Universal Registration Document 2022

4.3.2 Personal information on members of the Executive Committee

4.3 Executive Management

4.3.2 Personal information on members of the Executive Committee

4.3.2 Personal information on members of the Executive Committee

Marc Benayoun, 56 years old, a graduate of the École supérieure des sciences économiques et commerciales (ESSEC), began his career at Paribas Group in 1989, before joining the Boston Consulting Group in 1993. He became Associate Director at the Paris office in 2001 then at the Moscow office in 2008. During this period, he held a range of responsibilities, including the development of skills and business in the Company in the natural gas sector. In 2009, he joined the EDF group as Economics, Tariffs and Prices Director, in the Commerce Division. He was notably in charge of discussions related to changes in the French regulated electricity tariffs. In 2012, he became Director, Business Customers Market. In this role, he managed the project to end regulated electricity tariffs for companies and local communities, which resulted in EDF regaining its leadership position in a competitive environment. In 2016, Marc BENAYOUN was appointed Member of the Executive Committee of the EDF group, Gas and Italy. As such, he served as Chief Executive Officer of Edison, the third-largest Italian energy company. He also oversaw gas procurement activities for the EDF group, and managed its portfolio of long-term contracts for the transport of natural gas by pipeline and by sea (liquefied gas), as well as the assets needed to transport the gas to the delivery points. Since July  2019, Marc Benayoun has been Group Senior Executive Vice-President, Customers, Services and Regions. In this capacity, he heads the Commerce Division and supervises energy services related entities, including Dalkia. He is also a member of the EDF Trading Board of Directors, Chairman of the Edison Board of Directors and supervises the EDF group gas procurement platform based in Italy.

Bruno Bensasson, 50 years old, is a graduate of the École Polytechnique and École des Mines of Paris. He began his career in 1998 at the Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (French Nuclear Security Authority) as head of a Regional Division (Lower and Upper Normandy) then as the Chief of Staff of the CEO. From 2004 to 2006, he was the technical adviser responsible for the environment, new energies and nuclear energy at the office of the French Minister for Industry, then technical adviser at the General Secretariat of the office of the President of the French Republic with responsibility for industry, the environment and transport. He joined SUEZ in 2007 as Director of Economic Studies in the Department of Development and Strategy. In 2011, he became a member of the Executive Committee of GDF SUEZ as Director for Strategy and Sustainable Development. He was appointed CEO of GDF SUEZ Énergie France in early 2013 and, in July  2014, became Vice-President of GDF SUEZ Énergie Europe responsible for development and renewable energy generation. Since 2016, he has been the CEO of Engie Africa. Since May  2018, Bruno Bensasson has been the EDF group Senior Executive Vice-President responsible for Renewable Energies and the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF Renewables. He is a Director of Luminus and EDF Trading.

Béatrice Buffon, 48 years old, is a graduate from both the École Polytechnique and the École nationale des ponts et chaussées. She began her career as Finance Manager at COGETHERM, an EDF subsidiary specialising in the development of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) projects. In 2001, she joined SIIF Energies, which later became EDF Renewables, where she would take up office as Project Manager in 2003. From 2007 to 2009, she undertook the functions of Deputy Executive Director of POWEO Energies Renewables. She returned to EDF Renewables in 2010 as Director of Development for large-scale, ground-mounted solar power projects; then in 2011, she became Director of Development for Offshore Wind Power France. In 2014, Béatrice Buffon became Executive Vice President of EDF Renewables, responsible for renewable marine energies and a member of the EDF Renewables Executive Committee. She is a Chevalier de l’Ordre national du mérite. Since February 2020, she has been Group Executive Director responsible for EDF’s International Division.

Christophe Carval, 62 years old, holds a degree in electrical engineering from HEI Lille engineering school, and joined the EDF group in 1982. He has held several management positions in Departmental, Regional and Inter-regional Units in the electricity and gas distribution sector. In 2007, he was appointed to head up the project to create and manage the new Shared Services Division of the EDF group, aiming at rationalising and professionalising this Division. He was the Director of Human Resources, Health & Safety and the Enedis Transformation project from 2014, where he notably led projects to simplify the Company’s structure into 25 Regional Divisions and to overhaul its governance system. Since July 2017, he has held the position of Group Senior Executive Vice-President, Human Resources Division. He is also Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Enedis and a member of the Supervisory Boards of RTE, CTE, Framatome and EDF Energy.

