Universal Registration Document 2022

4.2.1 Members of the Board of Directors

4.2 Members and functioning of the Board of Directors

4.2.1 Members of the Board of Directors

4.2.1 Members of the Board of Directors

In accordance with Order no. 2014-948 of 20 August 2014 regarding governance and trading in French State-owned companies, EDF is administered by a Board of Directors consisting of three to eighteen members, including members appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting, others appointed upon recommendation of the French State in accordance with Article 6 of the Order, a French State Representative chosen by the Minister for the Economy from the Civil Service in accordance with Article 4 of the Order, and one third employee representatives elected in accordance with the provisions of the law of 26 July 1983 on the democratisation of the public sector (1).

On the date of filing of this Universal Registration Document, the Board of Directors comprises eighteen members:

  • eleven Directors appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting, including five on recommendation of the French State;
  • six Directors elected by the employees;
  • one Representative of the French State.

The Government Commissioner (2) and Head of the French State General Economic & Financial Supervisory Mission to the Company(3) and the Secretary of EDF Central Social & Economic Committee attend the meetings of the Board of Directors, in an advisory capacity only.

Between 1 January 2022 and the date of filing of this Universal Registration Document, the following amendments have intervened in the membership of the Board of Directors (see the table below disclosing personal information concerning the Directors):


First name, surname Director/Category Event Date of Event
First name, surnameVéronique Bédague-



Director appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting on recommendation of the French State



Date of EventEffective following the General Meeting of 12/05/2022
First name, surnameDelphine Gény-



Director appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting on recommendation of the French State


Appointment to replace Véronique

Date of EventShareholders’ Meeting of 12/05/2022
First name, surname

Martin Vial


Director – Representative of the French State


Termination of his duties as Commissioner of the French State Shareholdings Agency

Date of Event


First name, surname

Céline Fornaro


Director – Representative of the French State


Appointment by Order of the French Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty to replace Martin Vial

Date of Event


First name, surname

François Delattre


Director appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting on recommendation of the French State



Date of Event


First name, surname

Céline Fornaro


Director – Representative of the French State


Replaced by Alexis Zajdenweber pursuant to an Order of the French Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industrial Sovereignty

Date of Event


First name, surname

Alexis Zajdenweber


Director – Representative of the French State


Appointment by Order of the French Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty to replace Martin Vial

Date of Event


First name, surname

Luc Rémont




Co-opted to replace François Delattre

Date of Event


First name, surname

Alexis Zajdenweber


Director – Representative of the French State

EventRenewal of the term of office (1) Date of Event


First name, surname

Jean-Bernard Lévy


Director appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting and Chief Executive Officer


Resignation of his mandates as Director and Chairman and CEO

Date of Event


First name, surname

Luc Rémont


Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


Appointment as Chairman and CEO by Decree of the President of the French Republic

Date of Event


First name, surname

Anne-Marie Descôtes


Director appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting on recommendation of the French State


Co-opted to replace Jean-Bernard Lévy

Date of Event


First name, surname

Claire Bordenave


Director elected by the employees (sponsored by the CGT trade union)



Date of Event


First name, surname

Fabrice Guyon


Director elected by the employees (sponsored by the CGT trade union)


Succeeding Claire

Bordenave (2)
Date of Event



(1) In accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of Decree no. 2014-949 of 20 August 2014 implementing the Order of 20 August 2014, the Representative of the French State is appointed for a term equal to the term of office of the members of the Board of Directors, i.e. for a four-year term.

(2) Article 16 of Act no. 83–675 of 26 July 1983 on the democratisation of the public sector provides that the candidates coming on a list immediately after the last elected candidate are called upon to replace the representatives elected on this list whose seat would become vacant for any reason whatsoever.

In accordance with the rules in force concerning the staggering of directors’ terms of office, the terms of office of five directors shall expire at the Annual General Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ending 31 December 2022:

  • Claire Pedini, Bruno Crémel and Philippe Petitcolin, independent directors appointed by the General Meeting;
  • Gilles Denoyel and Anne-Marie Descôtes, directors appointed by the Shareholder's Meeting on recommendation of the French State.

Concerning the resignation of Jean-Bernard Lévy from his terms of office as Director and Chairman and CEO of EDF and the appointment of Luc Rémont, see section “Appointment and powers of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer”.

(1) The employee representatives mentioned in Paragraph I of Article 7 of the Order of 20 August 2014 are subject, for their election and their status, to the same provisions as those applicable to employee representatives of companies subject to the law of 26 July 1983 (chapters II and III of section II of the law).

(2) Article 15 of the Order of 20 August 2014.

(3) This remit exercises the French State’s economic and financial supervision of EDF, in accordance with Article 8 of Decree no. 55–733 of 26 May 1955. It can exercise extensive supervisory procedures.