Since 2011, the population considered in data collection is all employees who have a non-suspended employment contract with one of the Group’s companies. For entities having left the consolidation scope during the year in question:
The workforce includes employees shared between EDF and ENGIE. An employee working 50% for EDF is counted for 0.5 in the published workforce.
The “Other arrivals” and “Other departures” indicators are therefore not included in hirings, resignations or dismissals. They include in particular:
The 2022 value for this indicator are subject to reasonable assurance check by Deloitte & Associés (√).
At the Group level, the “average number of absences per employee and per year” is the sum of absences due to sickness, transit accidents and domestic accidents, counted in days worked in proportion to time worked by employees and absences due to work-related accidents, counted in calendar days.
In its calculation of absenteeism, EDF includes absences for the following reasons: absences due to sickness, work and travel related injuries as well as domestic accident. Legal absences due to maternity (excluding pathologies) are not taken into account. Absences related to company and union activities, pre-retirement leave and maternity leave are not included. The number of hours worked used in the calculation of the absenteeism rate is the number of hours theoretically worked.
Absences due to part-time work on health grounds are taken into account to the tune of 50% of the contractual working time.
Since 2020, the number of occupational illnesses is published at Group level according to the definition shared by all the Group’s subsidiaries, i.e. the number of employees present on the 31 December having declared an occupational illness during the fiscal year that has not been rejected by CPAM.
In countries in which regulations do not impose any mandatory declaration of the number of employees with disabilities, the reported data are provided on the basis of voluntary statements of employees.
Skills development expenditure corresponds to all expenditure incurred for the training and professionalisation of employees (whether or not present at the workforce on 31/12) between 01/01 and 31/12 (based on the completion dates of the actions concerned).
This indicator counts the number of domestic customer visits on digital consumption monitoring platforms (e-quilibre, EDF & moi). The scope covers EDF (excluding overseas department and Corsica) given that the deployment of digital platforms in those areas has not been finalised. The indicator’s scope covers EDF.
The social dialogue indicator measures the existence of collective agreements in the key companies controlled. Collective bargaining agreements guarantee the reality of negotiations with employee representatives with a view to defining the status of employees and may be national, regional, or specific to a sector, an organisation or a site, in line with ILO principles. There are two types of collective bargaining agreements: collective bargaining agreements for divisions are written agreements on working conditions with an employer, a group of employers or one or more professional organisations; collective bargaining agreements for employees are agreements involving one or more employees representative organisations or, in the absence of such bodies, the representatives officially elected by the employees and authorised by the employees to represent them, in accordance with national laws and regulations in force.
Through the channel of HR managers, each division or subsidiary reports once a year on the number of employees benefiting from a collective agreement. The indicator is the ratio between these employees and the actual workforce at 31 December. The indicator’s scope covers the Group.