Universal Registration Document 2022


Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

    2022 2021
(in millions of euros) Notes EDF net income Net income attributable to non-controlling interests Total EDF net income Net income attributable to non-controlling interests Total
Consolidated net income   (17,940) (285) (18,225) 5,113 (285) 4,828
Fair value of cash flow hedges              
Fair value of cash flow hedges - gross change 18.7.5 (3,579) 57 (3,522) (3,292) (33) (3,325)
Fair value of cash flow hedges - tax effects   936 (14) 922 779 8 787
Fair value of net investment hedges              
Fair value of net investment hedges - gross change 18.7.5 308 - 308 (673) - (673)
Fair value of net investment hedges - tax effects   65 - 65 (83) - (83)
Change in fair value of debt instruments              
Gross change in fair value of debt instruments 18.1.2 (1,660) - (1,660) (346) - (346)
Related tax effect   428 - 428 101 - 101
Fair value of hedging costs (foreign currency basis spread)              
Fair value of hedging costs (foreign currency basis spread) - gross change (1) 18.7.5 155 - 155 - - -
Fair value of hedging costs (foreign currency basis spread) - tax effects   (40) - (40) - - -
Translation adjustments - controlled entities   (1,114) (546) (1,660) 1,935 606 2,541
Share in net income of associates and joint ventures - items that can be recycled to profit and loss   521 - 521 (80) - (80)
Gains and losses recorded in equity with recycling   (3,980) (503) (4,483) (1,659) 581 (1,078)
Change in fair value of equity instruments              
Gross change in fair value of equity instruments 18.1.2 (16) - (16) 15 1 16
Related tax effect   - - - - - -
Change in actuarial gains and losses on post- employment benefits              
Gross change in actuarial gains and losses on post- employment benefits (2) 16.1.3 3,899 (405) 3,494 1,144 263 1,407
Related tax effect (2)   458 103 561 (421) (89) (510)
Share in net income of associates and joint ventures - items that cannot be recycled to profit and loss   216 - 216 (83) - (83)
Gains and losses recorded in equity with no recycling   4,557 (302) 4,255 655 175 830
Total gains and losses recorded in equity   577 (805) (228) (1,004) 756 (248)
CONSOLIDATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME   (17,363) (1,090) (18,453) 4,109 471 4,580
Comprehensive income of continuing operations   (17,369) (1,090) (18,459) 4,110 471 4,581
Comprehensive income of discontinued operations   6 - 6 (1) - (1)

(1) The change in hedging costs includes the €125 million effect of restatements of prior-year figures.

(2) Actuarial gains included in equity principally concern France (see note 16.1). They have a limited tax effect due to the policy for recognition of deferred tax assets: deferred tax assets are recognised in full for temporary differences that are expected to reverse within 10 years, and recognised to the extent of concurrent deferred tax liabilities for temporary differences that areexpected to reverse after that horizon. Most of the actuarial gains originating in 2022 concern the portion of the provision for employee benefits on which the reversal will occur after more than 10 years, and for which no corresponding deferred tax asset was recognised at 31 December 2021.