Universal Registration Document 2022

3.8 Appendices and Independent Third-Party report

3 Non-financial Performance

3.8 Appendices and Independent Third-Party report


3.8 Appendices and Independent Third-Party report

3.8.1 Contribution to UN Sustainable Development Goals

As part of its work, the WBCSD (1) has identified priority Sustainable Development Objectives to which companies in the electricity sector must contribute in order to maximise their positive impacts or minimise their negative impacts (2). The following table summarises EDF’s contribution in relation to this analytical grid, and assesses its contribution in relation to the commitments, policies and actions undertaken (with cross-references to the relevant sections of the Statement of non-financial performance).

Sustainable development objectives Priority contribution using WBCSD criteria for the electric utilities sector Details of commitments, policies and actions carried out by EDF (§DPEF) EDF’s contribution to each of the Objectives
Maximising positive impact Minimising negative impact
Gender equality x   Equality, diversity and inclusion § 3.3.3
  Sustainable water management for all   x Integrated and sustainable water management § 3.2.3; Responsible regional development § 3.4.2 Integrating the maximisation of positive imapcts
Affordable and clean energy x x Group carbon trajectory § 3.1.1 ; Carbon Offseting Solutions § ; Adapting
to climate change § 3.1.2 ; Developing sobriety in electricity uses and innovative energy
services § 3.1.4 ; Integrated and sustainable water management § 3.2.3 ; Radioactive
and conventional waste, and circular economy § 3.2.4 ; Energy poverty and social
innovation § 3.3.4 ; Responsible regional development § 3.4.2
Decent work and economic growth x   Developing sobriety in electricity uses and innovative energy services § 3.1.4; Responsible regional development § 3.4.2
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure x   Integrated and sustainable water management § 3.2.3; Radioactive and conventional waste, and circular economy § 3.2.4; Responsible regional development § 3.4.2; Responsible development of industrial sectors § 3.4.3
Sustainable cities and communities x   Developing sobriety in electricity uses and innovative energy services § 3.1.4 ; Responsible regional development § 3.4.2
Responsible Production and Consumption   x EDF’s Nature issues, commitments and governance § 3.2.1; Biodiversity and responsible land management § 3.2.2; Integrated and sustainable water management § 3.2.3; Radioactive and conventional waste, and circular economy § 3.2.4; Safety, health and security for all § 3.3.1; Ethics, compliance and human rights § 3.3.2; Dialogue and consultation with stakeholders § 3.4.1; Responsible regional development § 3.4.2; Sustainable and inclusive digitalization § 3.4.4 Integrating the maximization of positive impacts
Climate action x x Group carbon trajectory § 3.1.1 ; Carbon Offseting Solutions § ; Adapting to climate change § 3.1.2 ; Developing sobriety in electricity uses and innovative energy services § 3.1.4 ; Integrated and sustainable water management § 3.2.3 ; Sustainable and inclusive digitalization § 3.4.4
Life on land   x EDF’s Nature issues, commitments and governance § 3.2.1 ; Biodiversity and responsible land management § 3.2.2 ; Radioactive and conventional waste, and circular economy § 3.2.4 Integrating the maximization of positive impacts

(1) The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a coalition of international companies created in 1995 and united by a ordinary commitment to sustainable development.

(2) WBCSD, Sector Transformation: An SDG Roadmap for Electric Utilities, 2020.