Universal Registration Document 2022

Introduction Further details on social, environmental and societal data from the Statement of non- financial performance

The environmental and societal data in the Statement of non-financial performance are based on methodological sheets. This is the Group’s standard for sustainability reporting in force in 2022. All of the indicators relating to consumption and emissions are produced based on the processes for electricity and heat generation and marketing, and the other processes related to these activities. If data are missing, particularly during the last days of the year, estimates are made on the basis of the best information available on that date.

Dalkia’s environmental indicators in relation to energy are consolidated over a sliding year, from 1 December N-1 to 30 November N. Other indicators are reported over year N.

Details of the Group’s greenhouse gas report

The EDF group’s GHG report covers the 3 scopes of the GHG protocol (1), including emissions of the six Kyoto protocol greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6) expressed in CO2 equivalent (CO2e) for all significant items listed by the GHG Protocol, ranging from fuel production to employee office life.

  • scope 1 covers the direct emissions  generated by our assets: CO2, CH4 and N2Oemissions from power and heat generation plants, consumption of fossil fuels for heating, fuel consumption of the fleet of vehicles and machinery, fugitive emissions from hydropower plant reservoirs, fugitive emissions of SF6 and refrigerating agents;
  • scope 2 covers indirect emissions linked to losses in the electricity networks of our electricity distribution companies and those linked to the purchase of energy for our own needs: electricity consumption of tertiary buildings and data centres, consumption of heating and chilled water networks for our own use;
  • scope 3, which comprises 15 categories (GHG Protocol), covers other indirect emissions generated by our suppliers (purchases of goods and services, upstream of fuels including nuclear, leased assets, downstream freight of by- products), and by our customers (upstream and combustion of gas purchased for resale to end customers, production of electricity and heat purchased for resale to end customers) or at our facilities (depreciation of emissions linked to the manufacture of fixed assets, emissions from non-consolidated investments, upstream and losses of electricity, heat and cold consumption for own use, waste management, travels of employees, etc.) (2).

The EDF group’s GHG report scope includes the following businesses and their subsidiaries, based in France and more than thirty other countries: EDF, EDF PEI, Dalkia, Edison, Enedis, Électricité de Strasbourg, EDF Trading North America, EDF Energy Services, EDF in the UK, Framatome, EDF Renewables, Norte Fluminense, MECO, Luminus, EDF China. The main companies not controlled by the EDF group and included in scope 3 of the Group GHG report are as follows: Shandong Zhonghua, Datang San Men Xia, Fuzhou, Sloe, Nam Theun, Sinop, Enercal, Électricité de Mayotte, Generadora Metropolitana, Elpedison and Ibiritermo. The emissions of these companies are included on the basis of the Group’s share of ownership of the Company. The emissions of companies not taken into account in the 2022 EDF group GHG report were considered to be non-significant as they account for less than 5% of the emissions covered.

Due to the complexity of gathering information in January, certain categories of GHG Protocol items are estimated based on the GHG report for the year N-1 (2021) and updated in the current year for the following fiscal year. The total emissions of these estimated items only account for 0.8% of the emissions of the 2022 GHG report.

Details on the EDF group direct greenhouse gas emissions (3) (scope 1)

The EDF group scope 1 emissions (CO2 equivalent) are comprised of direct emissions of CO2, N2O, CH4, SF6 and other minor emissions, estimated based on the full GHG report for year N-1 (2021). The Global Warming Potential (GWP) coefficients were updated based on the reference from the latest IPCC report (see 5th IPCC report: www.ecoinvent.org/database). They are 30 for CH4, 23,500 for SF6and 265 for N2O. The scope covers the Group. The 2022 value for this indicator is subject to reasonable assurance check by Deloitte & Associés (√).

NB: With regard to the quantity of electricity and heat generated from renewable energies, in the specific case of Dalkia, and for reasons of technical collection within the given timeframe, the quantity of electricity is measured, while the quantity of heat generated from renewable energies is estimated on the basis of reference yields for the consumption of renewable fuels.

Details on the net installed renewable capacity (in GWe)

The net renewable electricity capacities correspond to the electricity generation capacities of the entities in which the Group has a significant stake, and whose capacities are consolidated in proportion to the percentage of ownership.

Details on the rate of regional monographs in the framework of the CEMA Action Plan (ADAPT)

This is an indicator to measure the progress of the ADAPT programme CEMA plan (see section The target is to have completed the monographs of the following 12 metropolitan regions by 2025: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne- Franche-Comté, Bretagne, Centre-Val de Loire, Grand Est, Hauts-de-France, Île-de- France, Normandie, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Occitanie, Pays de la Loire, Provence- Alpes-Côte d’Azur.

Details on the number of smart meters installed

The indicator takes account of the total number of smart meters installed (set up) on 31 December of the fiscal year. This total includes all meters installed since the start of the smart meter deployment programme. The Group’s only entities with this activity are Enedis, IES, EDF in the UK and the International Division. The scope covers the Group.

Details on the EDF group’s Electric Vehicles rate in the fleet of light vehicles

The indicator is the ratio between the number of electric vehicles (according to the low carbon criteria of the EV100 initiative) (4) and the total number of vehicles in the EDF group’s fleet of registered light vehicles at 31 December of each year (owned or long-term leased). It should be noted that although this does not have a significant impact on the Group’s figures, the number of light vehicles in the fleet of certain companies is not updated on an annual basis. In the future, emergency response vehicles shall be removed from the total number of EDF group vehicles (as their electrification could cause safety problems, for example in the case of a vehicle without the necessary autonomy or charge to carry out its mission at a given moment). The scope covers the Group.

(1) The GHG Protocol is the carbon compatibility method most widely recognised internationally. Launched in 1998 by the World Resource Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), it was developed in partnership with businesses, NGOs and governments. It provides a set of resources, tools and data to calculate carbon footprints.

(2) The results of the Group’s greenhouse gas balance in 2022 are presented in section

(3) Direct carbon emissions, excluding life cycle analysis of generation plants and fuel.

(4) 100% electric battery-powered vehicle, rechargeable hybrid vehicle with an electrical range of at least 50km, vehicle equipped with a range extender with an electrical range of 50km, hydrogen vehicle.