Universal Registration Document 2022



    2021 published Restatements 2021 proforma
Economic activities Activities* OPEX (in millions of euros) OPEX ratio OPEX (in millions of euros) OPEX (in millions of euros) OPEX ratio
A.1 Activités alignées
Electricity generation from nuclear energy and construction of new nuclear power plants 4.28, 4.27 - 0% 3,533 3,533 39%
Electricity distribution 4.9 960 11% - 960 11%
District heating and cooling distribution and services related to the energy performance 4.15, 9.3 413 5% - 413 5%
Electricity generation from hydropower 4.5 345 4% - 345 4%
Electricity generation from wind power, installation, maintenance and repair 4.3, 7.6 411 4% - 411 4%
Other activities   282 3% - 282 3%
Total aligned activities   2,411 27% 3,533 5,944 66%
A.2. Eligible non-aligned activities
Electricity generation from fossil gaseous fuels 4.29 - 0% 72 72 1%
Other activities   65 0% - 65 0%
Total eligible-non-aligned activities   65 0% 72 137 2%
Total eligible activities   2,476 27% 3,605 6,081 67%
B. Non-eligible activities
Nuclear power generation activity   3,737 41% (3,533) 204 2%
Other activities   2,873 32% (72) 2,801 30%
Total non-eligible activities   6,610 73% (3,605) 3,005 32%
TOTAL OPEXT   9,086 100% - 9,086 100%

* Group activities referred to in section