Universal Registration Document 2022


To hit its direct GHG emissions reduction targets, the EDF group is also committed to taking action to manage and reduce SF6 and HFC emissions (see section, manage the consumption of Group facilities (see section, and relating to its fleet of vehicles and staff travel (see sections and

By 2030, and in line with the CAP 2030 projects, the main actions enabling the EDF group to achieve its targets relating to decarbonised generation are as follows:

The Group is by far the biggest investor in the energy transition in Europe, accounting on its own for more than 20% of industrial investments in the electrical sector.

In 2022, nearly 94% of Group investments were made in low-carbon technology, with 50% of investments concerning the nuclear sector. Furthermore, the Group’s investments aligned with the European Sustainable Taxonomy in effect as at 31 December 2022 amount to 66% (see section “Roadmap for increasing the Group’s decarbonised output”).

Subjects Actions Section URD
Grand Carénage Continued operation of France’s nuclear power plants beyond 40  years thanks to the Grand Carénage programme.
New Nuclear In February 2022, the French President expressed his desire for 6 new EPR2 nuclear power generation reactors to be built in France and commissioned from 2035, and for 8 additional reactors to be studied. The Head of State also announced the development of the NUWARDTM reactor and innovative reactors.
Development of renewables Doubling of installed renewable energy capacity, including hydro, between 2015 and 2030, to reach 60GW net in 2030.
Flexibility and management of intermittency Development of electrical storage to improve system flexibility and management of the intermittency of non- controllable renewable energies.

By 2030, and in line with the CAP 2030 projects, the main actions enabling the EDF group to achieve these indirect GHG emission targets are as follows:

Impact of our actions on the reduction of the Group's indirect (SCOPE 3) GHG emissions

This graph shows the impact of our actions on the reduction of the Group's indirect (SCOPE 3) GHG emissions.

2019 emissions (in MtCO₂e): 119

Reduction of emissions related to gas sales: -20

Reduction of emissions from non-controlled assets: -8

Reduction of emissions related to electricity purchases: -5

Reduction of emissions related to travel: -0.3

2030 emissions (in MtCO₂e): 86

Between 2019 emissions and 2030 emissions there is a decrease of approximately -28%.