Universal Registration Document 2022


Fabrice GUYON, 49 years old

Position held within the Company

Director elected by the employees

Date of appointment to the Board

16 February 2023

Expiry of current term of office

22 November 2023

Other position(s)

Member of the Corporate Responsibility Committee

Shares held

466 (1)



Holder of an industrial control and automatic regulation HND (BTS CIRA), Fabrice Guyon started his career at EDF by joining the nuclear power plant of Chinon in 1992 as an apprentice in the plant operation division. From 1994 to 2012, he held various positions within the operation division of the Chinon power plant such as operator, nuclear unit steering operator, consignment officer, technical manager and chief deputy operating officer. Union representative since 2012, he was successively local Union representative, Vice Secretary of the European Works Council, coordinator for the French Committee Group and coordinator at the Nuclear and Thermal Generation Division of EDF between 2012 and 2023. He is a member of the EU Sectoral social dialogue of electricity. Fabrice Guyon is currently employed by the Chinon power plant operation division. Fabrice Guyon is sponsored by the CGT trade union.

Other offices and positions held

Position held within Group

  • Employee of the operating department of the Chinon nuclear power plant
Office/Position Title Country







Expired offices held outside the Company over the past five years

  • None

(1) Shares held through the corporate mutual profit-sharing scheme (FCPE) (amount rounded down to the nearest unit).

Sandrine LHENRY, 48 years old

Position held within the Company

Director elected by the employees

Date of appointment to the Board

28 July 2021

Expiry of current term of office

22 November 2023

Other position(s)

Member of the Audit Committee, Strategy Committee, and Corporate Responsibility Committee

Shares held

34 (1)



Graduate from the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) and holding a Master’s degree in HR & CSR from the Institut d’administration des entreprises (IAE) of Paris Sorbonne, Sandrine Lhenry began her career in the Electricity and Gas Industries (IEG – Industries Électriques et Gazières) in 1999 at EDF Gaz de France Distribution in the customer services sector. In charge of the social dialogue of the IEG branche, within the managing team of the national FO Energies et mines federation between 2014 and 2017, she later became Deputy General Secretary of the FO federation from 2017 to 2020. Project manager in the Communication & CSR Department of Enedis until 2022 and is currently a project manager in the Nuclear and Thermal Fleet Department. Sandrine Lhenry is sponsored by the FO union.

Other offices and positions held

Position held within Group

  • Project manager in the Nuclear and Thermal Fleet Department (NTFD)
Office/Position Title Country
Full member Full memberTitleConseil Supérieur de l’Énergie (French High Energy Council) Full memberCountryFrance

Expired offices held outside the Company over the past five years

  • None

(1) Shares held directly and through the corporate mutual profit-sharing scheme (FCPE) (amount rounded down to the nearest unit).

Jean-Paul RIGNAC, 60 years old

Position held within the Company

Director elected by the employees

Date of appointment to the Board

1 November 2007

Last re-elected

23 November 2019

Expiry of current term of office

22 November 2023

Other position(s)

Member of the Audit Committee

Shares held




Holder of a Doctorate in energy from the Institut National Polytechnique in Toulouse, Jean-Paul Rignac joined EDF in 1991. He served as Secretary of EDF Research & Development’s joint generation Committee for five years. He is currently a research engineer at EDF’s Research & Development Division (EDF Lab Les Renardières Centre 77) and works on energy efficiency in the heating/air-conditioning of industrial buildings and clean rooms. Jean-Paul Rignac is sponsored by the CGT trade union.

Other offices and positions held

Position held within the Company

  • Research Engineer at the EDF Research and Development Division
Office/Position Title Country







Expired offices held outside the Company over the past five years

  • None