Universal Registration Document 2022


Environmental key performance indicators and outcomes Level of assurance
Short-Lived Low and Intermediate Level solid radioactive Waste – EDF

Short-Lived Low and Intermediate Level solid radioactive Waste – EDF

Level of assurance


Very-Low Level radioactive Waste (VLLW) from decommissioning and associated industrial activities – Group in France

Very-Low Level radioactive Waste (VLLW) from decommissioning and associated industrial activities – Group in France

Level of assurance


Low and Intermediate Level radioactive Waste (LLW and ILW) from decommissioning and associated industrial activities – Group in France

Low and Intermediate Level radioactive Waste (LLW and ILW) from decommissioning and associated industrial activities – Group in France

Level of assurance


Annual rate of conventional waste directed towards a waste recovery industry

Annual rate of conventional waste directed towards a waste recovery industry

Level of assurance


* The verification rates and coverage rates for indicators relating to greenhouse gas emissions for the Group’s scopes 1, 2 and 3 are presented in Appendix 3.

Appendix 2

Selected contributing entities

Within EDF
  • EDF head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Saint-Laurent and Dampierre
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
Within EDF Hydro

Within EDF Hydro

  • EDF head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Saint-Laurent and Dampierre
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • EDF Hydro head office
  • Groupement d’Exploitation Hydraulique (GEH) Durance
Within EDF Systèmes Energétiques Insulaires (EDF IES)

Within EDF S

ystèmes Energétiques Insulaires


  • EDF head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Saint-Laurent and Dampierre
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • Plant: Thermal power plant of Vazzio (Corse)
Within Enedis

Within Enedis

  • EDF head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Saint-Laurent and Dampierre
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • Enedis head office
  • Direction Régionale Sillon Rhodanien
Within Dalkia

Within Dalkia

  • EDF head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Saint-Laurent and Dampierre
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office

Dalkia head office

Subsidiaries: Dalkia Poland; Dalkia Electrotechnics

Regional Directions: Direction régionale Centre Est; Direction régionale Centre Ouest; Direction régionale Sud-Ouest; Direction régionale Nord-Ouest; Direction régionale Est

Within Groupe Luminus

Within Groupe Luminus

  • EDF head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Saint-Laurent and Dampierre
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • Groupe Luminus/Luminus SA head office
  • Plant: Ringvaart (Pays-Bas)
Within EDF Energy

Within EDF Energy

  • EDF head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Saint-Laurent and Dampierre
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • EDF Energy head office

Within EDF


  • EDF head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Saint-Laurent and Dampierre
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • Plant: Nuclear power station of Sizewell B
Within EDF Renouvelables

Within EDF Renouvelables

  • EDF head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Saint-Laurent and Dampierre
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • EDF Renouvelables France; EDF Renouvelables Brésil
Within Edison

Within Edison

  • EDF head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Saint-Laurent and Dampierre
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • Edison head office

Appendix 3

EDF group’s verified greenhouse gas emissions assessment

Verified greenhouse gas emissions Summary of the 2022 GHG assessment Tons of CO2 equivalent verified Level of assurance Representation of the selected sample (%)
100% of the direct scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions

100% of the direct scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions

Tons of CO2 equivalent verified




100% of the direct scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions

Level of assurance Representation of the selected sample (%)

Reasonable 50%

100% of the indirect scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions

100% of the indirect scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions

Tons of CO2 equivalent verified




100% of the indirect scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions

Level of assurance Representation of the selected sample (%)

Limited 82%

100% of the indirect scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions

100% of the indirect scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions

Tons of CO2 equivalent verified




100% of the indirect scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions

Level of assurance Representation of the selected sample (%)

Limited 21%