Universal Registration Document 2022


Reconciliation between CAPEXT and investments presented in the consolidated cash flow statements and in the cash flow statement table.

The following table reconciles net investments presented in the consolidated cash flow statement in the consolidated financial statements (see section 6.1) and the cash flow statement (CFS) in the review of the financial situation and results 2022 (see section 5.1.4) and the Taxonomy CAPEXT.

(in millions of euros) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
CAPEXT CAPEXT31/12/202219,315 CAPEXT31/12/202118,760
Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation

Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation



Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation



Increase of the right of use asset (leases)

Increase of the right of use asset (leases)



Increase of the right of use asset (leases)



Change in payables on acquisition of fixed assets

Change in payables on acquisition of fixed assets



Change in payables on acquisition of fixed assets



Intangible and tangible investments in the CFS (see section 6.1) Intangible and tangible investments in the CFS (see section 6.1)31/12/202218,324 Intangible and tangible investments in the CFS (see section 6.1)31/12/202117,606
Investment grants

Investment grants



Investment grants



Other including effects of deconsolidation

Other including effects of deconsolidation



Other including effects of deconsolidation



Net investments (see section 5.1.4) Net investments (see section 5.1.4)31/12/202216,395 Net investments (see section 5.1.4)31/12/202115,725

Additional information on nuclear energy and fossil gas related activities regarding CAPEXT

    CCM + CCA Climate change mitigation (CCM) Climate change adaptation (CCA)
  Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (denominator) In millions of euros % In millions of euros % In millions of euros %
1 Amount and proportion of taxonomy- aligned economic activity referred to in Section 4.26 of Annexes I and II to delegated regulation 2021/2139 in the denominator of CAPEX - 0% - 0% - 0%
2 Amount and proportion of taxonomy- aligned economic activity referred to in Section 4.27 of Annexes I and II to delegated regulation 2021/2139 in the denominator of CAPEX 601 3% 601 3% - 0%
3 Amount and proportion of taxonomy- aligned economic activity referred to in Section 4.28 of Annexes I and II to delegated regulation 2021/2139 in the denominator of CAPEX 4,456 23% 4,456 23% - 0%
4 Amount and proportion of taxonomy- aligned economic activity referred to in Section 4.29 of Annexes I and II to delegated regulation 2021/2139 in the denominator of CAPEX - 0% - 0% - 0%
5 Amount and proportion of taxonomy- aligned economic activity referred to in Section 4.30 of Annexes I and II to delegated regulation 2021/2139 in the denominator of CAPEX - 0% - 0% - 0%
6 Amount and proportion of taxonomy- aligned economic activity referred to in Section 4.31 of Annexes I and II to delegated regulation 2021/2139 in the denominator of CAPEX - 0% - 0% - 0%
7 Amount and proportion of other taxonomy- aligned economic activities not referred to in rows 1 to 6 above in the denominator of CAPEX 7,629 40% 7,629 40% - 0%
8 TOTAL APPLICABLE CAPEXT 19,315 100% 19,315 100% - 0%