Universal Registration Document 2022


Since 2012, the remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF has been set at the amount of the cap inserted into Decree no. 53–707 of 9 August 1953 by Decree No. 2012-915 of 26 July 2012 relating to State control over the remuneration of executives of publicly-held companies. This regulatory cap has not been revised since 2012.

As the remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer is set at the ceiling set by the Decree of 9 August 1953 and does not include a variable portion, its determination is not based on criteria related to the Company’s performance.

The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer is also covered by the social protection schemes set up by EDF for the benefit of the Company’s executives and senior managers who are not covered under the articles of association (health cover and provident cover).

In view of the resignation of Jean-Bernard Lévy from his terms of office as Director and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF, and at the same time as the proposal made by the Board of Directors to the President of the French Republic to appoint Luc Rémont as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company (see section “Appointment and powers of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer”), the Board of Directors decided, on 18 November 2022, upon the proposal made by the Appointments, Remuneration and Governance Committee, to set the annual fixed gross remuneration of the new Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for the 2022 fiscal year at €450,000, in accordance with the 2022 remuneration policy approved by the General Meeting on 12 May 2022, and decided that this remuneration would be calculated on a prorated basis starting from the appointment of Luc Rémont as Chairman and CEO of EDF by decree of the President of the French Republic.

Ratio of equity (1) and changes in remuneration 2018-2022

In accordance with Article L. 22-10-9 of the French Commercial Code, the table below shows the change over the past five years in the ratio between the level of remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and the average remuneration on a full-time equivalent basis of EDF employees (other than corporate officers and the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer), and the ratio between the level of total remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and the median remuneration on a full-time equivalent basis of EDF employees (other than corporate officers and the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer), as well as the organic changes in Group EBITDA over the same period.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Remuneration of the Chairman and CEO (1) Remuneration of the Chairman and CEO (1)2022


Remuneration of the Chairman and CEO (1)2021


Remuneration of the Chairman and CEO (1)2020


Remuneration of the Chairman and CEO (1)2019


Remuneration of the Chairman and CEO (1)2018


Changes in the remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (2) Changes in the remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (2)2022


Changes in the remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (2)2021


Changes in the remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (2)2020


Changes in the remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (2)2019


Changes in the remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (2)2018


Equity ratio/Average remuneration (3) Equity ratio/Average remuneration (3)2022


Equity ratio/Average remuneration (3)2021


Equity ratio/Average remuneration (3)2020


Equity ratio/Average remuneration (3)2019


Equity ratio/Average remuneration (3)2018


Equity ratio/Median remuneration (3) Equity ratio/Median remuneration (3)2022


Equity ratio/Median remuneration (3)2021


Equity ratio/Median remuneration (3)2020


Equity ratio/Median remuneration (3)2019


Equity ratio/Median remuneration (3)2018


Changes in average salary (2)(4) Changes in average salary (2)(4)2022


Changes in average salary (2)(4)2021


Changes in average salary (2)(4)2020


Changes in average salary (2)(4)2019


Changes in average salary (2)(4)2018


Changes in median salary (2)(4) Changes in median salary (2)(4)2022


Changes in median salary (2)(4)2021


Changes in median salary (2)(4)2020


Changes in median salary (2)(4)2019


Changes in median salary (2)(4)2018


Organic changes in the Group EBITDA (2) Organic changes in the Group EBITDA (2)2022


Organic changes in the Group EBITDA (2)2021


Organic changes in the Group EBITDA (2)2020


Organic changes in the Group EBITDA (2)2019


Organic changes in the Group EBITDA (2)2018


(1) The sum of €455,059 corresponds to the total of the compensation paid to Jean-Bernard Lévy in his capacity as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer until the date of his resignation and to Luc Rémont as of his appointment as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. See the breakdown in the tables in section “Remuneration of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer”.

(2) Change observed in year N compared to year N-1.

(3) EDF employees’ salaries taken into account include the fixed salary, the variable portion and all bonuses, including those related to the status of the IEGs, as well as any benefits in kind.

(4) The change in average and median salary observed between the 2021 and 2022 fiscal years is due to the 2022 salary measures, including the payment of a value-sharing bonus (VSP), as well as an increase in the variable components paid in 2022 in respect of 2021, compared to the amounts paid in 2021 in respect of the year 2020, a year adversely affected by the Covid crisis.

The employees taken into account for the calculation of the above ratios are all the full-time equivalent employees of EDF in France, continuously present over the year 2022, i.e. approximately 60,000 employees, which represents all of EDF’s employees in France and nearly 50% of the Group’s employees in France. Remuneration policy applicable to Directors

After receiving the opinion of the Appointments, Remuneration and Governance Committee at its meeting held on 8 February 2023, the Board of Directors, at its meeting held on 16 February 2023, approved the remuneration policy described below concerning the amount and distribution among the Directors of the sums paid to them in respect of their office pursuant to Article L. 225-45 and Article L. 22-10-14 of the French Commercial Code.

Budget and breakdown of remuneration paid to Directors in respect of their office

The Directors representing the employees hold office without remuneration in accordance with Law no. 83–675 of 26 July 1983 concerning the democratisation of the public sector, and the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer receives no remuneration for his or her term of office as a Director.

Pursuant to Order no. 2014-948 of 20 August 2014, the remuneration granted, in respect of their office, to Directors appointed by the General Meeting on a proposal from the French State in accordance with Article 6 of the Order, and who are civil servants of the State, shall be paid in full to the State budget.

As regards other Directors appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting on recommendation of the French State and who are not civil servants, an Order of the French Minister for the Economy and Finance dated 5 January 2018 (2) states that the Company pays into the French State budget 15% of the remuneration allocated to them for their term of office, with the remaining 85% paid to the Director.

Regarding the Representative of the French State appointed in accordance with Article 4 of the Order of 20 August 2014, any remuneration that he/she is entitled to receive for the performance of his/her duties is paid to the State budget.

After receiving the opinion of the Appointments, Remuneration and Governance Committee, the Board of Directors submits to the General Meeting of Shareholders for approval a fixed annual sum to be allocated to the Directors in accordance with the allocation rules defined by the Board and presented in this remuneration policy.

The Board of Directors meeting on 16 February 2023 decided to submit to the General Meeting called to approve the financial statements for fiscal year 2022 an annual remuneration package for directors of €530,000 for fiscal year 2023.

(1) Ratios were established in accordance with guidelines published by the AFEP.

(2) The provisions of the Order of 5 January 2018, amending the Order of 18 December 2014 in accordance with Article 6-V of the Order dated 20 August 2014, have been applicable since 1 February 2018.