Universal Registration Document 2022


Information regarding the Directors

The table below summarises the main information concerning the members of the Board of Directors as at the date of filing of this Universal Registration Document.

  Âge Gender Nationality Number of shares Number of mandates in listed companies (incl. EDF) Independance Date of first appointment Term of office shall expire on

Seniority in the Board (in years)


Audit Committee

Strategy Committee Appointments, Remuneration and Governance Committee Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee Corporate responsibility Committee
Directors appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting  
Luc Rémont* Chairman & Chief Executive Officer  53 M French 0 3   18/11/2022 SM2025 <1   P    
Nathalie Collin 58 F French 0 1 22/07/2021 SM 2025 1,5      
Bruno Crémel 57 M French 0 1 16/05/2019 SM 2023 (1) 3,67    
Colette Lewiner 77 F French 642 4 11/04/2014 SM 2025 (2) 8,76     P    
Claire Pedini 57 F French 0 1 12/05/2016 SM 2023 6,68       P
Philippe Petitcolin 70 M French 0 2 16/05/2019 SM 2023 3,67    
Director appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting on recommendation of the French State  
Anne-Marie Descôtes 63 F French 0 1   28/11/2022 SM 2023 <1        
Gilles Denoyel 68 M French 0 2   16/05/2019 SM 2023 3,67       P
Marie-Christine Lepetit 61 F French 0 1   07/05/2012 SM 2025 10,69 P    
Michèle Rousseau 65 F French 0 1   30/09/2016 SM 2025 6,29      
Delphine Gény-Stephann 54 F French 0 2   12/05/2022 SM 2025 <1        
Director – Representative of the French State  
Alexis Zajdenweber 46 M French 0 2   23/09/2022 20/11/2026 <1      
Directors elected by the employees  
Karine Granger 55 F French 25 1   23/11/2019 22/11/2023 3,15    
Fabrice Guyon 49 M French 466 1   16/02/2023 22/11/2023 <1        
Sandrine Lhenry 48 F French 34 1   28/07/2021 22/11/2023 1,5    
Jean-Paul Rignac 60 M French 0 1   01/11/2007 22/11/2023 15,21      
Vincent Rodet 57 M French 401 1   23/11/2019 22/11/2023 3,15  
Christian Taxil 47 M French 2 186 1   23/11/2014 22/11/2023 8,15      

*Mr. Luc Rémont was appointed as the Company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer by decree of the President of the French Republic of 23 November 2022.

(1) SM 2023: Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the fiscal year closing 31 December 2022.

(2) SM 2025: Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the fiscal year closing 31 December 2024.

■ Member of the committee

P chairman of the committee

Independence within the meaning of the AFEP-MEDEF Code criteria