gross capacity of 1,317MW at 31 December 2022.


EDF Renewables has continued to expand, commissioning two wind farms in 2022 with combined installed capacity of 20.8MW, Varaize and Antezant (8.8MW and 12MW respectively). In addition, nearly 13MW of wind power projects were under construction. In 2022, EDF Renewables continued to repower the Tenesa wind farm in Corsica (11.7MW)

It has launched crowdfunding for the Sud-Arrageois onshore wind farm (21.6MW) (1). It has won 3 French Energy Regulation Commission (Commission de régulation de l’énergie, CRE) calls for tender, for projects totalling 32.4MW.

South Africa

EDF Renewables has entered into 20-year Power Purchasing Agreements (PPA) for wind farms located in the municipalities of Umsombomvu, Phezukomoya and San Kraal totalling 280MW. These projects are currently under construction.

Saudi Arabia

EDF Renewables (lead contractor) commissioned the Dumat Al Jandal project in a consortium with Masdar and Nesma. With a gross installed capacity of 416MW, this will be the first such wind farm in Saudi Arabia and the most powerful one in the Middle East. Since July 2022, the wind farm has been operating at full capacity, providing over 70,000 homes with renewable electricity


EDF Renewables has been operating in Brazil since 2015, and is one of the country’s leaders in the renewable energy industry. Phase 3 of the Ventos da Bahia wind farm was commissioned in 2022. It consists of 33 wind turbines with total installed capacity of 181.5MW.

In addition, EDF Renewables has launched the construction of the second phase of the Serra do Seridó wind farm in the state of Paraíba, with 41 turbines and total installed capacity of 237MW, due to be commissioned in 2024.

The Brazilian subsidiary has also won the contract for the Serre das Alma wind farm project in Bahia, with construction due to start in 2023.

United States

EDF Renewables has commissioned two new wind farms in Texas: King Creek 1 and 2, with total installed capacity of 393MW.


EDF Renewables has won a 300MW wind farm project, SECI XII, in the state of Karnataka.


EDF Renewables and Mitsui & Co. Ltd., an international trading and investment group with a diversified business portfolio, finalised the construction of the Taza wind farm (87MW) in northern Morocco. EDF Renewables has also launched the repowering of its Koudia wind farm, with commissioning scheduled in 2024.

United Kingdom

Two EDF Renewables projects in the United Kingdom, the Stranoch wind farm in Dumfries and Galloway and the Stornoway wind farm on the Isle of Lewis have each won a Contract for Difference (CfD). Between them, these onshore wind farms will supply 300MW of low-carbon power and will be commissioned in 2025 and 2027 respectively.

Offshore wind power

Offshore wind power represents a strong area in EDF Renewables’ development. The company already has operations on the offshore wind power market, with almost 19GW of projects under development, under construction, in service, or under management and maintenance. EDF Renewables is present in Belgium, the United Kingdom, France, Ireland, and more recently in China and the United States. Together with its partners, the company is building projects totalling almost 1.5GW.


EDF Renewables is the offshore wind power leader, with four out of seven projects awarded in the calls for tender launched by the French State since 2011.

  • It won three projects in 2012, namely the offshore wind farms in Saint-Nazaire, Fécamp and Courseulles-sur-Mer. Together they make up a capacity of nearly 1,430MW and cost around €6  billion. The partnership arrangement brings together EDF Renewables, Enbridge  Inc., and wpd for the Fécamp and Courseulles-sur-Mer projects. For the Saint-Nazaire project, EDF Renewables is associated with Enbridge Inc. The construction of the Saint Nazaire wind farm, which was begun in September  2019, continued in 2021 and 2022 with offshore work. France’s first offshore wind farm was commissioned in late November 2022 (2).
  • The Fécamp offshore wind farm has been under construction since 2020. The electrical substation and 71 foundations were installed offshore in summer 2022. As of late 2022, the inter-turbine cables were being installed. The first wind turbine is due to be installed by the spring of 2023. Full commissioning of the wind farm is expected by the end of 2023.
  • Construction of the Courseulles-sur-Mer offshore wind farm started in February 2021. An order for recyclable blades for 10 turbines was placed in 2022 (3). The connection of the wind farm to landfall and the electricity grid is currently being completed. The wind farm is scheduled to be commissioned in 2025.

EDF Renewables is also conducting a pilot offshore wind farm project (Provence Grand Large) in the Mediterranean, based on floating wind power technology. Its construction continued in 2022 with the assembly of the floating platforms (4). The offshore installation of the wind farm is scheduled for the first half of 2023. It is expected to be commissioned at the end of 2023.

In June 2019, the Dunkirk project, with an installed capacity of almost 600MW, was awarded to a consortium consisting of EDF Renewables, companies Innogy (now RWE) and Enbridge. In 2021, following the withdrawal of RWE from the project, EDF Renewables and Enbridge both increased their stake in the project such that both now own 50%. The consortium (responsible for design, construction, and O&M of the future wind farm) and RTE (responsible for the electrical connection) is continuing with the consultation phase of the project, following on from the public debate organised by the Commission for Public Debate on Specific Projects (Commission particulière du débat public) in the fourth quarter of 2020. The commissioning of the wind farm is planned for 2028.

In 2021, EDF Renewables was shortlisted for a offshore wind project in Normandy launched by the government. It has also been shortlisted for three floating offshore wind farms, one in the south of Brittany (shortlisted in 2021) and two others in the Mediterranean (shortlisted in 2022).

United States

At the end of 2018, EDF Renewables set up a 50-50 joint venture, Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind, LLC, with Shell New Energies US LLC (Shell). The purpose of this joint venture is to develop offshore wind turbines on a site located off the coast of the New Jersey (WEA) under a lease issued by the US federal authorities. In June 2021, the joint venture won a Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA) to develop 1.5GW of capacity. In July 2022, the joint venture won another maritime area offshore from the state of New York in an auction organised by the federal authorities to develop a project for 1.5GW (5).

(1) See the EDF Renewables press release dated 22 June 2022 “EDF Renewables and Lendosphere launch a crowdfunding programme for the Sud-Arrageois wind farm project in Pas-de-Calais – EDF Renewables” (edf-renouvelables.com).

(2) See the EDF Renewables press release dated 23 November 2022 “EDF Renewables, Enbridge and CPP Investments Announce France’s First Offshore Wind Project, Saint- Nazaire, is Now Fully Operational”.

(3) See the EDF Renewables press release dated 20 August 2022 “Recyclable blades for the Calvados offshore wind farm – a first in France”.

(4) See the EDF Renewables press release dated 17 May 2022 “EDF Renewables and Enbridge Eolien France 2 continue construction of the Provence Grand Large pilot project and confirm their aspirations in the field of floating wind power”.

(5) See the EDF Renewables press release dated 1 March 2022 “EDF wins a maritime zone in New York bight to develop offshore wind energy”.