Universal Registration Document 2022


CAPEXT investments for the financial year increased by €555 million to €19.3 billion in 2022 compared to €18.8 billion in 2021. Their breakdown between activities remained stable and the proportion of CAPEXT relating to aligned activities increased from 63% in 2021 (proforma data) to 66% in 2022. They were largely made in electricity distribution activities (deployment of network, meters), nuclear activities (particularly the Grand Carénage programme) and renewable energies.

As indicated earlier, the exclusion of the United Kingdom from the taxonomy on nuclear activities affects the ratios of the Group, which has particularly invested significant amounts in connection with the HPC project.

The ratio of aligned investments to eligible investments is very high (95.5%).

    2022 2021 PROFORMA Variations
Economic activities  Activities* CAPEX (in millions of euros)  CAPEX ratio CAPEX (in millions of euros)  
Ratio CAPEX  (in millions of euros)
A.1 Aligned activities
Electricity generation from nuclear energy and construction of new nuclear power plants 4.28, 4.27 5 057 26 % 4 618 25 % 439
Electricity distribution 4.9 4 807 25 % 4 636 25 % 171
Electricity generation from wind power and using solar photovoltaic technology, storage 4.3, 4.1, 4.10 2 096 11 % 2 007 11 % 89
Electricity generation from  4.5 367 2 % 296 1 % 71
Other activities 4.15, 9.3 359 2 % 281 1 % 78
Total aligned activities   12 686 66 % 11 838 63 % 848
A.2. Eligible non-aligned activities
Electricity generation from fossil gaseous fuels 4.29 505 3 % 324 1 % 181
Other activities   89 0 % 482 3 % (393)
Total eligible-non-aligned activities   594 3 % 806 4 % (212)
Total eligible activities   13 280 69 % 12 644 67 % 636
B. Non-eligible activities
Nuclear power generation activity   4 661 24 % 4 692 25 % (31)
Other activities   1 374 7 % 1 424 8 % (50)
Total non-eligible activities   6 035 31 % 6 116 33 % (81)
TOTAL CAPEXT   19 315 100 % 18 760 100 % 555

* Group activities referred to in section

Information on the CAPEX plan

The allocation of CAPEXT does not need to be significantly modified over the next 3 years.

Information on “green” financing

In July 2022, the Group published the 4th version of its Green Bond Framework, currently the Green Financing Framework, covering all its “green” financing. Eligible projects must meet the criteria of the European Taxonomy. Its scope covers categories previously eligible for previous financing frameworks (wind and solar projects, investments in renovating and modernising hydropower assets in mainland France and abroad, energy efficiency projects and biodiversity preservation projects), plus two new categories: distribution networks and nuclear generation assets. Accordingly, on 5 October 2022 the Group issued a €1.25 billion tranche to finance distribution network activities. Most of the funds were allocated in accordance with the look back clause to investments made during the second half of 2021.

Furthermore, this Green Financing Framework was reviewed by an independent third party confirming its compliance with Green Loans market best practices (Loan Syndications and Trading Association’s Green Loan Principles).

The allocation of funds raised via Green Bonds issued by EDF was certified by one of the Statutory Auditors (see section 6.7 of the Universal Registration Document). It is available on the page dedicated to sustainable finance on the EDF website.