Universal Registration Document 2022

Introduction Analysis of the “TurnoverT”
indicator Definition of the indicator and calculation method (numerator/denominator)

The “turnoverT” ratio referred to in Article 8(2)(a) of regulation (EU) 2020/852 is calculated as the share of net turnover derived from products or services associated with Taxonomy-eligible or Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (numerator)divided by consolidated turnover excluding trading activities (denominator) (see section 6.1, note 5.1.2 of the consolidated financial statements for the year ending31 December 2022). It therefore does not include turnover generated by companies accounted for using the equity method.

Calculation methods – rules applied

In France, the EDF group manages its generation in an integrated manner and optimise its generating facilities based on the upstream-downstream balance. Consequently, turnover accounted for is allocated based on volumes produced by different production channels, and taking account of market purchases/sales, based on the published electricity report (see section

Breakdown of turnoverT by activity according to the Taxonomy
Proportion of turnover from products or services associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities – 2022 (in millions of euros)     Substantial contribution criteria     DNSH criteria (“Does Not Significantly Harm”)          
Economic activities Code(s) (2) absolute turnover (3) Proportion of turnover (4) Climate change mitigation (5) Climate change adaptation (6)     Climate change mitigation (11) Climate change adaptation (12) Water and marine resources (13) Circular economy (14) Pollution (15) Biodiversity and ecosystems (16) Minimum safeguards (17) Taxonomy-aligned proportion of turnover -2022 (18) Taxonomy-aligned proportion of turnover -2021 (19) Category (enabling activity) (20) Category “(transitional activity)”(21)
A.1 Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned)
Electricity generation from nuclear energy in existing installations 4.28 18,714 14% 100% -     - yes yes yes yes yes yes 14% 24% no yes
Transmission and distribution of electricity 4.9 16,052 12% 100% -     - yes yes yes yes yes yes 12% 20% yes no
Electricity generation from hydropower 4.5 2,563 2% 100% -     - yes yes yes yes yes yes 2% 3% no no
Electricity generation from wind power 4.3 5,364 4% 100% -     - yes yes yes yes yes yes 4% 4% no no
Electricity generation using solar photovoltaic technology 4.1 2,668 2% 100% -     - yes yes yes yes yes yes 2% 1% no no
Other enewable energies (2) 7.6, 4.10 1,166 1% 100% -     - yes yes yes yes yes yes 1% 1% (1) (1)
Heating/cooling networks, Cogeneration of heat/cold and power from bioenergy (2) 4.15, 4.20 2,773 2% 100% -     - yes yes yes yes yes yes 2% 2% (1) (1)
Energy efficiency and performance services (2) 9.3, 7.3 2,284 1% 100% -     - yes yes yes yes yes yes 1% 1% (1) (1)
Other activities (2)   611 0% 100% -     - yes yes yes yes yes yes 0% 1% (1) (1)
Turnover of environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) (A.1)   52,195 38% 100%                     38% 57%    
A.2 Taxonomy-Eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (not Taxonomy-aligned activities)
Electricity generation from fossil gaseous fuels 4.29 6,780 5%                           no yes
Installation, maintenance and repair of energy efficiency equipment 7.3 955 1%                           yes no
Other activities (2) 4.15, 4.30 427 0%                           (1) (1)
Turnover of Taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (not Taxonomy-aligned activities) (A.2)   8,162 6%                              
Total (A.1 + A.2)   60,357 44%                              
Nuclear power generation activity   4,423 3%      
Other non-eligible activities   71,658 53%
Turnover of Taxonomy-non-eligible activities (B)   76,081 56%
TOTAL (A + B)   136,438 100%

(1) These activities may be enabling or transitional, or neither.

(2) The amounts of the activities presented are individually immaterial.