Universal Registration Document 2022


Change in consolidated equity

Details of the change in equity between 1 January and 31 December 2022 are as follows:

(in millions of euros) Capital Treasury shares Translation adjustments (1) Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2) Other consolidated reserves and net income (3) Equity (EDF share) Equity (non-controlling interests) Total equity
EQUITY AS PUBLISHED AT 31/12/2020 EQUITY AS PUBLISHED AT 31/12/2020Capital1,550 EQUITY AS PUBLISHED AT 31/12/2020Treasury shares(10) EQUITY AS PUBLISHED AT 31/12/2020Translation adjustments (1)(871) EQUITY AS PUBLISHED AT 31/12/2020Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)(1,116) EQUITY AS PUBLISHED AT 31/12/2020Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)46,080 EQUITY AS PUBLISHED AT 31/12/2020Equity (EDF share)45,633 EQUITY AS PUBLISHED AT 31/12/2020Equity (non-controlling interests)9,593 EQUITY AS PUBLISHED AT 31/12/2020Total equity55,226
Gains and losses recorded in equity

Gains and losses recorded in equity



Gains and losses recorded in equity

Treasury shares


Gains and losses recorded in equity

Translation adjustments (1)


Gains and losses recorded in equity

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Gains and losses recorded in equity

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Gains and losses recorded in equity

Equity (EDF share)(1,004)

Gains and losses recorded in equity

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Gains and losses recorded in equity

Total equity


Net income

Net income



Net income

Treasury shares


Net income

Translation adjustments (1)


Net income

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Net income

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Net income

Equity (EDF share)5,113

Net income

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Net income

Total equity


Consolidated comprehensive income Consolidated comprehensive incomeCapital- Consolidated comprehensive incomeTreasury shares- Consolidated comprehensive incomeTranslation adjustments (1)1,699 Consolidated comprehensive incomeFair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)(3,358) Consolidated comprehensive incomeOther consolidated reserves and net income (3)5 768 Consolidated comprehensive incomeEquity (EDF share)4 ,109 Consolidated comprehensive incomeEquity (non-controlling interests)471 Consolidated comprehensive incomeTotal equity4,580
Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds



Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Treasury shares


Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Translation adjustments (1)


Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Equity (EDF share)(547)

Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Total equity


Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see note 14.4)

Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see note 14.4)



Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see note 14.4)

Treasury shares


Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see note 14.4)

Translation adjustments (1)


Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see note 14.4)

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see note 14.4)

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see note 14.4)

Equity (EDF share)972

Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see note 14.4)

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see note 14.4)

Total equity


Dividends paid

Dividends paid



Dividends paid

Treasury shares


Dividends paid

Translation adjustments (1)


Dividends paid

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Dividends paid

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Dividends paid

Equity (EDF share)(1,599)

Dividends paid

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Dividends paid

Total equity


Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Purchases/sales of treasury shares



Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Treasury shares


Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Translation adjustments (1)


Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Equity (EDF share)(4)

Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Total equity


Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)



Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Treasury shares


Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Translation adjustments (1)


Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Equity (EDF share)1,515

Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Total equity


Other changes (4)

Other changes 



Other changes 

Treasury shares


Other changes 

Translation adjustments (1)


Other changes 

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Other changes 

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Other changes 

Equity (EDF share)132

Other changes 

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Other changes 

Total equity


EQUITY AT 31/12/2021 EQUITY AT 31/12/2021Capital1,619 EQUITY AT 31/12/2021Treasury shares(14) EQUITY AT 31/12/2021Translation adjustments (1)828 EQUITY AT 31/12/2021Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)(4,474) EQUITY AT 31/12/2021Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)52,252 EQUITY AT 31/12/2021Equity (EDF share)50,211 EQUITY AT 31/12/2021Equity (non-controlling interests)11,778 EQUITY AT 31/12/2021Total equity61,989
Gains and losses recorded in equity

Gains and losses recorded in equity



Gains and losses recorded in equity

Treasury shares


Gains and losses recorded in equity

Translation adjustments (1)


Gains and losses recorded in equity

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Gains and losses recorded in equity

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Gains and losses recorded in equity

Equity (EDF share)577

Gains and losses recorded in equity

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Gains and losses recorded in equity

Total equity


Net income

Net income



Net income

Treasury shares


Net income

Translation adjustments (1)


Net income

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Net income

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Net income

Equity (EDF share)(17,940)

Net income

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Net income

Total equity


Consolidated comprehensive income Consolidated comprehensive incomeCapital- Consolidated comprehensive incomeTreasury shares- Consolidated comprehensive incomeTranslation adjustments (1)(1,003) Consolidated comprehensive incomeFair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)(2,977) Consolidated comprehensive incomeOther consolidated reserves and net income (3)(13,383) Consolidated comprehensive incomeEquity (EDF share)(17,363) Consolidated comprehensive incomeEquity (non-controlling interests)(1,090) Consolidated comprehensive incomeTotal equity(18,453)
Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds



Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Treasury shares


Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Translation adjustments (1)


Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Equity (EDF share)(606)

Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Payments on perpetual subordinated bonds

Total equity


Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see notes 14.4)

Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see notes 14.4)



Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see notes 14.4)

Treasury shares


Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see notes 14.4)

Translation adjustments (1)


Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see notes 14.4)

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see notes 14.4)

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see notes 14.4)

Equity (EDF share)(1,025)

Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see notes 14.4)

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Issuance/Redemption of perpetual subordinated bonds (see notes 14.4)

Total equity


Dividends paid

Dividends paid



Dividends paid

Treasury shares


Dividends paid

Translation adjustments (1)


Dividends paid

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Dividends paid

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Dividends paid

Equity (EDF share)(1,050)

Dividends paid

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Dividends paid

Total equity(1,457)
Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Purchases/sales of treasury shares



Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Treasury shares


Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Translation adjustments (1)


Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Equity (EDF share)7

Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Purchases/sales of treasury shares

Total equity


Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)



Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Treasury shares


Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Translation adjustments (1)


Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Equity (EDF share)4,240

Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Capital increase by EDF (see note 14.1)

Total equity


Other changes (5)

Other changes 



Other changes 

Treasury shares


Other changes 

Translation adjustments (1)


Other changes 

Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)


Other changes 

Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)


Other changes 

Equity (EDF share)(74)

Other changes 

Equity (non-controlling interests)


Other changes 

Total equity


EQUITY AT 31/12/2022 EQUITY AT 31/12/2022Capital1,944 EQUITY AT 31/12/2022Treasury shares(7) EQUITY AT 31/12/2022Translation adjustments (1)(175) EQUITY AT 31/12/2022Fair value adjustment of financial instruments (OCI with recycling) (2)(7,451) EQUITY AT 31/12/2022Other consolidated reserves and net income (3)40,029 EQUITY AT 31/12/2022Equity (EDF share)34,340 EQUITY AT 31/12/2022Equity (non-controlling interests)12,272 EQUITY AT 31/12/2022Total equity46,612

(1) Changes in translation adjustments amount to €(1,003) million at 31 December 2022. This variation is mainly due to the depreciation of the pound sterling against the euro (£1 = €1.190 at 31 December 2021 and £1 = €1.127 at 31 December 2022).

(2) Changes in reserves recorded in OCI (Other Comprehensive Income) with recycling are shown in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. They correspond to the effects of fair value adjustments of debt securities and financial instruments hedging cash flows and net foreign investments, and amounts recycled to profit and loss in respect of terminated contracts and debt instruments transferred. They also include changes in the value of hedging costs resulting from the foreign currency basis spread on cross-currency swaps.

(3) Fair value changes recorded in OCI with no recycling are presented in this column.

(4) In 2021, “Other changes” in equity (non-controlling interests) include the effect of capital increases funded by CGN for NNB Holding Company (HPC) Ltd. (for the Hinkley Point C project) and NNB Holding Company (SZC) Ltd. (for the Sizewell C project) amounting to €1,304 million. In 2021, “Other changes” in equity (EDF share) also include: - adjustment of prior year provisions for post-employment employee benefits, amounting to €49 million net of tax, resulting from application of the IFRIC decision on attribution of benefits;

- reclassification of net book values for previously capitalised configuration and customisation costs on SaaS (software as a service), amounting to €(64) million net of tax, following the IASB’s confirmation of the IFRIC decision on recognition of these costs. “Other changes” in equity (EDF share and non-controlling interests) also include the effect on equity of transactions with minority shareholders in the form of acquisitions and disposals not entailing a change of consolidation method (sale of 49% of Edison Renewables, acquisition of 70% of E2i and the IPO by PodPoint, see note 3.1.2).

(5) In 2022, “Other changes” in equity (non-controlling interests) include capital increases funded by CGN at NNB Holding Company (HPC) Ltd. (for the Hinkley Point C project) amounting to €1,351 million. They also include: - the effect of the UK Government’s (HMG) investment in and CNG’s withdrawal from NNB Holding Company (SZC) Ltd. on 30 November 2022, with an effect of €(170) million on equity (EDF share) and €361 million on equity (non-controlling interests) (see note 14.6);

- the effect of disposals not entailing a loss of control and partner contributions concerning projects owned in Belgium (the Seraing CCGT project) and by EDF Renewables (a project in Israel), with an effect of €56 million on equity (EDF share) and €281 million on equity (non-controlling interests);

- the adjustment for the expense resulting from the Employee Reserved Offer (ERO), with an effect of €44 million on equity (EDF share) (see note 7).