Universal Registration Document 2022


Delphine GENY-STEPHANN, 54 years old

Position held within the Company

Director appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting on recommendation of the French State

Date of appointment to the Board

12 May 2022

Expiry of current term of office

Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the fiscal year closing 31 December 2024

Other position(s)

Member of the Corporate Responsibility Committee

Shares held 0

Nationality French

Engineer from l’École Polytechnique and l’École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and a gratuate of the MBA of the Collège des ingénieurs, Delphine GÉNY-STEPHANN started her career in 1994 at the Treasury Department of the French Ministry for the Economy & Finance. In 1999, she joins the French State Shareholdings Agency and sits on the Board of Directors of several public companies. She joins in 2005 the High performance material Department of Saint Gobain where she holds consecutively the positions of Development Managing Director, Financial Director of the Ceramic activity. In 2013, she was made Mergers & Acquisitions manager and was appointed External Venturing Director of the group. In 2014, she becomes Managing Director of Planning and Strategy for Compagnie de Saint-Gobain, member of the General Management Committee of the Group, before becoming Chief Executive Officer of the Silicon Carbide and Quartz activity. In November 2017, she is appointed Secretary of State to the Minister of the Economy and Finance, position which she holds until October 2018. Delphine Gény-Stephann has been a consultant since 2019 and has been advising the Advisory Council set up by Morgan Stanley in its Paris office since the end of 2022. She is also member of the Boards of directors of Thales (France) and Eagle Genomics Ltd (UK), member of the Steering Committee of GENEO Partenaires SAS and member of the Supervisory Committee of the Holding d’infrastructures des métiers de l’environnement SAS (controlling the Saur Group).

Other offices and positions held

Principal positions held outside the Company

  • Consultant
Office/Position Title Country  
Director Thales France L
Director Eagle Genomics United Kingdom  
Member of the Supervisory Board Holding d’infrastructures des métiers de l’environnement SAS France  
Member of the Steering Committee and Stakeholder Committee GENEO Partenaires SAS France  

Expired offices held outside the Company over the past five years


G: EDF group company – L: listed company

Marie-Christine LEPETIT, 61 years old

Position held within the Company

Director appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting on recommendation of the French State

Date of appointment to the Board

07 May 2012

Last re-elected

06 May 2021

Expiry of current term of office

Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the fiscal year closing 31 December 2024

Other position(s)

Chair of the Audit Committee and member of the Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee

Shares held 0

Nationality French

A former student of the École Polytechnique and the National School of Administration (ENA), Marie-Christine Lepetit joined the General Inspectorate of Finance in 1987, where she held auditing and advisory positions. After being appointed by Jean Lemierre in 1991, to introduce management control within the General Inspectorate of Finance, she became in charge in January 1995 of synthesis work at the Tax Legislation Department, before joining the office of the Prime Minister, Alain Juppé, as technical advisor, first in taxation and macroeconomic studies, then in taxation and SMEs from 1995 to 1997. She continued her career at the General Directorate for Tax, working to improve service quality (pre-filled tax returns, remote procedures, certification). She was appointed Director of Tax Law at the French Ministry for the Economy and Finance in 2004 and used this role to push through tax reforms from 2004 to 2012, co-chairing at the same time the working group on the reform of the financing of social welfare and co-signing the report by the conference of experts on the “energy-climate contribution” chaired by Michel Rocard. She also sat on the Local Authorities Reform Committee chaired by Édouard Balladur as Executive Director and was a member of the Public Life Renewal and Ethics Commission chaired by Lionel Jospin. Marie-Christine Lepetit was appointed Head of the General Inspectorate of Finance in March 2012, a position she will hold until 2022. She is a member of the Risk and Internal Control Committee of the Fondation des apprentis d’Auteuil.

Other offices and positions held

Principal position held outside the Company

  • Inspector General of Finance
Office/Position Title Country

Member of the Risks & Internal Control Committee

Member of the Risks & Internal Control Committee


Fondation des apprentis d’Auteuil

Member of the Risks & Internal Control Committee



Expired offices held outside the Company over the past five years

In France

  • Director of the Paris Institute of Political Studies (IEP)