Universal Registration Document 2022


Breakdown of CAPEXT by activity according to the Taxonomy
Proportion of CAPEX from products or services associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities – 2022 (in millions of euros)   Substantial contribution criteria    DNSH criteria 
(“Does Not Significantly Harm”) 
Economic activities  Code(s) (2)  



Proportion of CAPEX (4) Climate  change mitigation (5)
Climate  change  adaptation (6)







Water and marine


economy (14)
Pollution (15) Biodiversity and ecosystems (16)  Minimum safeguards(17)  Taxonomy aligned -proportion of   CAPEX -2022   (18) Taxonomy aligned proportion CAPEX -2021  (19)  Category enabling activity) (20)   Category "(transitional activity)"(21)
A.1 Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned)
Electricity generation from nuclear energy in existing installations  4.28 4,456 23% 100% -   - yes yes yes yes yes yes 23% 24% non yes
Transmission and distribution of electricity  4.9 4,807 25% 100% -   - yes yes yes yes yes yes 25% 25% yes no
Construction and safe operation of new nuclear power plants  4.27 601 3% 100% -   - yes yes yes yes yes yes 3% 1% no yes
Electricity generation from hydropower  4.5 367 2% 100% -   - yes yes yes yes yes yes 2% 1% no no
Electricity generation from wind power  4.3 1,121 6% 100% -   - yes yes yes yes yes yes 6% 6% no no
Electricity generation using solar photovoltaic technology  4.1 893 5% 100% -   - yes yes yes yes yes yes 5% 5% no no
Storage of electricity  4.10 82 0% 100% -   - yes yes yes yes yes yes 0% 0% yes no
District heating/cooling distribution  4.15 179 1% 100% -   - yes yes yes yes yes yes 1% 1% (1) (1)
Energy efficiency and performance services (2) 9.3, 7.3 132 1% 100% -   - yes yes yes yes yes yes 1% 0% (1) (1)
Other activities(2)   48 0% 100% -   - yes yes yes yes yes yes 0% 0% (1) (1)
CAPEX of environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) (A.1)    12,686 66% 100%                     66% 63%    
 A.2 Taxonomy-Eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (not Taxonomy-aligned activities)
Electricity generation from fossil gaseous fuels  4.29 505 3%                           no yes
Other activities(2)   89 0%                           (1) (1)
CAPEX of Taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (not Taxonomy-aligned activities) (A.2)    594 3%                              
Total (A.1 + A.2)   13,280 69%                              
Nuclear power generation activity    4,661 24%    
Other non-eligible activities    1,374 7%    
CAPEX of Taxonomy-non-eligible activities (B)   6,035 31%     
TOTAL (A + B)    19,315 100%