Universal Registration Document 2022

Introduction Activity of the Board of Directors in 2022
  2022 2021
Number of meetings

Number of meetings



Number of meetings



Average attendance rate

Average attendance rate



Average attendance rate



Average duration of the meetings

Average duration of the meetings


2 hours and 24 minutes

Average duration of the meetings


2 hours and 56 minutes

* In addition to this number of meetings, a one-day strategy seminar was held, as well as two workshops, one dedicated to the climate and the other to the challenges and prospects of the capacity obligation mechanism.

The table below presents individual attendance rates during the 2022 fiscal year by members of the Committee whose terms of office are ongoing on 31 December 2022:

Individual attendance rate of Directors in 2022 Board of Directors Audit Committee Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee Strategy Committee Corporate Responsibility Committee Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee
Luc Rémont (1)

Luc Rémont 

Board of Directors


Luc Rémont 

Audit Committee


Luc Rémont 

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Luc Rémont 

Strategy Committee


Luc Rémont 

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Luc Rémont 

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Claire Bordenave

Claire Bordenave

Board of Directors


Claire Bordenave

Audit Committee


Claire Bordenave

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Claire Bordenave

Strategy Committee


Claire Bordenave

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Claire Bordenave

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Nathalie Collin

Nathalie Collin

Board of Directors


Nathalie Collin

Audit Committee


Nathalie Collin

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Nathalie Collin

Strategy Committee


Nathalie Collin

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Nathalie Collin

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Bruno Crémel

Bruno Crémel

Board of Directors


Bruno Crémel

Audit Committee


Bruno Crémel

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Bruno Crémel

Strategy Committee


Bruno Crémel

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Bruno Crémel

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Gilles Denoyel

Gilles Denoyel

Board of Directors


Gilles Denoyel

Audit Committee


Gilles Denoyel

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Gilles Denoyel

Strategy Committee


Gilles Denoyel

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Gilles Denoyel

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Anne-Marie Descôtes (2)

Anne-Marie Descôtes 

Board of Directors


Anne-Marie Descôtes 

Audit Committee


Anne-Marie Descôtes 

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Anne-Marie Descôtes 

Strategy Committee


Anne-Marie Descôtes 

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Anne-Marie Descôtes 

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Delphine Gény-Stephann (3)