Xavier Girre, 54 years old, is a graduate of the HEC business school, is the holder of a Master’s degree in business law, a graduate of IEP (i.e. Paris Institute of Political Studies) and is an alumnus of ENA (French National School of Administration). Xavier Girre began his career at the French Court of Auditors in 1995, before joining the Veolia Group in 1999 where he spent twelve years and notably held the positions of Group Risk and Auditing Director of Veolia Group, Deputy Chief Executive Officer in charge of Finance of Veolia Transportation and then of Veolia Environmental Services. From 2011 to 2015, he was Deputy CEO, Chief Financial Officer of La Poste Group and then Chairman of the XAnge Private Equity Supervisory Board. Xavier Girre joined EDF in 2015 as Chief Financial Officer for France, before being appointed to the EDF Executive Committee. He is also a Director of EDF Energy, EDF Renewables, Dalkia, Edison, Chairman of the Board of Directors of EDF Trading, a member of the Supervisory Board of Enedis, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of CTE, and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of RTE. Xavier Girre is also Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of La Française des Jeux. He is also an independent Director of CNIM. Since March 2016, he has been Group Senior Executive Vice-President, Finance.

Véronique Lacour, 58 years old, holds a postgraduate diploma in Information Systems from the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne. She started her career at Thales in 1987, where she gained solid experience in information systems, before taking up the position of Chief Information Officer for a new Division of Thales in 2004. Between 2007 and 2009, she managed its HR Information Systems Shared Services. She moved to Safran in 2009 where she held the position, first, of Chief Information Officer for Safran Aircraft Engines (formerly Snecma), and later, in 2013, Vice-President Improvement Initiatives, where she managed continuous improvement and transformation initiatives. She went on to become Vice-President Programs for Safran Analytics, and was involved in the creation of this new Big Data-focused entity as part of the Group’s digital transformation strategy. Véronique Lacour joined EDF’s Executive Committee on 1 December 2016, tasked with directing the Group’s activities in the areas of information systems, purchasing, real property, consultancy, shared tertiary services and IT. Since 2016, she has been Group Senior Executive Vice-President, Transformation and Operational Effectiveness.

Cédric Lewandowski, 53 years old, is a graduate of the Paris Institute of Political Studies (IEP) and holds a postgraduate degree (DEA) in Geopolitics (Paris-VIII). Cédric Lewandowski began his career at EDF in 1998 as the Chief of Staff for the Chairman of EDF from 1998 to 2004, he then served as Director of the Electric Transport and Vehicles Division of Électricité de France from 2005 to 2008. He subsequently became Director of EDF Collectivités within EDF’s Commerce Division from 2008 to 2012, Chairman of the Board of Directors of H4 from 2009 to 2012, Director of Safidi from 2009 to 2012 and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Tiru company from 2009 to 2012. He was then appointed Director of the Civil and Military Cabinet of the French Minister of Defence from May 2012 until July 2017. He held the position of EDF group Senior Executive Vice-President, Innovation, Corporate Responsibility and Strategy from 2017 to 2019. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Électricité de Strasbourg and Governor of WANO’s Main Governing Board. He has been Group Senior Executive Vice-President, Nuclear and Thermal since July 2019.

Alexandre Perra, 42 years old, is a graduate of the Institut d’études politiques de Paris in 2005 and holds a Master’s degree in Modern Literature. Before working for EDF, he joined Thales in 2007, firstly working at the Strategy Department, before becoming Head of Group International Communications, then Head of Media Relations and finally being appointed Deputy Director of Group Communications in 2012. He joined EDF in November  2014 as Executive Director attached to the Chairman and CEO of EDF, in charge of executive coordination and governmental relations. He took part in the definition of the CAP 2030 company strategy, first implemented in 2015 and was involved in the strategic issues of the Company. In 2017, Alexandre Perra prepared EDF’s strategy in the field of electricity storage. In 2018, he led the Storage Plan. In 2017, he launched Project Y, which is still ongoing and mobilises young employees under the age of 35 to accelerate EDF’s digital transformation. He is also a sponsor of Let’s Talk Energy, the Group’s collective intelligence programme promoting dialogue between employees to develop the strategy of the Company, its entities and subsidiaries. Alexandre Perra is a trustee of the EDF Foundation and a member of Franco-British Young Leaders, which he joined in 2017. He has held the position of Group Senior Executive Vice-President, Innovation, Corporate Responsibility and Strategy since July 2019.

