Universal Registration Document 2022


On the EDF group International Department projects, human rights risks are examined and managed at different stages of projects:
  • During the pre-development phase, for “new” countries a “country” assessment is carried out using the Verisk Maplecroft® tool, an in-house country profiling tool (see section  3.9.5 “Major improvements of the EDF group’s Vigilance Plan in 2022” – More in-depth analysis of country risks) or other sources. Specific due diligence measures can also be taken for specific industries: accordingly, a Human Rights Risks study was conducted in 2022 in Colombia to assess issues specific to the hydroelectricity sector, focusing on possible development zones, resulting in the creation of a risk matrix (for EDF activities, local communities, and suppliers & sub-contractors) and issuing of management recommendations. Identified risks include, among others and depending on zones:
    • lack of community participation in and mistrust of projects, particularly in mining regions;
    • possible conflicts over water resources;
    • deteriorating security conditions, and use of security forces;
    • protection of whistleblowers (environmental and social), etc.
  • During the development phase, depending on identified country risks, combined with project specifics, a Human Rights Impact Assessment & Management (HRIAM) study will be set up. This is currently the case in Malawi on the Mpatamanga project, for which EDF was selected with SCATEC as “strategic sponsor”. The aim of this study is to:
    • specify the “Human Rights” context in the project zone, in connection with future development and construction activities;
    • draw up a matrix of risks and opportunities generated by the project regarding human rights;
    • identify “rights-holders”;
    • identify social and environmental studies that need to incorporate a human rights component;
    • submit a Human Rights Policy proposal for the project.
  • Human Rights clauses are also systematically included in construction contracts (“EPC”) to build major infrastructure such as hydroelectric facilities, but also for smaller contracts such as photovoltaic generators for “B&I” (Business & Industry) clients, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • During the construction phase, claim and complaint management systems are set up for workers and communities (in addition to systems provided by EDF and any lessors).
Conflict between Russia and Ukraine:

Before the start of the war in Ukraine, the EDF group operated in Russia in two ways. Firstly, in the energy services field, via Dalkia’s subsidiary in Russia, the company Dalkia Rus. Then, via its Moscow office that was tasked, in Russia, with (i) promoting Group business lines and (ii) developing new activities relating to the energy transition. Since the start of the war in Ukraine, the EDF group has relied on the measures set out in its vigilance plan to make sure that neither its activities nor the activities of entities with which it is in business feature risks of serious violation of human rights, health and safety, or the environment. It has also relied on the provisions of the OECD Guide (1), which recommends that businesses assess any plans to terminate a business relationship based on the importance of this relationship, the legal consequences of the pursuance or termination of the relationship, changes that termination would cause in the field, as well as any credible information regarding potential negative economic and/or social impacts of the termination decision.

Accordingly, EDF suspended its operations in Russia, taking the decision in March 2022 to close its Moscow office, then announcing on 23 May 2022 the sale of Dalkia’s Russian subsidiary, Dalkia Rus.

Plus, to ensure that no contractual relationships breached the packages of sanctions adopted against Russia, the EDF group relied on its organisation and guidelines in terms of export control & sanctions. More generally, the decision to pursue certain relationships was always taken in accordance with international sanctions and restrictions imposed by Russia, the absolute need not to violate human rights, fundamental liberties, personal health and safety, and the environment, or to jeopardise nuclear security, plus continuing to secure the electricity supply of France and European countries, which – given the current geopolitical and economic situation – is a key goal as electricity is an essential product.

Ongoing litigation in Mexico

In 2018, an NGO referred the planned Gunaa Sicaru wind farm, managed by a subsidiary of EDF Renewables in Mexico, to the OECD’s French national contact point (NCP). During the course of the OECD mediation process, the EDF group took part in two dialogue meetings with the plaintiffs and provided some responses to the concerns raised. The NCP closed the matter in spring 2020. The indigenous consultation process conducted by the Mexican authorities was suspended following the earthquake in 2018, and since 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The process is now taking its course after the judge ordered the resumption of the consultation. Likewise, in December 2019, EDF responded to a formal notice for the same project sent pursuant to the French “Duty of Vigilance” Act by that NGO and four individuals. EDF was then summoned on 13 October 2020 to appear before the Paris Court of Justice (tribunal judiciaire) under the French “Duty of Vigilance” Act. The applicants have asked the court to order changes to the Vigilance Plan produced by EDF to better address, in particular, the risks posed to the rights of indigenous communities and to order compensation for the damage caused by its failure to fulfil its duty of vigilance. EDF has challenged these two applications. On 30 November 2021, the pre-trial judge rejected the non-profits’ request for a precautionary suspension of the project as well as their request for an injunction against EDF’s Vigilance Plan, due to the lack of a prior formal notice. The applicants appealed the judgment of the pre-trial judge. The Tribunal proposed mediation, which EDF accepted. Since then, the process has been ongoing at the court of appeal. On 12 July 2022, the French NCP published a press release noting the bolstering of EDF’s corporate policy and the work done on human rights, as well as engagement with stakeholders. As these measures met its recommendations, the NCP accordingly ended its monitoring (2). Developments in the case are also being monitored by members of the CDRS (see section on CDRS).

A website dedicated to the project is available in English and Spanish:

https:// www.gunaa-sicaru.com/. Environment Identifying salient risks

Group mapping of risks is performed based on the Group’s line of industrial activities. Environmental risks are identified, assessed, and prioritised through the environmental management system (EMS) and the internal control system linked to Group risk management (see section “Environmental management system (EMS)”). The identification of environmental risks is part of the Group’s overall risk management system (see chapter 2 “Risk factors and control framework”). Each company draws up its own risk map, based on the Group’s methodology, and defines action plans to reduce and limit its risks.

The 2022 risk mapping update reconfirmed the 2021 risk analysis and did not highlight new environmental risks. The main change concerns the observation of the effects of climate change with higher temperatures in summer and droughts increasing the pressure on both environments and some of the Group’s business lines such as hydropower and nuclear activities.