Universal Registration Document 2022


TurnoverT (excluding trading activities) increases strongly in 2022 compared to 2021. It reached €136.4 billion compared to €82.9 billion last year, due to energy sales (electricity and gas) made in a high market price context. However, this increase particularly benefited commercialisation activities (ineligible) and gas activities (non-aligned). Furthermore, the sharp reduction in nuclear generation in 2022 (-81.7TWh) particularly relating to the issue of stress corrosion meant that energy purchases had to be made on the markets, which affects the proportion of aligned turnoverT relating to nuclear power generation in France. These different issues resulted in Taxonomy ratios where the proportion of turnoverT of aligned activities fell markedly, dropping from 57% in 2021 to 38% in 2022: this ratio was largely non-structural.

Aligned turnover relating to “Renewable Energies” significantly increased as a result of sales from buying obligations in France, mainly due to a price effect.

    2022 2021 PROFORMA
Economic activities Activities* Turnover (in millions of euros) Turnover ratio Turnover (in millions of euros) Turnover ratio Variations (in millions of euros)
A.1 Aligned activities
Electricity generation from nuclear energy 4.28 18,714 14% 19,955 24% (1,241)
Electricity distribution 4.9 16,052 12% 16,192 20% (140)
Electricity generation from wind power and using solar photovoltaic technology, installation, maintenance and repair, storage 4.3, 4.1, 7.6, 4.10 9,198 7% 5,390 6% 3,808
Electricity generation from hydropower 4.5 2,563 2% 2,664 3% (101)
Cogeneration of heat/cold and power from bioenergy 4.15, 4.20 2,773 2% 1,759 2% 1,014
Energy efficiency and performance services 9.3, 7.3 2,284 1% 709 1% 1,575
Other activities   611 0% 353 1% 258
Total aligned activities   52,195 38% 47,022 57% 5,173
A.2. Eligible non-aligned activities
Electricity generation from fossil gaseous fuels 4.29 6,780 5% 2,670 3% 4,110
Installation, maintenance and repair of energy efficiency equipment 7.3 955 1% - 0% 955
Other activities   427 0% 255 0% 172
Total eligible-non-aligned activities   8,162 6% 2,925 3% 5,237
Total eligible activities   60,357 44% 49,947 60% 10,410
B. Non-eligible activities
Nuclear power generation activity   4,423 3% 3,858 5% 565
Other activities   71,658 53% 29,138 35% 42,520
Total non-eligible activities   76,081 56% 32,996 40% 43,085
TOTAL TURNOVERT   136,438 100% 82,943 100% 53,495

* Group activities referred to in section