Universal Registration Document 2022


  • EDF’s compliance with applicable nuclear safety requirements, as demonstrated by the results of the inspections by the Nuclear Safety Authority (Autorité de sûreté nucléaire), particularly regarding the performance of metallic nuclear fuel cladding in the event of an accident (criterion 2);
  • the implementation of the project notification process in accordance with Article 41 of the Euratom treaty currently in force (criterion 3);
  • compliance with the safety criterion defined by Directive 2009/71/Euratom, particularly relating to extreme natural risks established by the regulation and the most recent IAEA and WENRA international guidelines. This compliance was demonstrated, in terms of the existing nuclear fleet, by the periodic safety review process implemented regarding facilities and governed by law (criteria 5 to 7 for activity 4.27 and criteria 5 and 6 for activity 4.28).

Environmental criteria were analysed based on:

  • the Life-Cycle Assessment of EDF’s nuclear KWh published in 2022 concluded on a carbon content below 4gCO2e/KWh, very well below the threshold of 100g CO2e/KWh (substantial contribution criterion);
  • the safety review system implemented during periodic reviews, which aims to improve protection against risks or disadvantages of basic nuclear facilities regarding safety, health and public health or protection of nature and the environment as much as possible, under economically acceptable conditions, taking account of the state of knowledge, techniques and practices, and the characteristics of the facility’s environment (Article  L. 593-18 of the French Environmental Code, DNSH criterion “climate change adaptation”);
  • the regulatory framework specific to each nuclear power plant defining the requirements to be met regarding water sampling conditions, radioactive, chemical and thermal waste discharge limits, and the obligation to regularly monitor the environment, make declarations to the public authorities, and inform the public (DNSH criterion “sustainable use of water and marine resources”);
  • the implementation by the Group, within the regulatory framework set for it, of the nuclear fuel cycle closure strategy as defined in national energy policy guidelines. Furthermore, the Group optimises and manages conventional and radioactive waste relating to operation and deconstruction for which it is responsible and develops treatment channels to reduce the volume of stored waste (DNSH criterion “transition towards a circular economy”);
  • the implementation of administrative procedures defined by regulations, required to obtain the necessary authorisations in terms of radioactive discharges. In terms of management of spent fuel and waste, the PNGMDR complies with the Euratom directives and is designed to guarantee sustainable management of radioactive substances and waste in accordance with the protection of personal health, safety, and the environment (DNSH criterion “pollution prevention and control”);
  • the impact assessments and analyses of effects on the environment conducted for each facility upstream from its construction and updated taking account of regulatory changes, modifications to facilities and new environmental data according to the criteria defined by amended directive 2011/92/EU (DNSH criterion “prevention and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems”).

Following the analyses conducted, the Group concluded that its nuclear activities in France are aligned with the Green Taxonomy for the fleet in operation and for new facility construction projects. This conclusion was presented to the French authorities. Taxonomy indicators

The three Taxonomy indicators (proportion  of  turnover, capital expenditures “CAPEX” and operational expenditures “OPEX”) are based on the Group’s consolidated data.

When the definitions in the regulation do not provide sufficient precision, the main rules applied by the Group are specified.

  Share of CAPEX Share of turnover Share of OPEX
  2022 2021 proforma* 2022 2021 proforma* 2022 2021 proforma*
Eligible and aligned activities 66 % 63 % 38 % 57 % 72 % 66 %
Eligible but non-aligned activities 3 % 4 % 6 % 3 % 2 % 2 %
Other non-eligible activities 31 % 33 % 56 % 40 % 26 % 32 %

* Restatement of 2021 Taxonomy indicators.

To ensure consistency between data published for 2022 and data on 2021, 2021 data published last year has been restated to take account of the coming into force in 2022 of the Complementary Delegated Act on nuclear and gas activities.

Accordingly, nuclear power generation activities for the French fleet are now presented as an eligible and aligned activity (ineligible at the time of the 2021 publication in the absence of an applicable text); activities generating electricity from gaseous fossil fuels in Italy and France are presented as eligible, non-aligned activities (ineligible at the time of the 2021 publication in the absence of an applicable text).

The transition from published data to proforma data for the 2021 fiscal year is presented in section Analysis of the “CAPEXT” investment indicator
Definition of the indicator and calculation method

The “CAPEXT” ratio referred to in Article 8(2)(b) regulation (EU) 2020/852 is calculated using:

  • in the denominator: all investments known as “CAPEXT”, including gross additions to property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and rights of use (IFRS  16 Leases), including those resulting from business combinations (acquisition of a subsidiary) in the consolidated accounts. It therefore does not include financial investments made by the Group in companies accounted for using the equity method, or investments made by these entities. CAPEXT do not include investment grants;
  • in the numerator: capital expenditures related to:
    • an eligible (or aligned)  activity: CAPEX related to assets or processes associated with Taxonomy-eligible (or -aligned) activities,
    • a CAPEX plan whose objective is to create or transform an activity that willbe Taxonomy-eligible or -aligned,
    • individually eligible (or aligned) investments that are not related to a core eligible (or aligned) business (not significant for the Group). The main individual investments for which alignment is not analysed concern leased buildings and car fleets.
Calculation methods – rules applied

Supporting assets such as IT systems have been considered aligned when they relate to entities whose overall activities have been classified as aligned. For entities with a complex allocation of support functions between aligned and non-aligned activities, support assets are classified as non-aligned.