Universal Registration Document 2022


Activity in 2022
  2022 2021
Number of meetings

Number of meetings



Number of meetings



Average attendance rate

Average attendance rate


93,3 %

Average attendance rate


77,5 %

Average duration of the meetings

Average duration of the meetings


2 hours and 1 minute

Average duration of the meetings


1 hours and 40 minutes

In 2022, the Committee reviewed in particular:

  • the 2021 non-financial performance statement included in the 2021 management report;
  • a strategic review of non-financial rating agencies to prioritise requests in order to respond to the agencies with the greatest impact on investors;
  • an update on the controversies and the means implemented by EDF to address them;
  • the Group’s 2021 vigilance plan and its deployment (see section 3.9 “Vigilance Plan”);
  • the latest news on the Gunaa Sicaru wind farm dispute;
  • the draft consultative opinion of the shareholders on EDF’s climate transition plan for the General Meeting of 12 May 2022;
  • the results of the “My EDF group” 2021 survey;
  • the 2021 report of the EDF group Ombudsman;
  • the progress of the Group’s carbon neutrality strategy;
  • the European taxonomy and the publications made under it for fiscal year 2021;
  • the presentation of the Group’s E&S segment;
  • the overview and results of the Group’s gender equality in terms of work and pay and the Group’s health and safety policy;
  • the environmental footprint of power generation including a focus on water, soil and raw material consumption;
  • the directions and developments in view of the preparation of the 2022 non- financial performance statement and the expected developments of the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) in the field of non-financial reporting; and
  • the presentation of the activity report of the Group Ethics and Compliance Department.

The Committee did not need to seek any external technical advice or order any studies on issues falling within its remit during the 2022 fiscal year. Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee

The table below outlines the membership of the Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee on the date of filing of this Universal Registration Document.

Members of the Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee
Colette Lewiner Chair Independent Director appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting
Karine Granger Member Director elected by the employees
Claire Pedini Member Independent Director appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting
Alexis Zajdenweber* Member Director – Representative of the French State

* Alexis Zajdenweber has been a Member of the Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee since 5 October 2022.

Number of members 4
Number of independent directors 2
Percentage of independent directors* 66,67 %

* Excluding Directors representing the employees.


In terms of appointments, the Committee submits its recommendations or proposals to the Board of Directors regarding the appointment of Directors by the Shareholders’ Meeting. It oversees the selection process for potential candidates, may conduct its own research into candidates and may engage specialist consultants to assist in identifying potential candidates. It gives its opinion to the Board on proposed appointments to the Board Committees. It proposes to the Board the definition and updating of a diversity policy applied to Directors. It monitors the implementation of the policy and the results achieved. The Committee ensures the existence of succession plans in order to anticipate the succession, whether unforeseen or at the end of their term, of executive corporate officers and members of the Group’s Executive Committee. The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer is involved in the Committee’s work in the performance of this task, except with respect to work regarding his or her own succession.

With regard to remuneration, the Committee examines and gives an opinion on the corporate officer remuneration policy referred to in Article L. 22-10-8 of the French Commercial Code and on the principles and criteria used to determine and distribute all the factors comprising the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer’s remuneration and benefits of all kinds. It submits this opinion to the Board for discussion. The Chairman of the Committee also submits this opinion for approval to the French Minister for the Economy. The Committee prepares its proposals within the limits specified by Decree no. 2012-915 of 26 July 2012, which amended the Decree of 9 August 1953, relating to French State control of the remuneration of the executives of public companies, in accordance with which the Chairman and Chief Executive’s annual remuneration must not exceed the gross ceiling of €450,000. The Committee submits to the Board its opinion on the remuneration policy of the Group’s Executive Committee and the main executives, as well as on the amount and terms and conditions for the distribution of the sum set by the Shareholders’ Meeting to be allocated to the Directors in return for their duties.

In terms of governance, the Committee oversees issues relating to corporate governance and ensures the implementation, within the Company’s corporate bodies, of the principles and rules in the AFEP-MEDEF Code in particular. It may make proposals concerning changes in the operation or powers of the Board or its internal Rules of Procedure. Every year, it conducts a review of the operation of the Board and its Committees and every three years supervises the formal audit conducted by an independent external consultant. Each year, the Committee examines the individual situations of the Directors in accordance with the independence criteria defined by the AFEP-MEDEF Code and reports its findings to the Board. In the event of appointment of new members of the Audit Committee, it examines these members’ expertise in the field of finance, accounting and statutory audit. It examines and gives its opinion on situations of conflicts of interest of which it has become aware or which are reported to it and reports such situations to the Director Board.

Activity in 2022
  2022 2021
Number of meetings

Number of meetings



Number of meetings



Average attendance rate

Average attendance rate


90 %

Average attendance rate


95 %

Average duration of the meetings

Average duration of the meetings


42 minutes

Average duration of the meetings


44 minutes

In 2022, the Committee reviewed:

  • the proposals concerning the determination of the remuneration of the Chairman and CEO and the Directors and the remuneration policy to be submitted to the General Meeting of 12 May 2022;
  • the individual situation of the Directors with regard to the independence criteria provided in the AFEP-MEDEF Code;
  • the draft corporate governance report included in the 2021 Universal Registration Document;
  • EDF’s executive remuneration policy (overview of allocations for fiscal year 2021 and developments for fiscal year 2022), as well as the structure of the 2022-2024 long-term incentive plan (LTI) for certain executives;
  • proposals for the appointment of directors by the General Meeting or co-opting members by the Board of Directors;
  • the remuneration and benefits of the new Chairman and CEO (see Section “Remuneration of the Chairman and CEO”); and
  • conflicts of interest vis-a-vis Jean-Bernard Lévy and Luc Rémont alleged by minority shareholders in the context of the simplified takeover bid launched by the French State.

The Committee did not need to seek any external technical advice or order any studies on issues falling within its remit during the 2022 fiscal year.