Universal Registration Document 2022

4.3 Executive Management

4 Corporate Governance

4.3 Executive Management

4.3 Executive Management

The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer is assisted by an Executive Committee which includes representatives of all the Group’s lines of business.

This Committee is a decision-making body, a forum for discussion and a consultative body on the operational and strategic issues for the Group. It examines all the substantive and current files of significance to the Group, tracks the operating objectives and results and contributes to the management and forecasting of the major challenges for the EDF group. It reviews and authorises significant projects, specifically the Group’s investment or divestment projects for amounts which exceed certain thresholds, in accordance, where appropriate, with the governance of the Group’s listed subsidiaries. The Executive Committee meets each week.

In order to reinforce the examination and follow-up of projects, an Executive Committee Commitments Committee examines in-depth the most significant projects in terms of level of commitments or risks incurred before the Executive Committee makes its decision. No investment project may be submitted for review by the Board of Directors without having first been approved by this Committee.

On the date of filing of this Universal Registration Document, the Executive Committee comprises thirteen members and a Secretary. The list of members and their personal information appear below.

4.3.1 Members of the Executive Committee

On the filing date of this Universal Registration Document, the members of the Executive Committee were as follows:

Names Duties
Luc Rémont Luc RémontDuties

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Marc Benayoun Marc BenayounDuties

Group Senior Executive Vice-President, Customers, Services and Regions. He oversees Edison and gas activities

Bruno Bensasson Bruno BensassonDuties

Group Senior Executive Vice-President, Renewable Energies, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF Renewables

Béatrice Buffon Béatrice BuffonDuties

Group Senior Executive Vice-President, International Division

Christophe Carval Christophe CarvalDuties

Group Senior Executive Vice-President, Group Human Resources

Xavier Girre Xavier GirreDuties

Group Senior Executive Vice-President, Group Finance

Véronique Lacour Véronique LacourDuties

Group Senior Executive Vice-President, Transformation and Operational Effectiveness

Cédric Lewandowski Cédric LewandowskiDuties

Group Senior Executive Vice-President, Nuclear and Thermal

Alexandre Perra Alexandre PerraDuties

Group Senior Executive Vice-President, Innovation, Corporate Responsibility and Strategy

Simone Rossi Simone RossiDuties

Group Senior Executive Vice-President, Chief Executive Officer of EDF Energy

Alain Tranzer Alain TranzerDuties

General Representative for Industrial Quality and Nuclear Skills

Pierre Todorov Pierre TodorovDuties

Group Senior Executive Vice-President, Group General Secretary

Xavier Ursat Xavier UrsatDuties

Group Senior Executive Vice-President, New Nuclear Projects and Engineering

Paul-Marie Dubée is the Group Senior Vice-President Secretary of the Executive Committee. He is Executive Coordinator, Government Relations. Brice Bohuon will succeed Pierre Todorov and will join EDF on 10 April 2023 as Group Senior Executive Vice-President in charge of the General Secretary (see the EDF press release of 14 March 2023 "Appointment of Brice Bohuon to the EDF Group Executive Committee").