Universal Registration Document 2022

Introduction Rainfall in France

2022 was marked by record low hydro condition levels.

Reservoir levels were particularly low at the start of the summer, being in a pre- drought situation after markedly low cumulative snowfall during the winter of 2021/2022 and a rapid thaw concentrated in the month of May. The significant

shortage of precipitation continued during the summer, and there were also three intense heatwaves that brought river flow rates particularly low.

Rainfall in the second half of the year resulted in a gradual recovery in water levels, which remained below normal: the annual index was the lowest for 60 years, at 0.71, compared to 0.94 in 2021.

Hydrological conditions in France*

This graph shows the hydrological conditions in France*.


March :  approximately 65%

June :  approximately 55%

September :  approximately 65%.

December :  approximately 80%.


March :  approximately 65%.

June :  approximately 115%.

September :  approximately 75%.

December :  approximately 105%.

*Weekly monitoring of French reservoir levels by the EDF group’s statistical observatory (Miréor project) as far as the coast.