Universal Registration Document 2022


The table below details the remuneration of all kinds paid to Jean-Bernard Lévy and to Luc Rémont, during the 2021 and 2022 fiscal years or owed for the 2021 and 2022 fiscal years.


  2022 fiscal year 2021 fiscal year
(in euros) Amounts due for the fiscal year Amounts paid during the fiscal year Amounts due for the fiscal year Amounts paid during the fiscal year
Jean-Bernard Lévy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer        
Fixed remuneration 450,000 (2) 403,977 (3) 450,000 450,000
Variable remuneration none none none none
Multi-year variable remuneration none none none none
Exceptional remuneration none none none none
Remuneration of the office of Director none none none none
Benefits in kind (4) 3,660 (2) 3,355 (3) 3,660 3,660
TOTAL 453,660 407,332 453,660 453,660

(1) Table 2 of AMF position-recommendation no. 2021-02.

(2) Amount that would have been due for a full year, if the term of office had been held from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.

(3) Amount paid calculated on a prorated basis up to the date of resignation of Jean-Bernard Lévy.

(4) This benefit corresponds to the provision of a company car.


  2022 fiscal year 2021 fiscal year
(in euros) Amounts due for the fiscal year Amounts paid during the fiscal year Amounts due for the fiscal year Amounts paid during the fiscal year
Luc Rémont, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer        
Fixed remuneration 47,727 (2) 47,727 (3) n/a n/a
Variable remuneration none none n/a n/a
Multi-year variable remuneration none none n/a n/a
Exceptional remuneration none none n/a n/a
Remuneration of the office of Director none none n/a n/a
Benefits in kind (4) 279 (2) 0 (5) n/a n/a
TOTAL 48,006 47,727 n/a n/a

n/a: not applicable

(1) Table 2 of AMF position-recommendation no. 2021-02.

(2) Amount due on a prorated basis starting from the appointment of Mr. Rémont as Chairman and CEO.

(3) Amount paid calculated on a prorated basis starting from the appointment of Mr. Rémont as Chairman and CEO.

(4) This benefit corresponds to the provision of a company car.

(5) The amount of these benefits in kind shall be recognised in early 2023. Setting of the remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Remuneration for the 2022 fiscal year

The Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee at its meeting of 8 February 2022 reviewed the policy regarding remuneration of Jean-Bernard Lévy, in his capacity as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and decided to recommend to the Board of Directors that the principles and criteria for the determination of items comprising his remuneration be maintained for the 2022 fiscal year. On recommendation from the Committee, the Board which met on 17 February 2022 decided to maintain the fixed annual gross remuneration of Jean-Bernard Lévy for the 2022 fiscal year at €450,000. The remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer also includes benefits in kind corresponding to the provision of a company car.

Given the resignation of Jean-Bernard Lévy from his terms of office as Director and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF, the Appointments, Remuneration and Governance Committee, meeting on 17 November 2022, reviewed the proposed remuneration of the new Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for the 2022 fiscal year and decided to recommend to the Board of Directors that the principles and criteria for determining the components of the remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer be maintained in favour of Luc Rémont. Concurrently with the proposal made by the Board of Directors to the President of the French Republic to appoint Luc Rémont as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company (see section “Appointment and powers of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer”), the Board of Directors, upon the proposal made by the Committee, decided at its meeting of 18 November 2022 to set the annual fixed gross remuneration of the new Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for the fiscal year 2022 at 450,000 euros, in accordance with the 2022 remuneration policy approved by the General Meeting on 12 May 2022, and furthermore decided that this remuneration would be calculated on a prorated basis starting from the appointment of Luc Rémont as Chairman and CEO of EDF by Decree of the President of the French Republic.

Remuneration for the 2023 fiscal year

The Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee at its meeting of 8 February 2023 reviewed the policy regarding remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and decided to recommend to the Board of Directors that the principles and criteria for the determination of items comprising his remuneration be maintained for the 2023 fiscal year. On recommendation from the Committee, the Board which met on 16 February 2023 decided to maintain the fixed annual gross remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for the 2023 fiscal year at €450,000 while noting that the ceiling introduced in 2012 in Decree no. 53–707 of 9 August 1953 by Decree no. 2012-915 of 26 July 2012 had not been raised since that date. The remuneration of Luc Rémont also includes benefits in kind corresponding to the provision of a company car.