Universal Registration Document 2022


Appendix 1

Selected qualitative information
Environmental Information
  • Group policy and commitments on climate change adaptation (Policy; From climate disaster plan to global resilience strategy; A high level internal Climate Department; The ADAPT programme and the CEMA action plan; Summer transition and winter transition)
  • Adaptation of hydroelectric facilities
  • Decarbonisation solutions for industry (Decarbonisation consultancy; Process electrification; Low-carbon heat; Energy efficiency; Full-scope support)
  • Water quality and reduction of pressure on environments (Monitoring around industrial Sites; Specific monitoring for nuclear power plants)
Social Information
  • Health and safety management (The basis of health and safety management; The ISO 45 001/MASE or VCA certifications; “Safety Stop”; Sharing the analysis of “High Potential Events” (HPE); Health & Safety audits)
Selected quantitative information
Social key performance indicators and outcomes Level of assurance
Workforce as of 31/12/2022 and breakdown by gender and age

Workforce as of 31/12/2022 and breakdown by gender and age

Level of assurance


Gender balance index: percentage of women in the Management Committees of the Group’s entities

Gender balance index: percentage of women in the Management Committees of the Group’s entities

Level of assurance


Percentage of employees who have taken part in a skills development initiative during the year

Percentage of employees who have taken part in a skills development initiative during the year

Level of assurance


Number of fatal accidents connected to business-specific risks - Employees and providers

Number of fatal accidents connected to business-specific risks - Employees and providers

Level of assurance


Global Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) - Employees and providers

Global Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) - Employees and providers

Level of assurance


Accident severity rate - Employees

Accident severity rate - Employees

Level of assurance


Societal key performance indicators and outcomes Level of assurance
Nuclear safety: Number of significant level 2 events on the INES scale

Nuclear safety: Number of significant level 2 events on the INES scale

Level of assurance


Annual rate of feedback to whistleblowers within a maximum of one month, informing them of the admissibility and further processing of their alert

Annual rate of feedback to whistleblowers within a maximum of one month, informing them of the admissibility and further processing of their alert

Level of assurance


Individual guidance provided every year to our clients as part of the “Energy Support” framework (number of actions)

Individual guidance provided every year to our clients as part of the “Energy Support” framework (number of actions)

Level of assurance


Annual rate of projects for which a dialogue and consultation procedure is engaged

Annual rate of projects for which a dialogue and consultation procedure is engaged

Level of assurance


Annual rate of procurement from SMEs in France

Annual rate of procurement from SMEs in France

Level of assurance


Achievement rate of supporting actions backed by EDF, encouraging relocation and maintaining nuclear industry skills (“France Relance” Programme)

Achievement rate of supporting actions backed by EDF, encouraging relocation and maintaining nuclear industry skills (“France Relance” Programme)

Level of assurance


Achievement rate of EDF commitments towards French Responsible Digitalization Institute (INR)

Achievement rate of EDF commitments towards French Responsible Digitalization Institute (INR)

Level of assurance


Number of customer visits on digital consumption monitoring platforms

Number of customer visits on digital consumption monitoring platforms

Level of assurance


Number of smart meters installed

Number of smart meters installed

Level of assurance


Environmental key performance indicators and outcomes Level of assurance
EDF group direct greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1)* EDF group direct greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1)*Level of assuranceReasonable
Carbon intensity: specific CO2 emissions from electricity and heat generation Carbon intensity: specific CO2 emissions from electricity and heat generationLevel of assuranceReasonable
Water intensity: water consumed/electrical generated by fleet Water intensity: water consumed/electrical generated by fleetLevel of assuranceReasonable
EDF group indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 2)*

EDF group indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 2)*

Level of assurance


EDF group indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 3)*

EDF group indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 3)*

Level of assurance


Emissions from electricity purchased and sold to end customers

Emissions from electricity purchased and sold to end customers

Level of assurance


Emissions from gas sold to end customers

Emissions from gas sold to end customers

Level of assurance


Installed net renewable electricity generating capacities

Installed net renewable electricity generating capacities

Level of assurance


Deployment rate of the framework guidelines on carbon offset solutions

Deployment rate of the framework guidelines on carbon offset solutions

Level of assurance


Deployment rate of new climate change adaptation plans

Deployment rate of new climate change adaptation plans

Level of assurance


EDF group’s Electric Vehicles rate in the fleet of light vehicles

EDF group’s Electric Vehicles rate in the fleet of light vehicles

Level of assurance


Avoided CO2 emissions thanks to our sales of innovative goods and services

Avoided CO


emissions thanks to our sales of innovative goods and services

Level of assurance


Implementation rate of innovative solutions encouraging multifunctional land use

Implementation rate of innovative solutions encouraging multifunctional land use

Level of assurance


Achievement rate of “Act4nature international” commitments

Achievement rate of “Act4nature international” commitments

Level of assurance


Radioactive waste from operations – France: volume of long-lived high and intermediate level solid radioactive waste

Radioactive waste from operations – France: volume of long-lived high and intermediate level solid radioactive waste

Level of assurance


Radioactive waste from operations – UK: volume of low-level radioactive solid waste generated

Radioactive waste from operations – UK: volume of low-level radioactive solid waste generated

Level of assurance


Very-Low Level solid radioactive Waste – EDF

Very-Low Level solid radioactive Waste – EDF

Level of assurance