Simone Rossi, 54 years old, a graduate of the University of Bocconi (Milan) in Business Administration. Simone Rossi began his career as a consultant, firstly at KPMG Consulting in corporate finance, and then from 1996 at McKinsey & Company, where he mainly specialised in the sectors of energy, financial institutions, and information and communication technologies. In 2004, he joined Edison SpA in Milan as Head of Strategy, before being promoted to become Director of Financial Control and Information Systems in 2007. At the end of 2009, he was appointed Chief Financial Officer of Constellation Energy Nuclear Group (CENG), a company based in Baltimore in the United States. He then became Chief Financial Officer of EDF Energy in April 2011. In March 2015, Simone Rossi was appointed EDF group Senior Executive Vice-President, International Division. Since 1 November 2017, he has been the Chief Executive Officer of EDF Energy and Group Senior Executive Vice-President of EDF.

Pierre Todorov, 64 years old, is a graduate of the École normale supérieure (Ulm) and the École nationale d’administration (ENA) and holder of an advanced teaching degree in philosophy. Pierre Todorov was an auditor then Counsel at the French Council of State from 1986 to 1990. He then joined Lagardère Group, where he held a range of responsibilities in the media branch, particularly serving as International Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Hachette Filipacchi. In 1997, he was appointed General Secretary of Accor Group, a position he held until 2008. Between 2008 and 2011, he was a partner in the law firm of Hogan Lovells LLP, and then joined PSA Peugeot Citroën in 2011, as General Secretary, a member of the Executive Management Committee. Pierre Todorov has been EDF group General Secretary and a member of the Executive Committee since February 2015.

Alain Tranzer, 56 years old, is a graduate engineer of the École Polytechnique and École des Mines of Paris. He began his career in 1991 with the PSA Group. After a period in ground liaison engineering, he successively held the positions of Sub- system Manager, Plant Quality Director, and Chief Engineer for the Peugeot 407, then Director of the Peugeot 208-2008 programme. He has thus acquired solid experience in the management of industrial projects, from design to industrialisation, and was awarded the Eurostar 2013 Project Leader of the Year prize by Automotive News Europe. In 2013, Alain Tranzer became responsible for the PSA Group’s preliminary projects, the modular policy and complex projects involving autonomous, connected, electric and hybrid electric vehicles. From 2018 to 2020, he was Senior Vice-President of the PSA Group, responsible for the CO2programme and associated platforms and technological modules. In March 2020, he joined the EDF group to steer the implementation of the “Excell” plan, which aims to strengthen industrial quality, skills and governance of major nuclear projects, and was appointed General Representative for Industrial Quality and Nuclear Skills. He is a member of EDF Executive Committee.

Xavier Ursat, 56 years old, a graduate of the École Polytechnique and Télécom Paris. He joined EDF in 1991, first holding various positions in the hydraulic engineering department until 2002. He oversaw the construction of EDF’s hydraulic engineering centres and contributed to international projects, especially in South America. From 2002 to 2005, he was a special advisor to EDF’s Senior Executive Vice-President, Generation and Engineering. From 2005 to 2007, he was Assistant Director of the Alps Generation Unit in Grenoble and from 2007 to 2010, Director of the Southwest Generation Unit in Toulouse. From 2010 to 2015, he was successively Deputy Manager and Manager of the Hydraulic Generation & Engineering Division. He is Chairman of the French National Nuclear Industry Strategy Committee (CSFN – Comité stratégique de la filière nucléaire) and of GIFEN (Groupement des industriels français de l’énergie nucléaire, i.e. the French Nuclear Energy Industry Group), as well as Chairman of the Supervisory & Steering Committee of Edvance, and a member of the Supervisory Board of Framatome. He is also Honorary Governor of the World Water Council. Since March 2015, Xavier Ursat has been Group Senior Executive Vice-President, New Nuclear Projects and Engineering.