Universal Registration Document 2022


For a “contracting” company, subcontracting involves entrusting a company, known as the “service provider”, with carrying out one or more projects involving studies, design, development, manufacturing, implementation or maintenance. These include any interventions carried out by subcontractors under a contract on EDF group’s facilities, equipment (sites, networks, etc.) within the scope of subcontracting as set out in section “Responsible subcontracting”. These include the number of workplace accidents declared in accordance with applicable local labour regulations, the circumstances of which demonstrate that they are work-related. Dizzy spells and accidents during team-building activities, and accidents in daily life occurring in the workplace are not taken into account.

Ethics, compliance and human rights commitment
KPI: Annual rate of response to whistleblowers within the one-month time limit, informing them of the admissibility of their report and the next steps of the procedure

The target for this KPI is 100% each year. The timeframe should not exceed one month from receipt of the alert. The key performance indicator selected concerns the reports made on the BKMS® System platform. This platform guarantees data encryption and storage on a confidential external server, not connected to the EDF group’s information systems. This indicator serves to illustrate on an ongoing basis the importance that EDF attaches to taking alerts seriously and the resources implemented to process alerts made by whistleblowers via the Group-level whistleblower system.

Commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion
KPI: Gender balance index, percentage of women in the Management Committees of the Group’s entities

Management Committees are decision-making bodies with part or all of the following features:

  • the Chairman of the Committee is an executive manager or senior manager;
  • the Chairman of the Committee has a delegation of authority over capital expenditure related to the Company’s objects;
  • the Chairman of the Committee has disciplinary authority over all or some of the entity’s employees;
  • the number of members of the Committee represents 1.5-2% of the entity’s total staff;
  • the Committee meets at least once a month.

Members of more than one Executive Committee within one subsidiary, or members of both a subsidiary’s Executive Committee and an EDF group Executive Committee are only counted once. This indicator is calculated by finding the ratio of the number of women on Executive Committees to the number of people on the Executive Committees. The indicator’s scope covers the Group. All female members of the Management Committee are counted, regardless of their status (statutory or non-statutory employees, permanent employment contract, fixed-term employment contract, AMADOE (staff placed at the disposal of an outside organisation), secondment, etc.). The figures are as at the end of November and not as at 31 December. The reporting therefore covers the period from November N-1 to November N.

Commitment relating to energy insecurity and social innovation
KPI: Advisory actions carried out with customers within the framework of the Energy Support Service

Energy Support is a telephone system using customer support staff and solidarity advisors. This service is aimed at any customer experiencing difficulties, particularly payment difficulties. After analysing the situation, the customer support staff member proposes the most appropriate solutions: personalised advice on payment methods, energy savings and, if necessary, thermal renovation measures. The initial collection is carried out directly by the customer support staff and solidarity advisors and recorded in the Sales IS tools provided for this purpose. The KPI records the number of advisory actions carried out with customers within the framework of the Energy Assistance system. The indicator’s scope covers EDF and is calculated in calendar years.

Commitment to dialogue and consultation with stakeholders
KPI: Annual rate of projects for which a dialogue and consultation procedure is engaged

This is the number of projects over €50 million for which an appropriate dialogue and consultation process has been undertaken in line with the so-called “Equator” (1) Principles in relation to the number of projects in the scoping phase or in the commitment phase at the Group Executive Committee Commitments Committee. The indicator is obtained on the basis of the CSR screening grid used to evaluate projects that have passed through the Group Executive Committee Commitments Committee. The indicator’s scope covers the Group and is calculated on a calendar year basis.

Responsible territorial development commitment
KPI: Annual rate of procurement from SMEs in France

The indicator is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the annual volume of procurement by EDF and Enedis from SMEs located in France, to the annual volume of total procurement in France by EDF and Enedis. SMEs are identified based on INSEE (French National Institute of Statistics & Economic Studies) categories, stipulating that an SME (Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprise) has fewer than 250 staff and annual turnover not exceeding €50 million. Suppliers are ranked in the SME category by a service provider that EDF tasks with analysing the supplier list, checking that these SMEs are not controlled above 25% by a Big Business or by an MMC. The scope covers France, where the SMEs’ locations are certified based on their French business number (SIREN). The indicator’s scope covers EDF and Enedis and is calculated on a calendar year basis.

Development of industrial sectors commitment
KPI: Achievement rate of supporting actions backed by EDF encouraging relocation and maintaining nuclear industry skills (“France Relance” Progamme)

The indicator is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, between the number of actions carried out (completed) and the total number of actions programmed among the EDF actions supported by the France Relance programme. This action plan includes three main areas: contribution to a support fund for SMEs/ intermediate-sized enterprises in the nuclear industry, skills development and reindustrialisation.

This indicator’s scope covers France.

Commitment relating to the responsible digital development
KPI: Achievement rate of EDF commitments towards French Responsible Digitalization Institute (INR)

The indicator is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, between the number of actions carried out (completed) and the total number of actions to which EDF has committed as part of its Digital Responsibility approach. This action plan stems from the commitments made by EDF as part of its Digital Responsibility certification by the French Responsible Digitalization Institute (INR). These commitments shall also be subject to an audit by Bureau Veritas. It covers several areas, including communication, the workplace, skills, procurement policy, responsible design and data centres.

The indicator’s scope covers EDF.