Universal Registration Document 2022

3.8.2 Accountability with regard to the recommendations of the High- Level Expert Group on the Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities (UN HLEG)

3.8 Appendices and Independent Third-Party report

3.8.2 Accountability with regard to the recommendations of the High- Level Expert Group on the Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities (UN HLEG)

The following table assesses the EDF group’s contribution to the other UN Sustainable Development goals:

Sustainable development Objectives EDF’s contribution to each of the Objectives Details of commitments, policies and actions carried out by EDF (§ DPEF)
Eradication of poverty Equality, diversity and inclusion § 3.3.3 ; Energy insecurity and social innovation § 3.3.4
Food security and sustainable farming Integrated and sustainable water management § 3.2.3
Health and well-being Security, health and safety for all § 3.3.1
Quality education EDF’s Nature issues, commitments and governance § 3.2.1 ; Ethics, compliance and human rights § 3.3.2 ; Responsible development of industrial sectors § 3.4.3
Reduced inequalities Ethics, compliance and human rights § 3.3.2 ; Responsible regional development § 3.4.2
Marine aquatic life EDF’s Nature issues, commitments and governance § 3.2.1 ; Integrated and sustainable water management § 3.2.3
Peace, justice and strong institutions Ethics, compliance and human rights § 3.3.2 ; Dialogue and consultation with stakeholders § 3.4.1
Partnerships to meet obejctives Responsible regional development § 3.4.2

3.8.2 Accountability with regard to the recommendations of the High- Level Expert Group on the Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities (UN HLEG)

This table summarises the alignment of the EDF group’s commitments with regard to UN HLEG recommendations

Recommendation Description EDF group’s level of alignment
1. Net zero announcement Businesses that commit to achieving net zero must have this commitment validated by a third-party organisation (e.g., SBTi, TPI, ISO, PCAF, PACTA). This commitment must cover 3 emissions scopes, for all the business’s activities and all geographical zones, and must target net zero no later than 2050. Net zero commitment still requiring validation by a third- party organisation
2. Net zero objectives Businesses’ net zero commitments must cover the full carbon trajectory, and not only the long-term objective. The trajectory must be aligned with the IEA NZE scenario or with the NGFS, OECM or IPCC 1.5°C scenarios with limited or zero overshoot. Intermediate emissions reduction objectives for 2025, 2030 and 2035 must be set (in absolute emissions and not only in intensity, halving emissions between 2020 and 2030) as well as specific objectives for methane when relevant. 1.5°C alignment still requiring validation by a third-party organisation
3. Carbon offsetting Businesses are “strongly encouraged” to use carbon credits but these cannot be used to achieve intermediate emissions reduction objectives. Only high environmental and societal integrity carbon credits based on carbon sinks can be used to neutralise a business’s residual emissions to achieve net zero. Emissions relating to carbon sinks and land use must be accounted for separately. Aligned
4. Transition plan Corporate transition plans must contain the following: emissions reduction objectives, GHG emissions assessment verification method, emissions reduction action plan, specific action plan to reduce emissions relating to services and products sold by the business, supplier engagement plan, carbon capture, governance, management profit-sharing, investments (based on the taxonomy), R&D expenditure, stranded assets, public positions on the climate, just transition, and protection of ecosystems. Transition plans must be updated every 5 years and progress reported annually. Aligned but more in- depth measures required in accordance with the CSRD
5. Exiting fossil fuels and accelerating renewables Businesses must commit to exiting coal for generating electricity by 2030 for the OECD and by 2040 for the rest of the world; Use of other fossil fuels must be progressively reduced in line with the IEA NZE scenario. This transition must “avoid” being based on the sale of assets. Businesses must set themselves specific renewable energy supply objectives. Aligned
6. Lobbying and advocacy Businesses must publish the list of their equity holdings in professional associations as well as their positions on climate policies to achieve 1.5°C and on carbon pricing. Aligned