Delphine Gény-Stephann 

Board of Directors


Delphine Gény-Stephann 

Audit Committee


Delphine Gény-Stephann 

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Delphine Gény-Stephann 

Strategy Committee


Delphine Gény-Stephann 

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Delphine Gény-Stephann 

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Karine Granger

Karine Granger

Board of Directors


Karine Granger

Audit Committee


Karine Granger

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Karine Granger

Strategy Committee


Karine Granger

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Karine Granger

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Marie-Christine Lepetit

Marie-Christine Lepetit

Board of Directors


Marie-Christine Lepetit

Audit Committee


Marie-Christine Lepetit

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Marie-Christine Lepetit

Strategy Committee


Marie-Christine Lepetit

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Marie-Christine Lepetit

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Colette Lewiner

Colette Lewiner

Board of Directors


Colette Lewiner

Audit Committee


Colette Lewiner

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Colette Lewiner

Strategy Committee


Colette Lewiner

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Colette Lewiner

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Sandrine Lhenry

Sandrine Lhenry

Board of Directors


Sandrine Lhenry

Audit Committee


Sandrine Lhenry

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Sandrine Lhenry

Strategy Committee


Sandrine Lhenry

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Sandrine Lhenry

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Claire Pedini

Claire Pedini

Board of Directors


Claire Pedini

Audit Committee


Claire Pedini

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Claire Pedini

Strategy Committee


Claire Pedini

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Claire Pedini

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Philippe Petitcolin

Philippe Petitcolin

Board of Directors


Philippe Petitcolin

Audit Committee


Philippe Petitcolin

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Philippe Petitcolin

Strategy Committee


Philippe Petitcolin

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Philippe Petitcolin

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Jean-Paul Rignac

Jean-Paul Rignac

Board of Directors


Jean-Paul Rignac

Audit Committee


Jean-Paul Rignac

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Jean-Paul Rignac

Strategy Committee


Jean-Paul Rignac

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Jean-Paul Rignac

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Vincent Rodet

Vincent Rodet

Board of Directors


Vincent Rodet

Audit Committee


Vincent Rodet

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Vincent Rodet

Strategy Committee


Vincent Rodet

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Vincent Rodet

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Michèle Rousseau

Michèle Rousseau

Board of Directors


Michèle Rousseau

Audit Committee


Michèle Rousseau

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Michèle Rousseau

Strategy Committee


Michèle Rousseau

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Michèle Rousseau

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Christian Taxil

Christian Taxil

Board of Directors


Christian Taxil

Audit Committee


Christian Taxil

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Christian Taxil

Strategy Committee


Christian Taxil

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Christian Taxil

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


Alexis Zajdenweber (4)

Alexis Zajdenweber 

Board of Directors


Alexis Zajdenweber 

Audit Committee


Alexis Zajdenweber 

Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee


Alexis Zajdenweber 

Strategy Committee


Alexis Zajdenweber 

Corporate Responsibility Committee


Alexis Zajdenweber 

Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee


(1) Director whose term of office expired on 18 November 2022.

(2) Director whose term of office expired on 28 November 2022.

(3) Director whose term of office expired on 12 May 2022.

(4) Director whose term of office expired on 23 September 2022.

Activity in 2022

The Board held a total of 22 meetings, including 14 extraordinary meetings during fiscal year 2022.

In addition to numerous matters related to the Company’s ordinary business, the Board of Directors reviewed and/or authorised the following:

  • the progress of the Hinkley Point C and Flamanville 3 projects, the excell plan, the Nuward project and the Sizewell C project, for which the Board authorised the submission of binding bids to the UK Government and the signing of the agreements related to the Government investment decision;
  • EDF’s project to acquire General Electric’s “nuclear steam power” business (1);
  • the progress of the investment programme for the existing nuclear fleet in France and the EPR2 construction programme in France (see section “The issues relatig to the nuclear activity”);
  • the Group’s financial situation, trajectory and prospects;
  • EDF Energy’s performance and prospects;
  • the sale by EDF Trading Holdings of EDF Energy Services;
  • the Company’s capital increase maintaining the preferential subscription right and the capital increase reserved for members of the EDF group savings plan and international group savings plan;
  • the situation of the Cordemais power plant and the Group’s strategy in terms of decarbonised thermal power;
  • EDF’s contribution to the French Energy and Climate Strategy;
  • the Group’s response to the Elektrarna Dukovany II tender in the Czech Republic (see section “Other “New Nuclear” projects”);
  • the approval of the report on internal control included in the three-year report on securing the financing of nuclear expenses, the updating of the reference memorandum on the policy for setting up, managing and controlling the financial risks of EDF’s dedicated assets (see section “Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee”) and the renewal of the terms of office of the members of the Nuclear Commitments Financial Expertise Committee (CEFEN);
  • EDF’s policy on professional and salary equality;
  • the 2023-2028 terms of appointment of EDF’s Statutory Auditors, upon the recommendation made by the Audit Committee in view of the General Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ending 31 December 2022;
  • the contract for the supply of liquid biomass to be entered into by EDF PEI as part of the project to convert the Port Est power plant in Reunion Island;
  • the French State’s planned simplified takeover bid for all of the Company’s shares (see below);
  • the determination of the 2022 remuneration of the Chairman and CEO and the Directors and the remuneration policy to be submitted to the General Meeting of 12 May 2022;
  • the yearly evaluation of director independence and;
  • the proposal to the President of the French Republic for the appointment of the Chairman and CEO of EDF.

(1) See press release of 4 November 2022 “GE and EDF sign a binding agreement related to EDF’s acquisition of GE Steam Power’s nuclear activities”.